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Map - Bordeaux wine region

The Haut-Médoc wine-growing region is located in the southern part of the French Médoc region . The subregional appellation was founded on November 14, 1936 and has the status of an Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée (AOC for short). The current cultivation area is around 4,900 hectares and the annual harvest is around 290,000 hectoliters of red wine . The well-known municipal appellations Margaux , Moulis , Listrac , Pauillac , Saint-Estèphe and Saint-Julien are within this wine-growing region .

The vineyards are spread over the 29 municipalities of Blanquefort , Le Taillan , Parempuyre , Le Pian , Ludon-Médoc , Macau , Arsac , Labarde , Cantenac , Margaux, Avensan , Castelnau-de-Médoc , Soussans , Arcins , Moulis, Listrac, Lamarque , Cussac , Saint-Laurent-Médoc , Saint-Julien, Pauillac, Saint-Sauveur , Cissac , Saint-Estèphe, Vertheuil and Saint-Seurin de Cadourne .

The regulation of the Appellation d'Origine Contrôlée requires that the must contains at least 170 g of sugar per liter (see must weight ). After fermentation , the minimum alcohol content in the wine must be 10 percent by volume. The basic yield of 48 hl / ha is above that of the community appellations.

Permitted grape varieties are Cabernet Sauvignon , Cabernet Franc , Carménère , Merlot , Malbec and Petit Verdot . The planting density must be between 6,500 and 10,000 vines / hectare.

List of the most famous wineries in the Haut-Médoc

Classified crops of Haut-Médoc according to ( classification of 1855 )
Premiers crus

no deuxième
troixième crus
Château La Lagune
Quatrième cru
Château La Tour-Carnet
Cinquièmes crus
Château Belgrave
Château Camensac
Château Cantemerle

In addition to these 5 Grand Cru estates, 140 wineries have the status of a Cru Bourgeois plant . The most famous of these are among others Château Sociando-Mallet and Château Labégorce .

Approved municipalities of the appellation

Blanquefort, le Taillan, Saint-Aubin, Sainte-Hélène, Saint-Médard-en-Jalles, Parempuyre, le Pian, Ludon, Macau, Arsac, Labarde, Cantenac, Margaux, Avensan, Castelnau, Soussans, Arcins, Moulis, Listrac, Lamarque, Cussac, Saint-Laurent-de-Médoc, Saint-Julien, Pauillac, Saint-Sauveur, Cissac, Saint-Estèphe, Vertheuil and Saint-Seurin-de-Cadourne.

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