Homecoming (1928)

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Original title Homecoming
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 1928
length 115 minutes
Director Joe May
script Fritz Wendhausen
Joe May
production Erich Pommer
music Willy Schmidt-Gentner (At the world premiere)
camera Günther Rittau
Konstantin Irmen-Tschet

Heimkehr is a German film drama from 1928 based on the novella Karl and Anna by Leonhard Frank .


Towards the end of the First World War: the two prisoners of war Karl and Richard have been in the vastness of the Siberian steppe for almost four years, digging trenches there. Once a month they march to the prison camp to stock up on supplies. Most of the time they are alone. They become good friends and Richard tells the unmarried Karl all about his beloved wife Anna over time.

You decide to flee. When Richard weakens, Karl starts looking for food. On his return he sees that Richard has been discovered and continues to escape alone.

He succeeds and one day he stands at Anna's front door. He introduces himself and learns that Richard has not returned home yet. When he sets out to look for a place to stay, Anna offers him a place in the next room. A friendship develops over time.

Richard returns after an amnesty. While Karl is on the road with Anna, the returnee enters the empty apartment. When they return, their friendly relationship turns into a relationship. While kissing, Richard comes out of the next room and draws his conclusions.

Later in the night Richard comes to Anna is ready to forgive her, but he realizes that he has lost her. Back in the next room, where Karl seems to be sleeping, he puts on his coat and notices his pistol. Standing in front of the shards of his relationship, he considers shooting him.

When he wakes up the next morning, Richard is gone with his sea ​​chest . Karl finds him on a ship, but fails to get him to return.


The production company was Universum-Film AG (UFA) (Berlin), the first distribution was with Universum-Film Verleih GmbH (Ufa) Berlin. Arthur Hoffmann took over the production management, the production design was done by Julius von Borsody and Artur Schwarz . They were advised by Alexander Arnstam . The shooting took place from February 1928 to May 1928 in the port of Hamburg, among other places.

According to Filmportal.de, the six- file film was submitted to the censors at 3,006 meters on May 23, 1928 and was banned from young people (No. 19076). In a new examination on August 10, 1928, the film should then be ten acts at 3,101 meters, about 123 minutes. and have also been subject to a youth ban (No. 19718). This is unlikely as censorship usually involves a cut, not an extension. It seems to be a turnaround at filmportal.de.

The premiere took place on August 29, 1928 in the Gloria-Palast Berlin.


The film has been preserved and can be seen in a 115-minute version as a video stream on Filmportal.de.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ↑ Film length calculator, frame rate: 22
  2. Homecoming as a video stream