Hercules (constellation)

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Hercules constellation
Hercules constellation map.png
Latin name Hercules
Latin genitive Herculis
Abbreviation Her
Right ascension 15483015 h 48 m 30 s to  18 h 57 m 50 s185750
declination 2034025+ 3 ° 40 ′ 25 ″ to  + 51 ° 19 ′ 27 ″2511927
surface 1225.148 deg²
rank 5
Completely visible 90 ° N to 38.0 ° S
Observation time for Central Europe Spring,
Number of stars brighter than 3 mag 2
Brightest star (size) β Herculis (2.78)
Meteor streams

Tau Herculids

Neighboring constellations
clockwise from north )
swell IAU ,

The Hercules ( Latin Hercules ) is a constellation of the northern sky.


The constellation of Hercules as seen with the naked eye

Hercules is the fifth largest constellation in the sky. Since only three of its stars are brighter than the 3rd magnitude , it is not very noticeable. It can be found between the constellation of the lyre with the bright star Vega and the memorable northern crown . The best time to observe is early summer, as it is then highest in the sky.

Hercules contains two interesting globular clusters that can already be observed with binoculars.

In the direction of Hercules is the apex of our solar system . The sun with its planets moves, relative to its neighboring stars, at 20 km / s towards this “target point”.


The constellation is one of the classic 48 constellations of antiquity mentioned by Ptolemy . In the ancient Greeks, however, he was simply called "Engonasin" ("the kneeling"). Later the constellation was associated with various mythical figures, such as Prometheus , Theseus , Orpheus or Heracles (whom the Romans called Hercules). The interpretation as Hercules has been preserved.

Around 1687, Johannes Hevelius combined a few stars between Hercules and the swan to form the constellation Cerberus , the three-headed hellhound. However, it did not prevail.


The mythological origin of the constellation is unclear. The later identification with Heracles , the hero from Greek mythology endowed with enormous powers, has been preserved . Herakles was an illegitimate son of Zeus , who was given twelve tasks that were actually insurmountable. With strength and intelligence he was able to fulfill the tasks, whereby he brought down a number of monsters that are also immortalized in the sky, such as the lion , the cancer , the water snake and the dragon .

Celestial objects


B. F. Names or other designations Vmag Lj Spectral class
102β 27 Kornephoros , Ruticulus 2.78 148 G8 III
106ζ 40 2.81 35 G0 IV
101α 64 Ras Algethi 3.1 to 3.7 384 M5 Ib
104δ 65 Sarin 3.12 79 A3 IV
116π 67 3.16 367 K2 III
112μ 86 3.42 27 G5 IV
107η 44 Sophian 3.48 112 G8 III
114ξ 92 3.70 135 G9 III
103γ 20th 3.74 193 A9 III
109ι 85 3.82 494 B3 IV
115ο 103 3.84 347 B9 V
108θ 91 3.86 759
119τ 22nd 3.91 314 B5 IV
117ρ 75 4.1 403 A0 + A0
400 110 4.19
118σ 35 4.20 314 B9 V
121φ 11 4.23 204
400 95 4.3 418 A5 + G8
200 gG 30th 4.3 to 6.3 355 Mb III
400 111 4.34
400 102 4.37
111λ 76 Maasym , Misam 4.4 approx. 370 K4 III
113ν 35 4.41
105ε 58 Cujam 4.57 163
124ω 24 Kajam , Cujam 4.57 about 250 B9
400 113 4.57
122χ 1 4.60 52
200ee 69 4.64
400 93 4.67
110κ 7th Marfik, Mirfak 4.7 367 G8 + K1
200uu 68 4.7 to 5.4 666 B3 III
120υ 6th 4.72
400 52 4.82
200hH 29 4.84
400 42 4.86
400 60 4.89
400 106 4.92
200aA. 104 4.96
400 98 4.96
400 51 5.03
200bb 99 5.05
400 87 5.09
400 101 5.10 330
200tt 107 5.12
400 70 5.13
200ii 43 5.15
200ff 90 5.17
200ll 45 5.22
200ss 5.24
400 96 5.25
200dd 59 5.27
400 105 5.30
400 53 5.34
200yy 82 5.35
400 2 5.35
400 54 5.35
200ww 72 5.38
200cc 5.41
400 112 5.43
400 9 5.46
400 89 5.47

Beta Herculis , the brightest star in Hercules, is a yellowish shining star of the spectral class G8 at a distance of 148 light years .
The ancient Greek name Kornephoros means "club bearer". The star is also called the ruticulus.

My Herculis is 27 light years away. It has about 1.1 times the mass of our sun and also has a yellowish glow.

Double stars

system Vmag distance
α 3.4 / 5.4 4.6 "
κ 5.0 / 6.3 27.5 "
95 5.0 / 5.2 6.3 "
100 5.9 / 5.9 14.2 "
ρ 4.5 / 5.5 4.2 "

Alpha Herculis , the third brightest star in Hercules, is a binary star system 430 light years away. The main star is a red giant of the spectral class M5, with 500 times the diameter and 830 times the luminosity of our sun . Its surface temperature is relatively low at around 3000 Kelvin . It emits a large part of its radiation in the infrared . The companion star belongs to class G5. The system can be separated into single stars even in the smaller telescope and shows a very nice color contrast. The main star glows orange-red, the companion star appears greenish.

The name Ras Algethi is of Arabic origin and means something like "the head of the kneeling man".

Variable stars

star Vmag period Type
α 3.0 to 4.0 90 to 100 days Semi-regular
30th 4.3 to 6.3 70 to 90 days Semi-regular
68 4.7 to 5.4 2.05 days Beta Lyrae Star

The main star of the Ras Algethi system is a semi-regularly variable star whose brightness fluctuates over periods of 90 to 100 days.

68 (u) Herculis is a variable star of the Beta-Lyrae type . It is an extremely luminous star 1200 light years away.

Messier and NGC objects

Messier (M) NGC other Vmag Type Surname
13 6205 6.5 Globular clusters
92 6341 9.5 Globular clusters
6210 8.8 Planetary nebula
6229 9.4 Globular clusters

Messier 13 is considered to be the most impressive globular cluster in the northern sky. It is located about 25,000 light years away and consists of about 300,000 stars. Even in prism binoculars it appears as a misty spot. In the telescope it can be resolved into single stars. It is easy to find because it is in the upper third of the connecting line between the stars η and ζ (the right "box stars" of Hercules).

Messier 92 is a globular cluster about 30,000 light years away. It does not appear as extensive in the telescope as M13, but it is also a very worthwhile observation object.

NGC 6210 is a planetary nebula 3,000 light years away. With a diameter of 0.3 arc minutes , it is not very extensive. In the binoculars it only appears as a faint star. An irregular disc and the central star become visible in a telescope with an opening of 12 cm or more.


The exoplanet HD 149026 b in Hercules is one of the hottest known exoplanets with a temperature on the day side of over 2000 K. It orbits the star HD 149026 (8.15 mag, spectral class G0, 1.3 solar masses) in 2.87 days at a distance of 0.042 AU and, from our point of view, performs a transit. The exoplanet has a mass of about 0.4 Jupiter and a radius of about 0.7 Jupiter radii. The system is about 260 light years from Earth.

See also

Web links

Commons : Hercules (constellation)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence