Guido Fackler

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Guido Fackler (2014)

Guido Fackler (born November 27, 1963 ) is a German cultural scientist , folklorist , museologist and university professor . He is the founder and head of the professorship for museology at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg .


From 1985 to 1991, Fackler completed his master's degree in folklore , musicology and ethnology at the Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg . In 1991 he began his doctoral studies in the subjects of folklore, musicology and ethnology. In 1997 he wrote his doctoral thesis on “'The voice of the camp'. Music in the Early Concentration Camps of the Nazi Regime (1933–1936) ”. In 2011 he completed his habilitation at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg with a habilitation thesis on the subject of “Technology and Space. Appropriation, order, representation and transformation of landscape through artificial waterways (canals) in Europe ”.

From 1989 to 1991 Fackler was an archive employee and until 1993 a museum volunteer at the Badisches Landesmuseum . From 1994 to 1996 he was a research associate in the research project "Culture in National Socialist Concentration Camps - Culture as a Survival Strategy" funded by the Volkswagen Foundation. From 1997 to 1999, Fackler was a research associate at the Institute for Folklore at the University of Regensburg and then (1999–2001) a research associate at the Chair of European Ethnology / Folklore at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg . At the Chair of European Ethnology / Folklore he worked as a research assistant from 2001 to 2007 and as an academic councilor from 2007 to 2011 .

In autumn 2010, Fackler established the professorship for museology and material culture at the Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg. This is the first professorship to offer the scientific discipline of museology as a subject at a German university.

His research focuses on museums and exhibitions , inland and canal shipping , fluvial ethnology, youth cultures , cultural-scientific technology research, mobility , traffic , transport , memorial work , Nazi camp system and National Socialism , culture in extreme situations, space , landscape , sound studies , city , Urbanity , science mediation and communication .

Memberships and advisory board activities

Publications (selection)

  • with Brigitte Heck, Friederike Lindner, Heidi Müller (eds.): Between school and factory. Textile women's work in Baden in the 19th and 20th centuries (= folklore publications of the Badisches Landesmuseum, Volume 1). Thorbecke, Sigmaringen 1993, ISBN 3-7995-0300-5 .
  • “The voice of the camp” - music in the concentration camp. Everyday life and prisoner culture in the concentration camps from 1933 to 1936; with a representation of the further development up to 1945 and a biblio, mediography. (= DIZ-Schriften, Volume 11.) Edition Temmen, Bremen 2000, ISBN 3-86108-759-6 . (= At the same time: Dissertation, University of Freiburg 1997).
  • "Regulations on shipping and other uses of the canal systems" - the canal regulations of the Ludwig Canal. In: Winfried Helm, Manfred Seifert (Hrsg.): Law and religion in everyday life. Perspectives in cultural research. Festschrift for Walter Hartinger on his 65th birthday. (= New publications by the Institute for East Baierische Heimatforschung at the University of Passau, Volume 56). Passau 2005, pp. 19-40.
  • Franconia's 'wet' roads - Main and Canal shipping. In: Frankenbund (Ed.) Frankenland. 58th year, issue 6. Frankenbund, Würzburg 2006, ISSN  0015-9905 , pp. 355–366.
  • Renaissance of the canals in Northern Italy. In: industrial culture. Preservation of monuments, landscape, social, environmental and technological history. (= Journal of the Rhineland Regional Council / Rheinisches Industriemuseum and the Regional Association of Westphalia-Lippe / Westphalian Industrial Museum, No. 3). Klartext, Essen 2006, ISSN  0949-3751 , pp. 15-16.
  • Waterways: Main and canal shipping. In: Werner K. Blessing, Christoph Daxelmüller, Josef Kirmeier and Evamaria Brockhoff (eds.): 200 years of Franconia in Bavaria 1806 to 2006. (= essays on the 2006 state exhibition in the Museum for Industrial Culture from April 4 to November 12, 2006 / publications for Bavarian History and Culture, Volume 52/06). House of Bavarian History, Augsburg 2006, ISBN 978-3-7954-1929-5 , pp. 54–57.
  • Technical buildings as a boundary: shipping canals and cultural-spatial differentiations. In: Thomas Hengartner, Johannes Moser (ed.): Limits and Differences. On the power of social and cultural boundaries. (= Proceedings of the 35th Congress of the German Society for Folklore, Dresden 2005 / Writings on Saxon History and Folklore, Volume 17). Leipziger Universitätsverlag, Leipzig 2006, ISBN 978-3-86583-088-3 , pp. 295-306.
  • “Connected for the boat trip” or “delusion with a history”? Negotiation and implementation of the canal connections between Main and Danube. In: Bayerische Blätter zur Volkskunde, new series 8/9. (= Contribution to the 2008 publication “Christoph Daxelmüller for his 60th birthday”). Böhler KG, Würzburg 2006/07, ISSN  0720-8006 , pp. 200-221.
  • For expanding regional music research to include the dimensions of space and sound. Shown using the example of “Würzburg sound spaces”. In: Marianne Bröcker, Gisela Probst-Effah (Hrsg.): Regionality in popular musical culture. (= Conference volume of the commission for the research of musical folk cultures in the German Society for Folklore eV from October 4th to 7th, 2006 in Hachenburg / Westerwald). Shaker, Aachen 2009, ISBN 978-3-8322-8033-8 .
  • Technology and space. On the order, representation and transformation of the landscape through artificial waterways (canals) in Europe. Habilitation thesis, Würzburg 2011.
  • with Brigitte Heck (Ed.): Identitätsfabrik reloaded. Program for the 21st working conference of the dgv commission “Material culture research and museums”. Karlsruhe, May 22nd to 24th, 2014. (= Writings and materials of the Würzburg Museology, issue 2). University of Würzburg, Würzburg 2014 ( PDF ).
  • “Museum science has grown up”: On the history of museology, museum education and the range of courses in Würzburg. In: Deutscher Museumsbund (ed.): Museum studies. Volume 79, Issue 2. Holy-Verlag, Berlin 2014, ISSN  0027-4178 , pp. 40-46 ( PDF ).
  • with Simone Doll-Gerstendörfer: Accessibility is more than the ramp at the entrance - on the way to the inclusive museum. (= Program for the BMA Spring Academy in the Museum am Dom from April 23 to 24, 2015 in Würzburg / Writings and materials from the Würzburg Museology, volume 3). Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg, Würzburg 2015, ISSN  2197-4667 ( PDF ).
  • "Studying museums" at the University of Würzburg. In: State Office for Non-State Museums in Bavaria (ed.): Museum today. No. 49 / June 2016. Munich 2016, ISSN  0944-8497 , pp. 45–47 ( PDF ).
  • with Michaela Fenske , Franziska Gleichauf (ed.): From the honeycomb into the world: Biene makes culture. (= Catalog of the exhibition of the same name in Lab 13 at the Landesgartenschau Würzburg 2018 / Writings and materials of the Würzburg Museology, issue 6). Julius Maximilians University of Würzburg, Würzburg 2018, ISSN  2197-4667 ( PDF ).
  • with Brigitte Heck (Ed.): Identitätsfabrik reloaded ?! Museums as resonance spaces for cultural diversity and plural lifestyles. (= European Ethnology, Volume 10 / Würzburg Museum Studies Studies, Volume 1). Lit Verlag, Berlin / Münster 2019, ISBN 978-3-643-12911-6 .
  • with Astrid Pellengahr : exhibit virtually. Chances, perspectives and misunderstandings of digitization using the example of virtual exhibitions. In: Deutscher Museumsbund (ed.): Museum studies. Volume 84. Holy-Verlag, Berlin 2019, ISSN  0027-4178 , pp. 34-41.

Web links

Commons : Guido Fackler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


Individual evidence

  1. a b biography of Guido Fackler. In: Retrieved March 22, 2019 .
  2. ^ Scientific résumé of Guido Fackler. In: Retrieved March 22, 2019 .
  3. Guido Fackler: "Museum science has grown up": On the history of museology, on museum education and on the Würzburg range of courses. Würzburg 2014 ( PDF; 190 kB ).
  4. Guido Fackler's research interests. In: Retrieved March 22, 2019 .