Johann Platzgummer

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Johann Platzgummer (* in Kastelbell ; † May 12, 1647 in Brixen ) was Prince-Bishop of Brixen from 1641 to 1647 .

Origin and education

Johann Platzgummer was born in Kastelbell in Vinschgau . He came from a poor background. His parents were the coppersmith Bartelmä Platzgummer and Anna Peyrin.

From 1582 to 1585 he attended the cathedral school in Brixen. When the bishop of Gurk , Christoph Andreas von Spaur , asked his brother, the Brixen bishop Johann Thomas von Spaur , to send some candidates to the priesthood, Platzgummer was one of those chosen. He continued his studies in Graz, Vienna and at the Collegium Germanicum in Rome. There he was ordained a priest on April 23, 1595 and was awarded a doctorate in theology in 1596.

Vicar General and Bishop

In 1596 the Gurk Bishop Christoph Andreas von Spaur appointed him vicar general. When Spaur was elected Bishop of Brixen in 1601, Platzgummer received his canonical in Gurk. In 1603 Platzgummer renounced his offices and beneficiaries in Gurk and returned to Brixen, where he became a close collaborator of Bishop Spaur. From 1603 to 1607 he held the parish in Brixen and was then chancellor from 1607 to 1617. Platzgummer became custodian in 1608 and scholasticus of the cathedral chapter in 1615 . He became provost of the cathedral in 1627 and dean of cathedral in 1632 , and in 1627 he was vicar general of the diocese of Brixen for a short time.

After the death of Bishop Wilhelm von Welsperg , the regent of Tyrol, Claudia de 'Medici , supported by Emperor Ferdinand III. to have her son Sigismund Franz elected bishop. However, on June 14, 1641, the cathedral chapter elected Johann Platzgummer as Bishop of Brixen. The papal confirmation took place on December 16, 1641, he received the episcopal ordination on February 24, 1642 by the Brixen auxiliary bishop Anton Crosini von Bonporto .

Platzgummer tried to reorganize the heavily indebted diocese, which was made more difficult by the ongoing disputes with the Tyrolean provincial government. He refused to pay any other taxes besides contributions to national defense. He visited his diocese in 1642, 1643, 1645 and 1646. He intervened moderately in the witch trials in Tyrol, so he pardoned Juliana de Pozza, who was sentenced to death. In his will, Platzgummer named the Rosary Brotherhood as heir. He wrote a biography of his sponsor Spaur and several church compositions. After his death on May 12, 1647 in Brixen, he was buried in Brixen Cathedral .


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predecessor Office successor
Wilhelm of Welsperg Prince-Bishop of Brixen
Anton Crosini from Bonporto