Gerhard Tischendorf

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Gerhard Tischendorf (born December 25, 1927 in Treuen im Vogtland ; † December 10, 2007 in Zittau ) was a German mineralogist and geochemist at the Central Geological Institute of the GDR (ZGI) in Berlin and at the Central Institute for Earth Physics (ZIPE) of the Academy of the sciences of the GDR in Potsdam as well as university professor at the Bergakademie Freiberg .


Tischendorf was born in 1927 in Treuen in the Saxon Vogtland as the son of Helene and Paul Tischendorf and grew up there. From 1940 to 1945 he graduated as a young man the Napola Klotzsche . Yet in January 1945 the Wehrmacht convened Tischendorf came in Schönthal (now Krasne Udoli in Karlovy Vary District ) in Soviet captivity in which he spent two years forced labor in the coal mines of the Donets Basin (Donbas) in the Ukraine had to do. In April 1947 he was released from captivity and brought up at the municipal high school in Auerbach / Vogtl. after graduating from high school. After graduating from high school, he began a one-year internship as a mining enthusiast in September 1948 , first in the Gottesberg tin-tungsten mine not far from the Schneckenstein cliffs in Vogtland, then in potash mining on the "Berlepsch-Meybach" plant near Staßfurt and finally in the lignite in Deutzen at Borna . Then in 1949 he began studying mining science at the Bergakademie Freiberg, but switched to mineralogy after completing his intermediate diploma , where he studied with mineralogists Friedrich Leutwein and Oscar Walter Oelsner under two internationally renowned teachers.

In his diploma thesis, presented in 1953 and published in 1955 under the title Paragenetic and Tectonic Investigations on Corridors of the Fluorobarytic Lead Formation Freiberg, in particular on the Halsbrückener Spat in the "Freiberg Research Books ", he dealt with the investigation of the paragenetic and tectonic situation in the corridor-shaped Pb-Zn- Halsbrücke deposit in the Freiberg mining district . He then took up a position as an assistant at the Mineralogical Institute of the Bergakademie Freiberg and dealt with the mineralogy and genesis of selenium mineralization in the Harz Mountains . In the course of this work he was able to spend almost three weeks with Paul Ramdohr at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität in Heidelberg and not only use his collection of selenium ores, but also benefit from his immense ore microscopic experience on selenium mineralization. The personality of Paul Ramdohr had a lasting influence on Tischendorf's further academic life.

"The two weeks with Paul Ramdohr in Heidelberg developed into a mineralogical and human Eldorado."

- Gerhard Tischendorf

In 1958 he received his doctorate from Oscar Walter Oelsner with the thesis "On the genesis of some selenide deposits, especially from Tilkerode in the Harz Mountains". In his habilitation (1965) he also dealt with the occurrence, mineralogy and geochemistry of selenium - the habilitation thesis "On the distribution of selenium in sulfides" was also published in 1966 in the "Freiberg research books".

Also in 1958 he started working at the Central Geological Institute (ZGI) of the GDR in Berlin, where he headed various research groups until 1981 and was also its director from 1961 to 1963. From 1963, Tischendorf set up a series of lectures on "Special Geochemistry" at the Mineralogical Institute of the Bergakademie Freiberg and held lectures on selected chapters of "Metallogeny", "Methodology of deposit prognosis" and "Methods of geochemical and mineralogical investigations in applied geological research" until 1989 . On February 1, 1971, he received the facultas docendi for the subject "Special Geochemistry and Metallogeny". Since the end of 1971, Tischendorf has been involved in a project together with Miroslav Štemprok and Lucien Burnol, which dealt with the problems of the connection between acidic granitic rocks and tin-tungsten mineralization using the example of the Saxon-Bohemian Ore Mountains and the French Massif Central and called “ Metallization associated with acid magmatism "(see under" Publications ") has become known.

Since the late 1970s, Gerhard Tischendorf increasingly came into conflict with the Ministry for State Security of the GDR, which ultimately led to his having to leave the ZGI in 1981 - after almost 23 years - " and prove himself in practice (!) ". After this almost two-year stopover at the VEB Geological Research and Exploration in Freiberg , he was given the opportunity in 1983 to continue his scientific work at the Central Institute for Physics of the Earth (ZIPE) of the AdW of the GDR until its closure in 1991. In the newly founded GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam , which emerged from the ZIPE, he experienced both his last official year of employment and three more years as a freelancer, which he used to process unpublished results from previous research at ZIPE.

Not only because of his own vita, Gerhard Tischendorf was involved during and after the political change in the GDR in dealing with the effects of security policy regulations on the state geology of the GDR. Between 1990 and 1991 he was the coordinator of the Central Geology Round Table in the GDR and one of the two heads of the rehabilitation commission of the ZGI.

Gerhard Tischendorf was married to Hertha Tischendorf (née Glaß) since 1952. The marriage produced a son.

Research work

The main area of ​​work of Gerhard Tischendorf is the prognosis, search, exploration and extraction of mineral raw materials - especially those of such elements as e.g. B. tin and tungsten , which are spatially and temporally related to granitoids . Further research focuses were:

  • the mineralogy and genesis of selenium mineralization and the formation of selenide minerals
  • thermodynamic causes, especially the influence of the redox potential, on mineral formation
  • the formation of tin deposits in general and metallogenesis in the Ore Mountains
  • the geochemistry of granitic rocks, their mineralogy and geochemistry and their classification
  • Chemism and optics especially of trioctahedral mica


In June 1993, Tischendorf was offered honorary membership for life of the International Association of the Genesis of Ore Deposits (IAGOD). As early as 1954, he was awarded the “Agricola Medal” by the Freiberg Mining Academy. In August 1990 he received the Serge von Bubnoff Medal from the Society for Geological Sciences of the GDR. A year before his death, he was made an honorary citizen of the TU Bergakademie Freiberg .

In 2002, appointed an international research team with Chris J. Stanley, Alan J. Criddle, Hans-Jurgen Forster and Andrew C. Roberts one from him already more than 50 years earlier in the investigation of Erzanschliffen from the "Eskaborner Stollen" in Tilkerode in Resin first observed selenium mineral with the ideal formula Pd 8 Hg 3 Se 9 Tischendorf in honor of Tischendorfite .

Publications (selection)

Gerhard Tischendorf's list of publications includes more than 150 publications as author or co-author in national and international journals. There are also books and monographs, popular science articles and literary essays. A - not complete - selection is contained in the "IAGOD Newsletter 2006-2007".

  • Paragenetic and tectonic investigations on corridors of the fluorobarytic lead formation Freiberg, especially on the Halsbrückener Spat (diploma thesis, 1955)
  • On the genesis of some selenide deposits, especially from Tilkerode in the Harz Mountains (dissertation, 1959)
  • On the distribution of selenium in sulfides ( habilitation thesis , 1965)
  • Introduction to Metallogeny, Minerogeny (together with Ludwig Baumann ) (1976)
  • Metallization associated with acid magmatism (editor, together with Miroslav Štemprok and Lucien Burnol) (Vol. 2, 1977, and Vol. 3, 1978)
  • Silicic Magmatism and Metallogenesis of the Erzgebirge (1989)
  • Basics of Geochemistry (editor, together with Rolf Seim ) (1990)
  • Explanations for the map "Mineral raw materials Erzgebirge-Vogtland / Krušné hory 1: 100 000", map 2: Metals, fluorite / barite - distribution and effects on the environment (together with Günter Hösel and Jürgen Wasternack) (1997)
  • Minerals from Upper Lusatia (together with Wolfram Lange and Udo Krause) (2004)

A "Mineralogy of the GDR" suggested by Tischendorf remained unpublished despite a manuscript degree of completeness of almost 90% (February 1990). The publication of the book “Die Minerale des Vogtland” with a planned completion in 2009 did not take place due to the death of Tischendorf.


  • Hans-Jürgen Förster: Gerhard Tischendorf (1927–2007) . In: Reports of the German Mineralogical Society: DMG Forum . tape 93 , July 2008, 2008, pp. 26–27 ( [PDF; 888 kB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  • Hans-Jürgen Förster: Gerhard Tischendorf (1927–2007) . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 35 , no. 6 , 2007, p. 339–342 ( [PDF; 582 kB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  • Hans-Jürgen Förster: Gerhard Tischendorf (1927–2007) . In: IAGOD Newsletter 2006-2007 . tape 2006/2007 , 2007, pp. 22–25 ( [PDF; 2,3 MB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  • Gerhard Tischendorf: Between conviction and rebellion: biographical report of a Freiberg mineralogist . 1st edition. GNN-Verlag, Schkeuditz 1999, ISBN 978-3-932725-38-8 (488 pages).
  • Hans-Jürgen Förster, Peter Möller, Reimar Seltmann, Reiner Thomas: Editorial (Gerhard Tischendorf Orbituary Volume) . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 38 , no. 2/3 , 2010, p. 79-83 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e f g h i j Gerhard Tischendorf: Between conviction and rebellion: biographical report of a Freiberg mineralogist . 1st edition. GNN-Verlag, Schkeuditz 1999, ISBN 978-3-932725-38-8 (488 pages).
  2. ^ Gerhard Tischendorf: Paragenetic and tectonic investigations on corridors of the fluorobarytic lead formation Freiberg, especially on the Halsbrückener Spat . In: Freiberg research books . C 18, 1955 (129 pp.).
  3. a b c d e f Hans-Jürgen Förster: Gerhard Tischendorf (1927–2007) . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 35 , no. 6 , 2007, p. 339–342 ( [PDF; 582 kB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  4. a b Gerhard Tischendorf: On the genesis of some selenide deposits, especially from Tilkerode in the Harz region . In: Freiberg research books . C 69, 1959 (168 pp., [PDF; 30.3 MB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  5. a b Gerhard Tischendorf: On the distribution of selenium in sulfides . In: Freiberg research books . C 208, 1966 (162 pp.).
  6. ^ Gerhard Tischendorf: About Eskebornit from Tilkerode in the Harz . In: New Yearbook for Mineralogy, Treatises . tape 94 , Festband Ramdohr, 1960, p. 1169-1182 .
  7. Aleksandr Dmitrievich Genkin, Gerhard Tischendorf, Irina Pavlovna Laputina: About "Allopalladium" by Tilkerode in the Harz, GDR . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 5 , no. 8 , 1977, pp. 1003-1009 .
  8. Hans-Jürgen Förster, Mark A. Cooper, Andrew C. Roberts, Chris J. Stanley, Alan J. Criddle, Frank C. Hawthorne, JH Gilles Laflamme, Gerhard Tischendorf: Schlemaite, (Cu, □) 6 (Pb, Bi ) Se 4 , a new mineral species from Niederschlema-Alberoda, Erzgebirge, Germany: Description and crystal structure . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 41 , no. 6 , 2003, p. 1433–1444 , doi : 10.2113 / gscanmin.41.6.1433 (English, [PDF; 511 kB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  9. ^ Hans-Jürgen Förster, Dieter Rhede, Gerhard Tischendorf: Mineralogy of the Niederschlema-Alberoda U-Se-polymetallic deposit, Erzgebirge, Germany. I. Joliffeite, NiAsSe, the rare Se-dominant analogue of gersdorffite . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 42 , no. 3 , 2004, p. 841–899 , doi : 10.2113 / gscanmin.42.3.841 (English).
  10. Gerhard Tischendorf, Horst Ungethüm: About the meaning of the reduction-oxidation potential (Eh) and the hydrogen ion concentration for geochemistry and deposit science . In: Geology . tape 13 , no. 2 , 1964, p. 125-158 .
  11. Gerhard Tischendorf, Horst Ungethüm: On the application of Eh-pH relationships in geological practice . In: Journal of Applied Geology . tape 11 , no. 2 , 1965, p. 57-66 .
  12. Gerhard Tischendorf: Relationships between Variscan-ensial Magmatism and Metallogenesis in the Ore Mountains . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 14 , no. 1 , 1986, pp. 17-25 .
  13. ^ Gerhard Tischendorf: Problems of Magmatism and its Metallogenesis in the Variscan Consolidated Central Europe . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 15 , no. 1 , 1987, pp. 5-23 .
  14. Gerhard Tischendorf: leucocratic and melanocratic crust-derived magmatism and metallogenesis: The Example Ore . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 16 , 1988, pp. 203-227 (English).
  15. Gerhard Tischendorf, Werner Pälchen: For the classification of granitoids . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 13 , no. 5 , 1985, pp. 615-627 .
  16. ^ Gerhard Tischendorf, Hans-Jürgen Förster: Central European granitoids and their tectonic setting: Implications from a new discrimination diagram . In: Central Journal of Geology and Paleontology Part I . tape 1992 , no. 7/8 , 1992, pp. 791–801 (English, [PDF; 524 kB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  17. ^ Hans-Jürgen Förster, Gerhard Tischendorf, Robert B. Trumbull: An evaluation of the Rb vs. (Y + Nb) discrimination diagram to infer tectonic setting of silicon igneous rocks . In: Lithos . tape 40 , no. 2–4 , 2004, pp. 261-293 , doi : 10.1016 / S0024-4937 (97) 00032-7 (English, [PDF; 3.0 MB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  18. ^ Bärbel Gottesmann, Gerhard Tischendorf: Chemism and optics of trioctahedral mica . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 6 , 1978, p. 681-708 .
  19. ^ Gerhard Tischendorf, Hans-Jürgen Förster, Bärbel Gottesmann: Tri- and dioctahedral mica in granitoids from the east of Germany - history of their investigation and new research results . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 27 , 1999, p. 427-442 .
  20. ^ Gerhard Tischendorf, Hans-Jürgen Förster, Bärbel Gottesmann: Tri- and dioctahedral mica: a complex chemical system . In: Journal of Geological Sciences . tape 29 , no. 3 , 2001, p. 275–298 ( [PDF; 1.4 MB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  21. ^ Gerhard Tischendorf, Hans-Jürgen Förster, Bärbel Gottesmann, Milan Rieder: True and brittle micas: composition and miscibility . In: Mineralogical Magazine . tape 71 , no. 3 , 2007, p. 285–320 , doi : 10.1180 / minmag.2007.071.3.285 (English, [PDF; 1.4 MB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  22. ^ Reimar Seltmann, Jaroslav Aichler: IAGOD Donation of Honorary Life Membership presented at the Joint Meeting of COFAB and WGTT; Geyer (Erzgebirge), June 1-8, 1993 . In: IAGOD Newsletter . tape 1993 , 1993, pp. 31-32 (English).
  23. Chris J. Stanley, Alan J. Criddle, Hans-Jürgen Förster, Andrew C. Roberts: Tischendorfite, ideally Pd 8 Hg 3 Se 9 , a new mineral species from Tilkerode, Harz Mountains, Germany . In: The Canadian Mineralogist . tape 40 , no. 2 , 2002, p. 739–745 , doi : 10.2113 / gscanmin.40.2.739 (English, [PDF; 180 kB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).
  24. ^ Hans-Jürgen Förster: Gerhard Tischendorf (1927–2007) . In: IAGOD Newsletter 2006-2007 . tape 2006/2007 , 2007, pp. 22–25 ( [PDF; 2,3 MB ; accessed on June 9, 2020]).