Hal Pereira

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Hal Pereira (* 29. April 1905 in Chicago , Illinois ; † 17th December 1983 in Los Angeles , California ) was an American film set designer (buildings and scenery) Portuguese descent.


Pereira graduated from the University of Illinois. His brother is the architect William Pereira who occasionally worked as an artistic director.

From the 1940s to the 1960s, Pereira acted as artistic director in more than 200 films. He was for 23 Oscars nominations and eventually won it for his work on the film The Rose Tattoo (The rose tattoo) 1955, after the play by Tennessee Williams with Anna Magnani and Burt Lancaster . In westerns like Rio Bravo and El Dorado or the adventure film Hatari! his work can also be seen. His team included Joseph McMillan Johnson , Sam Comer , Arthur Krams and others. Henry Bumstead also worked with him.


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