Hans von Lossow

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Grave plate in Magdeburg Cathedral , destroyed by bombs in 1945

Hans (Johann) von Lossow (Lossau) (* fasting 1523 in Altenklitsche near Genthin ; † 26 March July / 5 April  1605 greg. In Bergen in the Börde ) was Commander of the Bergen Commandery of the Teutonic Order .


Epitaph in Magdeburg Cathedral, destroyed by bombs in 1945
Signature 1595
Gravestone in the Coming Chapel of Bergen

Hans von Lossow was the youngest of four brothers (Claus, Christoph, Peter, Hans) and had another sister (Magdalena). His parents were Claus von Lossow , zu Altenklitsche and Margareta, née von Randow ; in total they had one daughter and four sons.

Hans von Lossow spent his childhood in Altenklitsche. He then embarked on a military career and served as a knight of the cathedral chapter under Duke Georg zu Mecklenburg . He could have participated in the Turkish campaign to Pest as early as 1542 as a 19-year-old under Moritz , at that time still Duke of Saxony , and was probably involved in the peasant slaughter near Hillersleben an der Ohre in September 1550 . At the age of 27 he rode with a squire to Magdeburg to support the troops of the "orthodox" in the siege of the Lutherans. After Magdeburg's surrender to the Elector Moritz von Sachsen in 1551 , Lossow moved under his flags to Schweinfurt and Innsbruck , fought against the Turks in Raab in 1552 and then against Albrecht Alcibiades of Brandenburg-Kulmbach ; In 1553 he took part in the battle of Sievershausen .

In 1558 Lossow was accepted as a knight in the Teutonic Order by the then regional commander Georg von Sehl . After that he was in the service of the order for almost half a century - first as a brother knight without a commandery , then as a commander of Lucklum and Bergen and colonel of the order province of Saxony. In 1566 he rode again to Hungary against the Turks .

After the Peace of Augsburg in 1555, Lossow entered the service of the Magdeburg cathedral chapter and was captain of the offices of Egeln and Hadmersleben an der Bode for more than 30 years . In 1571 the Saxon chapter of the ball elected him to the ball administrator and at the same time to the commander of the Coming Lucklum with mountains. In 1572 he was appointed administrator of the Saxon Ballei of the Teutonic Order, in 1575 he became governor and in 1577 land commander.

Hans von Lossow died in Bergen in 1605 at the age of 82. According to today's date, the day of his death is April 5th; When he died, however , the Julian calendar still applied in the Archdiocese of Magdeburg and after that it was March 26th. When he died, he left a large personal fortune. He was buried on April 10 (21) in Magdeburg Cathedral with great pomp and funeral sermon, where he received a bronze plate with his statue, made by the Magdeburg sculptor Sebastian Ertle and the gunsmith Tobias Ulrich . A mortuary stone was also erected for him in Bergen , because the rules of the order stipulated that deceased knights should erect a tomb in the chapel of their comedian even if they died and were buried elsewhere. The Bergen grave slab has the following inscription:


The tomb in Magdeburg Cathedral was destroyed by an aerial mine in January 1945.


  • Gunther Hirschligau: The treasure of the Magdalenerin - novel about Hans von Lossow and about the order of the Teutonic Knights in the Magdeburg Börde , Oschersleben 2009
  • Pastor Zahn: Testament of the Landcomthurs of the Ballei Sachsen German order Hans von Lossow (1594) in "Geschichtsblätter für Stadt und Land Magdeburg", 39th Jg./1904.

Web links


  1. in his funeral sermon it says “in the fasting”; if that means carnival, then it was February 24th
  2. In the Archdiocese of Magdeburg the Julian calendar was in effect until 1700
  3. In the year of the Lord 1605 on April 26th, the honorable, noble and strict Mr. Johann von Lossau, the Saxon Ballei Commander-General, died, whose soul rests.