Helmut Mauró

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Helmut Mauró (* 1969 in Munich ) is a German music critic , journalist , publicist , translator and photographer .


He studied at the Münchner Musikseminar with Walter Krafft , who studied with Florica Musicescu, teacher of Dinu Lipatti and Radu Lupu. At the Ludwig Maximilians University in Munich he studied musicology, modern German literature, linguistics, art history and theater studies. He wrote his master's thesis on the early opera overtures by Mozart in view of the emergence of the classical symphony . He was a scholarship holder of the Ilse and Franz Wolfram Foundation. He worked in musical consultancy and management for the New York Harlem Dance Theater .

Mauró worked as an editor for Carl Hanser Verlag and translated the novel Time Near by William Maxwell (1991) from the American. For Heyne Verlag , he translated the book The Secret World of Opus Dei by Michael Walsh (1992). Mauró was the producing editor-in-chief of the classic magazine Oper und Konzert until the end of the publishing house .

Mauró has been a music critic for the Süddeutsche Zeitung since 1991 . There he wrote about classical musicians such as Ewa Kupiec , Anna Gourari , Joshua Bell , Julia Fischer , Jörg Widmann , Daniel Müller-Schott , Julian Bliss , Max Emanuel Cenčić , Arcadi Volodos , Fazıl Say , Nikolai Tokarew , Lang Lang , Martin Stadtfeld , Harriet Krijgh , Jan Lisiecki , Daniil Trifonov and Igor Kamenz . Mauró also wrote about Schlager , the connection between music education and intelligence development, and the situation of the Yanomami Indians in Brazil after a stay in the rainforest in 2010.

As a journalist, Mauró also wrote articles for taz , Playboy , Süddeutsche Zeitung , Kieler Nachrichten , Badische Zeitung , Standard , Tagesspiegel and Focus . In addition, he wrote various book chapters, wrote and produced numerous radio programs (e.g. about the composers expelled or murdered by the Nazis), as well as TV contributions and comments. He worked as a final editor for the snowboard magazine SNOW and the surfer magazine SURF . His activities also include TV discussions, moderation and lectures at Siemens ( Siemens Arts Program ), the Hypo-Kulturstiftung and the Danube University Krems . Mauró is a member of Amnesty International , Greenpeace , Survival International to help threatened peoples.

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