Hieronymus Otto Agricola

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Hieronymus Otto Agricola , latinized from Hieronymus Otto Bauer (born September 30, 1571 in Dillingen an der Donau , † March 6, 1627 in Brixen ) was a German clergyman and prince-bishop of Brixen .

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One year after his birth, his father, the printer Hans Bauer, followed an appointment by Archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol to Innsbruck . Hieronymus studied at the universities of Dillingen on the Danube, Perugia and Pisa . After receiving his doctorate in both rights , Hieronymus Otto Agricola, as he called himself according to humanistic custom, was ordained in 1599/1600 as well as a canonical at Bressanone Cathedral. From 1601 to 1619 he held the office of vicar general . As canon and member of the cathedral chapter, he was cathedral scholaster from 1608 to 1615 and then cathedral dean . In 1625 he was elected bishop of the diocese of Brixen by the Brixen cathedral chapter. He was only a bishop for a short time.


  • Franz Anton Sinnacher : Contributions to the history of the episcopal church in Säben and Brixen in Tyrol , Volume I, Brixen, 1821, p. 33 ( digitized version )
  • Franz Anton Sinnacher: Contributions to the history of the episcopal church in Säben and Brixen in Tyrol , Volume VIII, Brixen, 1821, p. 277 ff. ( Digitized version )
  • Adolf Layer: From craftsman's son to prince-bishop: Hieronymus Otto Agricola (1571–1627). Vol. 86 (LXXXVI), 1984, pp. 142-143