Gustav von Wartensleben

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Gustav Ludwig von Wartensleben (1796–1886)

Gustav Ludwig Graf von Wartensleben (born April 20, 1796 in Carow ; † January 29, 1886 ibid) was a Prussian lieutenant general , chamberlain , legal knight of the Order of St. John and Fideikommissherr on Gut Karow (then Carow).



He came from the Magdeburg noble family von Wartensleben , who was raised to the rank of count in 1703 . His parents were Ludwig Graf von Wartensleben (1767-1833) and his first wife Henriette, née Mörs (1777-1805).


Wartensleben attended the Knight Academy in Brandenburg an der Havel from 1806 to 1809 , and then the Werdersche Gymnasium in Berlin .

As a volunteer hunter , he joined the Guard Jäger Battalion of the Prussian Army in 1813 , where he was first portepee ensign and then second lieutenant in the same year . He took part in the Wars of Liberation , in particular the battles at Großgörschen , Dresden , Arcis sur Aube , Brienne and Paris , as well as the battles at Graupen and Nollendorf. For Großgörschen he received the Order of St. George V Class, for Paris the Iron Cross II Class and the Order of St. Vladimir IV Class. In 1820 Wartensleben was adjutant of the 2nd Guards Division , in 1821 was promoted to Premier Lieutenant and in 1825 was adjutant of the 1st Guard Infantry Brigade and in 1826 in the same position in the 1st Guard Division . Here he was aggregated as a captain in 1830 . Its inclusion as a Knight of the Order of St. John took place in 1834. In the same year he is a Major with the uniform of the Guards Rifle Battalion excreted .

Wartensleben became chamberlain in 1844. In 1865 he was given the character of lieutenant colonel , in 1879 that of major general and finally in 1887 that of lieutenant general.


In 1825 he married Elisabeth von Goldbeck and Reinhart (1803–1869) in Berlin . She was the daughter of the knighthood director Karl Friedrich von Goldbeck and his wife Alexandrine von Schrötter.

There were five children from this marriage:

  • Hermann Ludwig (1826–1921) ⚭ Agnes von Podbielski
  • Alexander Hermann (1828–1870) ⚭ Editha von Goldacker
  • Gustav Hermann Alexander (1830–1921)
⚭ Amalia Clara Julie Bertha Countess von der Schulenburg
⚭ Mathilde Johanna Dorothea von Mutius
  • Ludwig (1831–1926) ⚭ Countess Mathilde von Blumenthal
  • Friedrich Hermann Alexander (1833–1923)
⚭ Veronika von Ploetz
⚭ Marie Friederike Baronesse Schimmelpenninck from Oye


Individual evidence

  1. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of the letter aristocratic houses. 1911. Fifth year, Justus Perthes, Gotha 1910, p. 298.