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The Haas Burg GmbH - Therapeutic children, youth and parents Center is a company in the field of residential care in Brandenburg (Amtsgericht Cottbus HRB 7436, now Amtsgericht Jena, HRB 511125). It operated facilities for closed home care for children and young people. Minors from Berlin , Brandenburg, Hamburg , Lower Saxony , Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia were housed in the homes . The accommodation conditions were the subject of public criticism. In November 2013, the responsible minister, Martina Münch, caused the facilities to be closed in December 2013.


The company was based in Neuendorf am See ( Unterspreewald municipality ) in Brandenburg. Mario Bavar was the managing director until October 31, 2013; He was succeeded by Jörg Klingohr. Christian Dietz was the sole shareholder of the company. The name of the facility was derived from his maiden name Christian Haase. Dietz worked in child and adolescent psychiatry at the Asklepios specialist clinic in Lübben under Wolfram Kinze .

Facility address Places location
Neuendorf house /
Wutscherogge 1,
15910 Unterspreewald
(OT Neuendorf am See)
60 52 ° 7 '47.3 "  N , 13 ° 55' 30.7"  E
House Jessern Am Babenberg 9,
15913 Schwielochsee
(OT Jessern)
30th 52 ° 1 '58.4 "  N , 14 ° 11' 28.9"  E
House Müncheberg Seelower Strasse 7f,
15374 Müncheberg
24 52 ° 29 '56.9 "  N , 14 ° 9' 51"  E

The Hamburg lawyer and SPD functionary Christian Bernzen acted as chairman of the internal control commission until December 2012 and the company's external representative . His brother, Hinrich Bernzen, was the press spokesman for the Haasenburg.

The company operated at least four locations: Neuendorf am See since 2002, Jessern , Müncheberg and Berlin-Karow. The facilities offered children, adolescents and young adults “intensive educational care”. The minimum age for admission was four years. The accommodated people were sent here by youth welfare offices in all federal states. Accommodation rates were between 300 and 500 euros per day.

Of the 114 places in the three homes, 56 were intended for closed accommodation. In mid-2013, 75 places were occupied.

Incidents and Investigations

The incidents reported in the media go back to 2005. The repeated escape of young people and the reporting, especially in the taz, led to a discussion in the media and in politics about the conditions and methods in this company.

In June 2005 there was a death in Neuendorf. A 15-year-old inmate was found hanged on a closet door.

In June 2007, a 17-year-old teenager attacked a caregiver with nail scissors. The Cottbus district court instructed the perpetrator in the closed psychiatry and at the same time criticized the home management: The boy was allowed to consume porn and horror videos, carers were insufficiently trained and the home management did not provide evidence of an educational concept when they gave testimony in court can.

On May 31, 2008, a 16-year-old girl was killed in the home in Jessern when she fell from the attic. According to a report in Spiegel on August 4, 2013, it is said to have felt sexually harassed by an educator. A few weeks before her death, the girl had filed a criminal complaint against this educator; the investigation into suspected sexual abuse of wards had been discontinued. In June 2013, investigations into the death were launched after the taz reported grievances.

In 2009, the city of Hamburg became aware that educators overheard phone calls from a young person, read private mail and locked clothes away.

In the period from 2009 to 2010, according to the home’s internal protocols, “anti-aggression measures” or a “situation” resulted in bone fractures in three girls, particularly in the arms, reported the taz on June 19, 2013; the state youth welfare office had received a complaint from a treating physiotherapist in July 2010.

A mother complained about the situation in 2009 because she was afraid for her son. The response from the youth welfare office in Hamburg was that the mother had to develop trust, even if she did not understand individual punishments, that her attitude was the main problem. The general social service responsible in Hamburg advised the mother to consult a therapist herself.

The restraints were banned in 2010.

At the beginning of 2012, a former inmate (from 2006 to 2008 in the Haasenburg) filed charges of assault against employees.

After Frontal21 reported on the problematic conditions in the homes of the Haasenburg, Minister Martina Münch told Neues Deutschland in July 2012 that the conditions imposed had been met “promptly in all cases”.

In December 2012 there were a total of nine complaints from the 15 young inmates from Hamburg; these were discussed in the Hamburg Senate .

In June 2013, a former inmate told the Hamburger Morgenpost about months of isolation, hours of restraint of arms and legs, total obedience and constant drill.

On July 2, 2013, three young people fled the Neuendorf am See location. The young people reported humiliation and abuse. The youngest of them said he had been forced into a garbage can. A boy from Hamburg and a boy from Saarbrücken were brought back to Neuendorf; the third boy was placed elsewhere.

The possible conflict of interests of the brothers Christian and Hinrich Bernzen was addressed in the written small question from the MP Christoph de Vries to the Hamburg Senate on July 24, 2013.

The Cottbus public prosecutor's office began investigations against educators and home operators, as it became known in August 2013. The youth minister Martina Münch announced that there was no occupancy until August 31, 2013. In addition, three employees were initially suspended by order of the ministry. The company denied the allegations.

On July 23, 2013 it became known that a 16-year-old resident with a migrant background had filed a criminal complaint against a supervisor at Haasenburg GmbH. He felt racially discriminated against and offended by the supervisor because of his origin. The supervisor and other employees are also said to have worn T-shirts with the inscription "Support 81", a slogan of the Hells Angels , and "clothing with a right-wing extremist background" on duty. A company spokesman said internal investigations had been initiated into the allegations.

At the end of July 2013, the taz reported that in the final report of the visiting commission on behalf of the state chaired by the former chief physician and medical director Wolfram Kinze from October 10, 2012: "The survey of the residents by the visiting commission did not result in any criticism." If it is professional relationships, Kinze is the former superior of Christian Dietz born. Haase, the owner of the company.

On August 16, 2013, the company announced that the Jessern site would be given up for economic reasons and that 40 employees would be laid off.

On August 26, 2013, three young people fled again. In addition to a girl, it was the two boys from Hamburg and the Saarland who had already run away in July. Both were 17 years old. They covered 45 km in the night. You were visited by an editor of the taz in the children's and youth emergency service in Berlin-Charlottenburg . A boy escaped from the toilet window after the emergency services told the youth that the police would take them back to the home. On August 28, 2013, the boy from Hamburg and the girl were brought back. The third fugitive, a boy from Saarbrücken, was brought back to the home in Neuchâtel the following day. Of a total of five escaped inmates in 2013, four were brought back and one was housed elsewhere.

At the end of August 2013, the admission freeze for the facility in Neuendorf am See was lifted. The admission freeze for the location in Müncheberg remained. According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport of the State of Brandenburg on August 29, 2013, there was “no knowledge of a possible child welfare risk”. According to the minister Martina Münch, the youth welfare offices from all over Germany, which instruct difficult young people in the closed accommodation at the Haasenburg, are "basically satisfied" with the Haasenburg.

On October 29, 2013, a 17-year-old girl and a 16-year-old boy fled the Neuendorf location.

Youth Minister Martina Münch set up an investigative commission in June 2013, which presented a 120-page investigation report on November 1, 2013. The company pointed out that the report was not related to the departure of the previous managing director, which became known on the same day.

On November 6, 2013, Minister Münch announced the closure of all three locations. She explained: “I therefore consider the facilities of Haasenburg GmbH to be non-reformable.” She does not see any alternative to closure. The Berliner Morgenpost ruled: "The home supervision subordinate to the ministry has failed." The Brandenburg State Parliament, in particular the Committee for Education, Youth and Sport chaired by Torsten Krause , had previously spoken out in favor of this step several times.

The runaway, who was brought back to the facility in Neuendorf am See at the instigation of the Altenburg Youth Welfare Office on November 7, 2013, had to be brought to a clinic on the same day after an argument with two carers in an ambulance .

Due to the order and deadline set by the state youth welfare office, the last children left the home in Neuendorf on December 19, 2013.

Administrative courts

The operator appealed against the closure. The operator failed in January 2014 with a lawsuit against the closure before the Cottbus Administrative Court.

The settlement proposal of the Higher Administrative Court Berlin-Brandenburg . was rejected by Minister Münch.

Haasenburg GmbH was registered at a different location in 2015 (Jena District Court, HRB 511125) with Dietz as authorized signatory .

Civil courts

In 2017, the Haasenburg company still employed the courts. The operator has brought a claim for damages at the Potsdam Regional Court .

Criminal proceedings

As of December 2013, the Cottbus public prosecutor was investigating around 70 cases against educators and operators due to allegations of abuse.

In January 2015, a 29-year-old educator was fined by the court for sexual abuse for having repeatedly had sexual intercourse with a 15-year-old inmate.

Inspection Complaints

According to the taz, administrative complaints were also filed.


In December 2012, Michael Lindenberg , Protestant University for Social Work & Diakonia, criticized : “There are well-founded indications that they are not treated in a child-friendly manner there. That should be investigated. "

Various institutions called for the facilities to be closed in 2013. In April and May 2013, ver.di demanded that Hamburg should no longer place children in the Haasenburg. In July 2013, ver.di spoke out against closed residential care. The Evangelical Educational Association described the measures described in the “General Rules of Haasenburg” as unlawful and demanded that the operating permit be withdrawn. Ines Pohl , editor-in-chief of taz, called for the Haasenburg GmbH facilities to be closed in July 2013. In September 2013, netzwerkB called for the Haasenburg to be closed, Minister Münch to resign and for greater control over the administration. On December 3, 2013, the German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy called for the Haasenburg GmbH homes to be closed.

The psychologist André Kellner, who is working on a project by Karl-Heinz Brisch and Anke Laukemper at the University of Munich to come to terms with the consequences, explicitly warned against reopening in 2014: “If the perpetrator or perpetrators are not brought to account by the state, but rather If they are told to continue, that is a shock to those affected, to say the least. Everything collapses again. "

Until April 2014, the former home child and inmate Christina Witt collected over 40,000 signatures in a petition via change.org for a permanent closure of the Haasenburg facilities. The reason was the settlement proposal of the Berlin-Brandenburg Higher Administrative Court . Witt gave 39,226 signatures to Justice Minister Münch.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. The mirror ( online )
  2. a b homes are closed. Haasenburg cannot be reformed. In: taz , November 4, 2013 ( online )
  3. a b c d Morgenpost ( online ( memento from November 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive ))
  4. a b Focus , December 20, 2013 ( online )
  5. Information from the Bürgel Business Information Service, as of September 12, 2013.
  6. Closed homes: Doing business with people who are difficult to educate. In: ZDF FRONTAL, April 24, 2012 ( Memento from November 4, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  7. The teacher of Dr. Haase , taz July 26, 2013
  8. taz ( online )
  9. http://www.taz.de/fileadmin/static/pdf/2013-11-06_Endbericht-der-Kommission-zur-Haasenburg_Druckfassung-01-11-13.pdf
  10. a b Deaths in Haasenburg homes in Brandenburg are being investigated. In: Spiegel , June 23, 2013 ( online )
  11. "Cannibals" have to go to a closed institution. In: Potsdam Latest News , April 15, 2008 ( online )
  12. Heimkind felt sexually harassed before his death. In: Spiegel , August 4, 2013 ( online )
  13. Detlef Scheele: "We need closed homes". In: Hamburger Abendblatt , July 15, 2013 ( online )
  14. Those affected distrust the hotline. In: taz , June 20, 2013 ( online )
  15. Unclear causes of broken bones. In: taz , June 23, 2013 ( online )
  16. Berliner Kurier ( online )
  17. taz, August 25, 2013 ( online )
  18. taz ( online )
  19. frontal21 ( online )
  20. New Germany ( online )
  21. Closed accommodation. Calls for help from the Haasenburg. In: taz , December 18, 2012 ( online )
  22. Ex-inmate unpacks: "I was in the city's horror home". In: Hamburger Morgenpost , June 21, 2013 ( online )
  23. a b c d e f g Kids from Haasenburg-Heim piled up again. In: RP online , August 28, 2013 ( online )
  24. Small written question from MP Christoph de Vries (CDU) from July 24, 2013 ( online )
  25. ^ Haasenburg: Racism criminal complaint. In: Welt online , July 23, 2013 ( online )
  26. ^ Haasenburg scandal: The teacher of Dr. Haase. In: taz , July 26, 2013 ( online )
  27. Haasenburg gives up the Jessern site for the time being. In: Berliner Morgenpost , August 16, 2013 ( online )
  28. Sandra Schäfer: What are the conditions there? Trio flees from the Haasenburg. In: Hamburger Morgenpost , August 28, 2013 ( online )
  29. a b homes of Haasenburg GmbH: Boys fled the home again. In: taz , August 28, 2013 ( online )
  30. Partial opening for Haasenburg GmbH. Supplies for the scandal home. In: taz , August 29, 2013 ( online )
  31. ↑ The youth who fled is back. In: Berliner Zeitung , August 29, 2013 ( online )
  32. Expensive problem kids. In: Potsdam Latest News , August 31, 2013 ( online )
  33. taz ( online )
  34. ^ Final report of the commission on Haasenburg. November 2013 ( online ; PDF; 957 kB)
  35. Broadcasting Berlin-Brandenburg ( online )
  36. Berliner Morgenpost ( online )
  37. Nordkurier ( online )
  38. Homes are to be closed - Ministry is examining new allegation against Haasenburg-Heim. In: Rundfunk Berlin-Brandenburg , November 14, 2013 ( [1] )
  39. taz ( online )
  40. PICTURE ( online )
  41. taz ( online )
  42. taz ( online )
  43. Minister Münch still refuses to reopen
  44. ^ Extract from the commercial register dated April 13, 2015
  45. https://www.lr-online.de/nachrichten/brandenburg/haasenburg-skandal-kom-im-november-vor-gericht_aid-4639579
  46. ^ Haasenburg-Heime: Educator convicted of sexual abuse. In: Spiegel Online . January 20, 2015, accessed June 9, 2018 .
  47. Former Haasenburg educator sentenced to suspended sentence
  48. http://www.taz.de/Prozesse-um-Haasenburg-Skandalheime/!5486609/
  49. taz ( online )
  50. Press release ver.di, April 2013 ( online ( memento of November 9, 2013 in the Internet Archive ); PDF; 113 kB)
  51. ↑ Check youth welfare measures deprived of liberty. Press release from ver.di Berlin-Brandenburg, July 8, 2013 ( online )
  52. Press release of the Evangelical Education Association. ( online )
  53. Finally close the homes. Comment from Ines Pohl about the scandals in the homes of Haasenburg GmbH. In: taz , July 11, 2013 ( online ; PDF; 481 kB)
  54. netzwerkB, press release from September 14, 2013 ( online )
  55. ^ Statement by the German Society for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Psychosomatics and Psychotherapy, December 3, 2013
  56. taz ( online )
  57. PNN ( online )