Georg Nollet

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Georg Nollet (born October 29, 1842 in Hanover ; † August 9, 1915 ibid) was a German opera singer ( baritone ) and was considered a "great singer personality".



Georg Nollet was the son of a theater hairdresser and the brother of

  • Julius (born March 29, 1861 in Hanover, † June 1, 1908 in Berlin),
  • Paul (born May 13, 1856 in Hanover; † January 31, 1899 in Berlin)
  • and Emma (married Johnmeyer ; born July 27, 1846 in Hanover, † October 21, 1938 in Munich),

who, like Georg, went through well-known singing careers and performed at major opera houses in Germany.


Reading organized by the Freundeskreis Hannover by the author Barbara Schlüter in the Salle Nollet

Born in the capital of the Kingdom of Hanover , Georg Nollet received music and singing lessons from Karl Ludwig Fischer . After his debut in Mainz he sang in the opera houses in Schwerin , Leipzig and Pest . After an interlude at the Hanover Opera House , he performed at the Komische Oper in Vienna , and also in Italy as part of a tour with Etelka Gerster-Gardini .

At the Vienna Court Opera , Georg Nollet studied the role of Wolfram under the direction of Richard Wagner for his operas Tannhäuser and the role of Telramund for Wagner's Lohengrin .

After Nollet had already joined the Hanover Art Association in 1870 , he finally returned to Hanover in 1876, where he represented the baritone singer until 1894. As a "great singer personality" and "very respected and popular singer" Nollet celebrated successes above all

Queen Marie of Hanover is said to have furnished the baritone singer in the Nolletzimmer named after him in a building on the corner of Hanover's Langensalzastrasse . The room opposite the New Town Hall of Hanover is used by today's Hotel Mercure for festivities.

Georg Nollet's career ended due to a nervous problem.


Web links

Commons : Georg Nollet  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c Hugo Thielen: Nollet, Georg (see literature)
  2. ^ R. Hartmann : History of the residential city of Hanover from the oldest times to the present , Hanover: Ernst Kniep, 1880, p. 686; Preview over google books
  3. a b c d e Hugo Thielen: NOLLET ... (see literature)