Publisher Heinz Heise

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Publisher Heinz Heise GmbH & Co. KG

legal form GmbH & Co. KG
founding 1949
Seat Hanover , Germany
management Ansgar Heise , managing director
Branch media

Publishing house in Hanover (Groß-Buchholz)

The Heinz Heise publishing house is a German address and telephone book publisher.

Heinz Heise founded the publishing house named after him in Hanover in 1949 . In 1972 his son Christian Heise took over the management of the company, which in October 2002 was divided into several independent companies under the umbrella of the Heise Medien Group ( Heise Group since 2015 ). The business fields of magazines , specialist books and loose-leaf collections were bundled in Heise Zeitschriften Verlag (since 2015 Heise Medien GmbH & Co. KG , hereinafter: Heise Medien ).

The Heinz Heise publishing house publishes Das Örtliche and eight national telephone books for northern Germany. He has opened branches in Bremen (since 1955), Rostock (since 1992) and Osnabrück (since 2006). The publisher's managing director is a grandson of the publisher's founder, Ansgar Heise , who also heads the Heise Group.

The company belongs to the Association of German Information and Directory Media e. V. (VDAV) and the European Association of Directory and Database Publishers (EADP).

Hot media

Heise Medien (until 2015 Heise Zeitschriften Verlag) publishes loose-leaf publications on the subject of construction law and labor law, the periodicals c't (since 1983), iX (since 1988), Technology Review (since 2003) and the online magazine Telepolis (since 1996). The editorial offices of c't, iX, Technology Review and Telepolis equip Heise online , which is one of the most successful German-speaking IT news portals.

The publisher dealt with electronic media at an early stage. The first experiments from 1988–1991 included the establishment of the rather unsuccessful communication system CosmoNet, which could be reached via modems and Datex-P and offered e-mail services, as well as the first computer magazine Input 64, which was delivered on a digital storage medium . From 2003 to June 2011, Heise Zeitschriften Verlag produced the 30-minute TV program c't with Hessischer Rundfunk for hr-fernsehen .

Online and print media (selection):

Web links

Commons : Verlag Heinz Heise  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Heise Medien Gruppe: Heise operates under a new name. Heise Group - Heise Medien - Heise RegioConcept from March 26, 2015, accessed on March 30, 2015.
  2. Harald Bögeholz: 25 years c't . Heise online website . Retrieved March 2, 2010.
  3. Jürgen Seeger: IT history puzzle for the 20th iX anniversary . Heise online website . Retrieved March 2, 2010.
  4. Jürgen Kuri: Heise starts the German-language “Technology Review” . Heise online website . Retrieved March 2, 2010.
  5. Michaela Simon: 10 years Telepolis . Telepolis website . Retrieved March 2, 2010.
  6. 10 years heise online: A look back - and a look behind the scenes ( Memento from April 2, 2004 in the Internet Archive )

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