Heřmanice (Rouchovany)

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Heřmanice does not have a coat of arms
Heřmanice (Rouchovany) (Czech Republic)
Paris plan pointer b jms.svg
Basic data
State : Czech RepublicCzech Republic Czech Republic
Region : Kraj Vysočina
District : Třebíč
Municipality : Rouchovany
Area : 328 ha
Geographic location : 49 ° 4 '  N , 16 ° 9'  E Coordinates: 49 ° 4 '29 "  N , 16 ° 9' 7"  E
Height: 355  m nm
Residents : 0 (2020)
Street: Rouchovany - Dukovany
Chapel of the Birth of Mary

Heřmanice (German Herzmanitz , 1939–45 Hermanitz ) is a basic settlement unit and deserted area in the municipality of Rouchovany in the Czech Republic . The extinct village is located 800 m south of the Dukovany nuclear power plant and belongs to the Okres Třebíč . It was relocated and devastated in the 1970s when the power plant was being built.


Heřmanice is located in the headwaters of the Heřmanický creek on a plateau of the Jevišovická pahorkatina ( Jaispitzer Hills ), a subsystem of the Bohemian-Moravian Highlands . To the west lies the valley of the Olešná brook with the pond of the same name. In the east rises the Velký Kopec (392 m nm).

Neighboring towns are the Skryje desert in the north, Mohelno and Lhánice in the northeast, Dukovany in the east, Horní Dubňany and Rešice in the southeast, Kordula in the south, Šemíkovice in the southwest, Rouchovany and Nové Dvory in the west and the Lipňany desert in the northwest.


Heřmanice was laid out as a square village and has always belonged to the Krumlov Castle estate . The village originally consisted of seven Hüfnern , whose farmsteads were gabled around the village square. In 1407 Latzek von Krawarn prescribed 100 shock groschen to the wife of Zbynek von Stychowic, Katharina, for the village. Berchtold von Leipa , a grandson of King Georg von Podiebrad , pledged the town of Eibenschitz , the small town of Rochwan and the villages of Leipertitz , Herzmanitz , Ketkowitz , Czuczitz and Rapotitz as well as the ponds of the desert castle Rabstein to Wilhelm von Pernstein in 1476 . He pledged the goods in 1496 for 2200 shock groschen and 800 ducats to Berchtold's son, his son-in-law Heinrich von Leipa. After Heinrich's untimely death in 1512, Wilhelm von Pernstein transferred the use of the pledged goods to his son Johann von Leipa, who finally inherited Krumlov Castle from his other grandfather Berchtold von Leipa. With that the goods were reunited. After the Battle of White Mountain in 1621, all of the goods belonging to Berthold Bohuslaw ( Bohubud ) von Leipa, who was a leader of the Moravian estates, were confiscated. In 1624 Gundaker von Liechtenstein bought the rule. In 1750 the village consisted of seven farmers and two cottagers. In 1776 there were four whole-hoppers, six half-hunters and four cottagers in Heřmanice. The oldest local seal showed a sixe and a ploughshare.

In 1835 the village Herzmanitz or Heřmanice in the Znojmo district consisted of 32 houses in which 193 people lived. The main source of income was agriculture. The parish was Rauchowan . Until the middle of the 19th century, Herzmanitz remained subject to the Fideikommiss-Primogeniturherrschaft Moravian-Krummau .

After the abolition of patrimonial formed Heřmanice / Herzmanitz 1849 a district of the market town Rouchovany in court Moravia Kromau . From 1869 the village belonged to the Moravian Kromau district . Heřmanice broke up in 1894 and formed its own municipality. In 1896 Heřmanice was assigned to the judicial district of Hrottowitz . In the 1921 census, 209 people, 206 of them Czechs, lived in the 43 houses in the community. After the German occupation, the community was reclassified to the Mährisch Budwitz district in 1939; Until 1945 Heřmanice / Hermanitz belonged to the Protectorate of Bohemia and Moravia . After the end of the war, the old district structures were restored. In the course of the territorial reform and the abolition of the Okres Moravský Krumlov, the municipality was assigned to the Okres Třebíč on July 1, 1960 . In 1976 Heřmanice was relocated for the construction of the Dukovany nuclear power plant . Most of the residents were resettled in the town of Hrotovice . The village of Heřmanice was devastated, only the chapel on the village square remained. At the beginning of 1980, the municipality of Heřmanice was officially abolished and its district was added to the municipality of Rouchovany.

Today the Dukovany repository and parts of the nuclear power plant are located in the Heřmanice district .

Local division

The basic settlement unit Heřmanice forms the cadastral district Heřmanice u Rouchovan.


  • Chapel of the Birth of Mary

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. http://www.uir.cz/katastralni-uzemi/638536/Hermanice-u-Rouchovan
  2. ^ Gregor Wolny : The Margraviate of Moravia, presented topographically, statistically and historically . Volume III: Znojmo Circle, Brno 1837, pp. 316, 347
  3. Chytilův místopis ČSR, 2nd updated edition, 1929, p. 353 Hertník - Heřmánkovice-Olivětín
  4. ZSJ Heřmanice: Podrobné informace , uir.cz