Geraldo Lyrio Rocha

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Geraldo Lyrio Rocha 2009

Geraldo Lyrio Rocha (born March 14, 1942 in Fundão , Espírito Santo ) is a Brazilian clergyman and emeritus Roman Catholic Archbishop of Mariana .


Geraldo Lyrio Rocha was ordained a priest on August 15, 1967 .

Pope John Paul II appointed him on March 14, 1984 auxiliary bishop in Vitória and titular bishop of Thelepte . The Archbishop of Vitória, Silvestre Luís Scandián SVD , donated him episcopal ordination on May 31 of the same year ; Co- consecrators were Arnaldo Ribeiro , Archbishop of Ribeirão Preto , and Florentino Zabalza Iturri OAR , Prelate of Lábrea . As a motto he chose OPUS FAC EVANGELISTAE .

On April 23, 1990 he was appointed the first bishop of the diocese of Colatina , which was established on the same date . On January 16, 2002 he was appointed Archbishop of Vitória da Conquista . He was named Archbishop of Mariana on April 11, 2007, and was introduced to the office on June 23 of the same year.

From 2009 to 2011 he was chairman of the Brazilian Bishops' Conference .

Pope Francis accepted his age-related resignation on April 25, 2018.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Brazil: New President of the Bishops' Conference
  2. ^ Rinuncia dell'Arcivescovo di Mariana (Brazil) e nomina del nuovo Arcivescovo. In: Daily Bulletin. Holy See Press Office , April 25, 2018, accessed April 26, 2018 (Italian).
predecessor Office successor
--- Bishop of Colatina
Décio Zandonade SDB
Celso José Pinto da Silva Archbishop of Vitória da Conquista
Luís Gonzaga Silva Pepeu OFMCap
Luciano Pedro Mendes de Almeida SJ Archbishop of Mariana
Airton José dos Santos