State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz

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State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz
Schocken department store in Chemnitz 2014.jpg
State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz in the former Schocken department store
place Chemnitz coordinates: 50 ° 50 ′ 2.5 ″  N , 12 ° 55 ′ 30.7 ″  EWorld icon
architect Erich Mendelsohn
opening May 15, 2014
ISIL DE-MUS-843218

The State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz (abbreviated smac ) is the archaeological-cultural-historical state museum of the Free State of Saxony . It was opened on May 15, 2014 in the former Schocken department store and is the successor institution of the State Museum for Prehistory Dresden . The State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz is part of the State Office for Archeology of Saxony .

With the opening of the museum, Saxony has a permanent exhibition on state archeology for the first time. It covers 300,000 years of human history in Saxony and ends with the time of industrialization. Three smaller exhibitions are dedicated to the history of the department store, the department store founder Salman Schocken and the architect of the building Erich Mendelsohn .

Permanent exhibition

The kinetic sculpture in the foyer of the smac consists of five different parts. Individual information can be called up via touch screens.
View of the first floor of the permanent archaeological exhibition. In the background you can see the Glass Neanderthal.

The development of Saxony from the time of the first hunters and gatherers to the beginning of industrialization is presented in a 3-floor exhibition on around 3000 m².

With almost 300,000 years, the first floor covers the longest period of the permanent archaeological exhibition. The oldest stone tools from the Middle Paleolithic come from the Markkleeberg site . The horse representations on the slate from the Groitzsch site near Eilenburg are more than 12,000 years old. Additional information can be found on climate history, evolution, anthropology, zoology, genetics and anatomy. In cooperation with the Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology in Leipzig , a museum laboratory was created in which the differences between the Neanderthals and people living today are made clear. A special feature of the first floor is the “Glass Neanderthal”. It is reminiscent of the Transparent Man in the German Hygiene Museum in Dresden .

The second floor of the exhibition shows the farming cultures from the Neolithic Age (5500 BC) to the early Middle Ages (800 AD). The 7000 year old wooden frame of the ceramic band fountain near Zwenkau , one of the oldest wooden buildings in Europe , is on display . The completely preserved ceramic vessels decorated with bark and pitch from the Neolithic fountain in Altscherbitz near Leipzig are remarkable . The oldest clay figure in Central Europe with clearly male sexual characteristics from Zschernitz is next to the Venus von Zauschwitz, a female idol from the early Neolithic. The Saxon Bronze Age (2200–800 BC) with its treasure trove-like depots, e.g. B. the Bronze Age depots of Kyhna and Dobritz , another highlight of the exhibition. How people dressed during the Iron Age (800–450 BC) and the Roman Empire (0–375 AD) can be seen from a mirror installation. This transforms the mirror image into a clothed and fully equipped person from the Iron or Imperial Age.

In the everyday wall on the 3rd floor of the archaeological permanent exhibition, more than 1200 objects from the Saxon town core excavations illustrate the medieval world.

The approximately 40-meter-long rear wall on the third floor of the exhibition with its presentation of 1200 everyday objects from Saxon town center excavations offers an insight into the medieval world. With its formative influence on Saxon history, mining is the focus of the exhibition on this floor. In a “treasure trove of written records”, the main state archive in Dresden, as a cooperation partner , receives a showcase for the presentation of its holdings, which are otherwise hidden in archives. The tour of the permanent archaeological exhibition ends in 1839 with the commissioning of the railway line from Leipzig to Dresden .

View of the bay area on the 1st floor with the curved window front. Here is the permanent exhibition on Erich Mendelsohn with architectural models and documents on the life and work of the architect.

In the separate bay areas there are further permanent exhibitions along the curved window front. On the first floor, the life and work of the architect Erich Mendelsohns are presented using architectural models and documents. The second floor is dedicated to the history of the Chemnitz department store Schocken , its importance for Saxony and its networking in the Jewish community. Department store co- founder Salman Schocken as a passionate collector of books and manuscripts from Judaism is shown on the third floor.

A landscape model of Saxony floating through all three floors of the permanent exhibition is located in the center of the house. The relief, which can be changed via video projections, can be broken down into different regions and put back together again. It shows different historical states of the country.

On the ground floor, visitors can call up individual information via an interactive handrail. A display is also possible on the underside of the landscape parts via a mirror embedded in the ground.

History of the former Schocken department store

The building was designed and planned in the late 1920s by Erich Mendelsohn as a department store for the Schocken brothers' retail group. Construction began in July 1929; it was opened on May 15, 1930. With over 700 employees, the department store became an important economic factor in the city of Chemnitz. The Schocken department store was put on the list of businesses that should be avoided by the population in 1933 by the Chemnitzer Kampfbund for small and medium-sized businesses. The Schocken family was expropriated after the November pogroms in 1938 and had to emigrate to Palestine and the USA. On December 9, 1938, the company was renamed Merkur Kaufstätte Aktiengesellschaft , under which the department store operated from January 1, 1939. After the end of the war, Merkur Kaufstätte AG was expropriated. The state insurance company , Volkssolidarität and the Chemnitz consumer cooperative moved into the only slightly damaged department store . The consumer cooperative gave up the department store in October 1950. At the beginning of 1952 the building was taken over by the HO . At the beginning of 1965, the department store was connected to the newly founded Vereinigung Volkseigener Warenhäuser Centrum, based in Leipzig. The former Tietz and Schocken department stores operated as Centrum department stores from then on . In February 1991 Kaufhof Warenhaus AG took over the department store, but later sold it again. After a long period of vacancy from 2001 onwards, renovation work began to create the archaeological museum. The client was the PVG Projektierungs- und Verwaltungsgesellschaft Schocken mbH. The extensive renovation was carried out by the consortium of architects Auer Weber Stuttgart and Knerer and Lang Dresden. Atelier Brückner Stuttgart realized the exhibition design .

Special exhibitions

The fourth level with 1000 square meters is available for special exhibitions. In addition, special exhibitions have also been presented permanently online since 2019 through the company's own digital format smac + (smac Plus).

  • The subject of salt from the Hallstatt period marked the start of the special exhibition program . From July 3, 2015 to January 17, 2016 the example of the archaeological site of Hallstatt in the Salzkammergut in Upper Austria presented the 7,000-year-old history and importance of salt extraction and processing. The exhibition “SALZ BERG WERK. Treasure Chamber of the Alps ”was originally designed for the Natural History Museum Vienna and came to Chemnitz in collaboration with the MuseumsPartner exhibition office.
Special exhibition MONEY
  • From May 27 to December 30, 2016, smac presented the special exhibition GELD. The exhibition was divided into three subject areas: “Forms of money”, “What do we do with money?” Or “What does money do with us” and the “financial crisis from 2007”. The design was done by the scenography office chezweitz from Berlin.
  • From March 31 to August 20, 2017, the special exhibition "Treasures of archeology and culture of Vietnam" was on view. The cultural-historical exhibition showed the most important archaeological discoveries of the last 50 years such as B. the Hindu temple city of My Son and the Imperial Palace Thang Long in Hanoi. It was developed by the LWL Museum for Archeology in Herne, the State Museum for Archeology in Chemnitz and the Reiss-Engelhorn Museums in Mannheim in cooperation with the Commission for Archeology of Non-European Cultures of the German Archaeological Institute (DAI).
  • “Death & Ritual” was the title of the special exhibition from November 16, 2017 to May 21, 2018. Prehistoric burial rituals were staged based on the prehistoric cemetery in Niederkaina near Bautzen in Upper Lusatia. The exhibition dealt with the relationship to death in our society and the future of funeral culture. The exhibition was designed by Gourdin & Müller Büro Leipzig.
  • “Life at the Dead Sea” is a special exhibition from September 27, 2019 to April 18, 2020 which, according to the museum, is the first in Germany, Europe and beyond to be dedicated to the archeology and history of the Dead Sea . The exhibition presents this cultural landscape along the theme paths “Nature and Subsistence”, “Wellness”, “Mobility”, “Caves, Villages, Cities”, “Power and Powerlessness” and “Cult and Religion” as well as “Textiles” and “Research” .


For the exhibition concept of the State Museum for Archeology in Chemnitz, the three people in charge received a museum prize worth a total of 6,000 euros on January 19, 2015. The prize of the hbs culture fund of the Lower Saxony Sparkasse Foundation was awarded to exhibition organizer Thomas Spring, creative director Uwe Brückner and museum director Sabine Wolfram.

In September 2018, the smac in Aarhus also received the DASA award from the European Museum Academy . The jury praised "the clear concept, the narration / storyline and the excellent design".

The exhibition design and the dynamic Saxony model in the smac were awarded five international design prizes in 2015:

  • In the competition of the Art Directors Club for Germany, the dynamic model of Saxony received the bronze nail in the category “Communication in Space | Themed installation / exhibit ”.
  • At the New York Festival , the floating model from Saxony won third prize in the offline design category.
  • The One Club awarded the “Bronzenen Stift” to the time-dynamic Saxony model.
  • The Stuttgart design office Atelier Brückner received the Red Dot Design Award in 2015 for its exhibition design at the State Museum of Archeology in Chemnitz . The outstanding creative achievement was honored in the category “spatial communication | exhibition design “(communication in space | exhibition design).
  • At the FAMAB Award 2015, the “Time Dynamic Saxony Model” was awarded the silver apple.

Museum Association

The Friends of smac e. V. supports the State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz. He advocates expanding and deepening the public's understanding of history. The goals of the association include the support of special exhibitions, educational and museum educational events.


  • Nicolette Baumeister (Ed.): Baukulturführer 84 State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz . Koch, Schmidt and Wilhelm, Amberg 2014, ISBN 978-3-943242-37-9 .
  • Jens Beutmann and Sabine Wolfram (eds.): GELD. The exhibition . smac / State Office for Archeology Saxony, Dresden 2016, ISBN 978-3-943770-25-4 .
  • Antje Borrmann, Doreen Mölders, Sabine Wolfram (eds.): Consumption and shape, life and work of Salman Schocken and Erich Mendelsohn before 1933 and in exile . Hentrich & Hentrich Verlag, Berlin 2016, ISBN 978-3-95565-145-9 .
  • Kulturbund e. V., Landesverband Sachsen (Ed.): Sächsische Heimatblätter , magazine for Saxon history, preservation of monuments, nature and the environment . Verlag Klaus Gumnior, 2014, ISSN  0486-8234 (No. 4).
  • Andreas Reinecke, LWL Museum for Archeology Herne, State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz, Curt Engelhorn Foundation for the Reiss Engelhorn Museums Mannheim, German Archaeological Institute Berlin / Bonn (ed.): Treasures of archeology of Vietnam . Accompanying volume for the special exhibition. Nünnerich-Asmus Verlag, Mainz 2016, ISBN 978-3-945751-44-2 .
  • Tilo Richter: Erich Mendelsohn's Schocken department store . Jewish cultural history in Chemnitz. Ed .: Evangelisches Forum Chemnitz. Passage-Verlag, Leipzig 1998, ISBN 3-9805299-5-9 .
  • Sabine Wolfram (Hrsg.): Archeology of a department store . smac / State Office for Archeology Saxony, Dresden 2015, ISBN 978-3-943770-21-6 .
  • Sabine Wolfram (Ed.): The Archaeological Museum in Chemnitz . A book about our exhibition in easy language. Neue Druckhaus Dresden GmbH, Dresden 2016, ISBN 978-3-943770-27-8 .
  • Sabine Wolfram (Ed.): In the depths of time - 300,000 years of human history in Saxony . The book for the permanent exhibition. smac / State Office for Archeology Saxony, Dresden 2014, ISBN 978-3-943770-15-5 .
  • Matthias Zwarg (ed.): Erich Mendelsohn's shock in Chemnitz . From department store to museum. Chemnitzer Verlag und Druck, Chemnitz 2014, ISBN 978-3-944509-17-4 (with texts by Jürgen Nitsche).
  • Jens Beutmann, Jasmin Kaiser, Gabriela Manschus, Sabine Wolfram (eds.): Death & Ritual . Cultures of farewell and memory. smac / State Office for Archeology Saxony, Dresden 2017, ISBN 978-3-943770-31-5 .
  • Martin Peilstöcker, Sabine Wolfram (Ed.): Life on the Dead Sea . Archeology from the Holy Land. smac / State Office for Archeology Saxony, Dresden 2019, ISBN 978-3-943770-47-6 .

See also

Web links

Commons : State Museum for Archeology Chemnitz  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Archeology in Saxony. In:, accessed on August 20, 2019.
  2. Bay window exhibitions. In:, accessed on August 20, 2019.
  3. Glass Neanderthal on YouTube , June 11, 2015, accessed on March 19, 2018 (Der Gläserne Neandertaler).
  4. The kinetic landscape model on YouTube , July 1, 2016, accessed on March 20, 2018.
  5. 2014 | Projects. Museum of Archeology Chemnitz. In:, accessed on February 3, 2018.
  6. Projects. Schocken department store, Chemnitz. In:, accessed on February 3, 2018.
  7. ^ Christian Schönwetter: State Museum for Archeology in Chemnitz. Losing profit. In: Deutsche Bauzeitung . Issue 09/2014, November 30, 2014 ( [accessed on August 20, 2019]).
  8. ^ Smac - State Museum of Archeology. 2014 Chemnitz. In: atelier brückner, accessed on March 19, 2018.
  9. smac + . About this format. In:, accessed on April 15, 2020.
  10. SALT MOUNTAIN WORKS. Treasury of the Alps. In:, accessed on August 20, 2019.
  11. The white gold of the Celts. 7000 years of WORK AND WEALTH. (No longer available online.) In: 2018, archived from the original on March 21, 2018 ; accessed on August 20, 2019 .
  12. Special exhibition on money. In:, accessed on March 19, 2018.
  13. money. smac. The exhibition. In: chezweitz, accessed March 19, 2018.
  14. Treasures of the archeology of Vietnam. Special exhibition Vietnam. In:, accessed on March 19, 2018.
  15. Treasures of the archeology of Vietnam. Exhibition. In: LWL-Museum für Aräologie Herne, accessed on March 19, 2018.
  16. Death & Ritual. Special exhibition Farewell and Remembrance. In:, accessed on March 19, 2018.
  17. Information. In: Gourdin & Müller, accessed on May 5, 2019 (German, English).
  18. Life at the Dead Sea. In:, accessed on April 15, 2020.
  19. hbs Kulturfonds : Museum prize awarded by the hbs Kulturfonds in the Lower Saxony Sparkasse Foundation. (PDF; 87 kB) Press release. In: 6/9 January 2015, accessed April 5, 2017.
  20. ↑ The museum award of the hbs culture fund in the Lower Saxony Sparkasse Foundation goes to Sabine Wolfram, Uwe R. Brückner and Thomas Spring. In: January 19, 2015, accessed April 5, 2017.
  21. 2018 EMA Awards' Winners Revealed. In:, accessed on December 3, 2019 (European Museum Academy News).
  22. a b Three international awards for the floating Saxony model. In: May 22, 2015, accessed April 5, 2017.
  23. Three international awards for the floating Saxony model. (PDF; 79 kB) In:, smac Medieninformation, May 22, 2015, accessed on April 5, 2017.
  24. smac is awarded the Red Dot. (PDF; 54 kB) Media information. In: September 5, 2015, accessed April 5, 2017.
  25. FAMAB Award 2015 Silver in the Best Interactive Installation category. In:, accessed on February 3, 2018.
  26. Website of the friends of smac e. V. at, accessed on August 20, 2019.