Hinrich Nitsche

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Hinrich Nitsche.png

Hinrich Nitsche (born February 14, 1845 in Breslau ; † November 8, 1902 in Tharandt ) was a German professor of zoology , non-fiction author and Privy Councilor .


Hinrich Nitsche was born in Breslau as the only son of the royal justice commissioner Joseph Nitsche. The mother Meta Beatrix died shortly after the birth and in 1848 the father too. So he grew up with his grandfather, senior consistorial advisor Hinrich Middeldorpf (1788–1861), professor at the University of Breslau . After attending grammar school , he began to study law at the University of Breslau at Easter 1863 , but switched to the natural sciences in the following semester . He had to give up his goal of becoming a forester due to his lack of military qualifications , which was a prerequisite for this career in the mid- 19th century . In 1864 he studied at the University of Heidelberg and in 1865 at the University of Berlin .

During the German War of 1866 , Nitsche earned great merit through self-sacrificing work in the hospital . After the war he turned back to science and received his doctorate in philosophy in Berlin in 1868 .

It was helpful for his career that Rudolf Leuckart hired him as his first assistant at the University of Leipzig in 1869 . In the Franco-Prussian War of 1870–1871 he also worked as a voluntary nurse, mostly in hospital trains. Despite this interruption, he completed his habilitation in Leipzig in 1871.

As dean, Leuckart supported the appointment of his scientific assistant as associate professor at the end of the summer semester of 1874. The promotion allowed Nitsche, Marie Peschel, daughter of Leipzig geography professor Oscar Peschel , to marry in the summer of 1875. In the same year he published Thoughts on Reproduction and Fertilization. The marriage has two daughters, Marie and Helene; the latter was only 19 years old.

When the royal forest academy in Tharandt wanted to diversify biology lessons for plants and animals, the choice fell on Nitsche: On October 1, 1876, he became the first full professor of zoology. From 1878 he held courses in trout and carp breeding every November ; In addition, he was a member of the advisory board of the biological department of the imperial health department until his death from a stroke .

Scientific work

With his writings for a doctorate and habilitation on freshwater bog animals , he established the classification of this group of animals.

When Nitsche had moved to Tharandt, the first three copies of the “Zoological Wall Chalkboards” came into bookshops. Each board, intended “for object lesson”, was accompanied by a loose sheet of explanatory texts. By 1880, a total of 12 blackboards had been published, the graphics of which came exclusively from Hinrich Nitsche. He signed each panel in the lower right corner with his initials "HN". Additional authors were recruited; alternating with them, Nitsche produced the chronologically numbered panels 16, 17 and 21, 22.

Blackboard Genus, art photos output
Anthozoa : Octatinaria Corallium rubrum 6th 1 /1877
Rhizopoda : Thalamophora Arcella, Difflugia, Euglypha etc. 9 2 /1877
Crustacea : Arthrostraca, Isopoda Asellus aquaticus, Porcellio 6th 3 /1877
Crustacea: Amphipoda Gammarus, Phronima, Caprella 6th 4 /1878
Crinoidea : Brachiata Rhizocrinus lofotensis 5 5 /1878
Insecta: Coleoptera Doryphora decemlineata 9 6 /1878
Gastropoda : Opisthobranchiata Pontolimax, Aeolis etc. 12 7 /1878
Crinoidea: Brachiata Antedon rosacea 8th 8 /1878
Insecta: Neuroptera Megaloptera, Chrysopa etc. 12 9 /1878
Pisces : Dipnoi Ceratodus, Protopterus 7th 10 /1879
Insecta: Orthoptera II. Oedipoda stridula etc. 12 11 /1879
Lamellibranchiata : Asiphonia Unio 9 12 /1880
Hydromedusae: Hydroidea Hydra , Cordilophora etc. 12 16 /1882
Insecta: Rhynchota Phylloxera vastatrix 5 17 /1882
Insecta: Lepidoptera Aporia crataegi etc. 19th 21 /1884
Insecta: Orthoptera Perlariae, Ephemeridae , Libellidae 11 22 /1884

For the 70th celebration of Leuckart's birthday, the table explanations (as the first series) were compiled in a book in 1892. Only then did Leuckart arrange the originally chronologically numbered panels according to the zoological system.

Further work, especially in the field of forest and hunting zoology , included a. the table for determining the age of roe deer , red deer and fallow deer according to the development of the teeth, studies on the development of a wig horn in roebuck. Because of the premature death, a work on the breeding area of ​​the crane remained unfinished. Especially for the training at the forest academy, Nitsche made a blackboard about the breeding of trout .

At home and abroad Nitsche gave lectures at zoological meetings and exhibitions ( Saint Petersburg 1889, Cambridge 1898, Sarajewo 1899, Berlin 1901 and Vienna 1902), study trips took him to Italy , Tyrol , Hungary , Norway and Heligoland . The knowledge and practical experience gained in the process found its way into the specialist literature he wrote.

Honors and memberships

Fonts (selection)

  • Investigations into the construction of the Taenien . In: Journal of Scientific Zoology , Vol. 22 (1872).
  • The future of our fish waters. Lecture . In: Communications of the Economic Society in the Kingdom of Saxony , Vol. 6 (1880/81), pp. 1–15.
  • Remarks about two reindeer skulls from Svalbard . In: Annual books of the Association for Patriotic Natural History in Württemberg , Vol. 49 (1893), Issue 19, ISSN  0368-4717
  • Contributions to the anatomy and development history of the phylactolaemen freshwater cryozoa, especially Alcyonella fungosa Pall. sp. BiblioBazaar, Charleston, SC 2009, ISBN 1-1173-0582-1 (reprint of the edition Gebr. Unger, Berlin 1868; also dissertation, Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität zu Berlin; from August 15, 1868).
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the bryozoa . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1869–1871 (4 vol.)
  • Contributions to the knowledge of the bryozoa. New episode . Wilhelm Engelmann, Leipzig 1871 (also. Habilitation paper, University of Leipzig 1871; special print from: Journal for Scientific Zoology , Vol. 21 (1871)).
  • together with Heinrich Dohrn and S. Friedländer: Official reports on the International Fisheries Exhibition in Berlin 1880, Vol. 4: Fischereiproducte und Wasserthiere . Nabu-Press, Charleston, SC 2011, ISBN 978-1-246-61950-8 (reprint of the Berlin 1881 edition).
  • Report on the status of artificial fish farming in the Kingdom of Saxony up to 1882 . Päler, Dresden 1883.
  • The river eel and its economic importance. Lecture given to the Economic Society in the Kingdom of Saxony, Dresden, on February 5, 1886 . Schönfeld´s publishing house, Dresden 1886.
  • The nun (Liparis monacha L.). Their lives, their damage and their fight are shown according to external and own observations . Hölzel, Vienna 1892.
  • together with Johann Friedrich Judeich and Julius Theodor Christian Ratzeburg : Textbook of Central European Forest Insectology . Nabu Press, Charleston, SC 2010, ISBN 1-1432-3503-7 (2 vol., Reprint of the 8th edition, Vienna 1895).
  1. Ratzeburg's life, introduction, general part, special part 1: Straight and reticulated winged, beetles and hymenoptera .
  2. Special part 2: butterflies, two-winged birds, Schnabelkerfe, supplements, the enemies of the individual types of wood .
  • other edition together with Karl Escherich and Johann Friedrich Judeich: Die Forstinsekten Mitteleuropas. A teaching and manual . Paul Parey Publishing House, Berlin 1914.
  • The freshwater fish of Germany. Their characteristics, reproduction, distribution and economic importance . 8th edition. Verlag Reichel, Berlin 1932 (on behalf of the German Fisheries Association ; EA Berlin 1897).
  • Studies on Deer . Genus Cervus in the broadest sense, Vol. 1: Studies on multi-rod antlers and the morphology of the horns of the hoofed animal in general . Verlag W. Engelmann, Leipzig 1898 (no longer published).


  • Bernhard Danckelmann (first): Journal for Forestry and Hunting , Vol. 35 (1903), January, p. 1 (obituary).
  • KM Heller: † Hinrich Nitsche , in: Meeting reports and treatises of the Natural Science Society ISIS in Dresden, born in 1902 , Königlich Sächs. Burdach bookstore, Dresden 1903, p. V-XI

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Necrology . In: Leopoldina . Organ of the Imperial Leopoldino-Carolinian German Academy of Natural Scientists , vol. 35 (1899), p. 136.
  2. Hinrich Nitsche: On the division of the modes of reproduction in the animal kingdom and the importance of fertilization. In: SitzBer Naturf Ges Leipzig 2/1875 : 88–96.
  3. Heinz Geiler: The history of zoological teaching in Tharandt since 1816. In: Wiss Zeitschr Tech Uni Dresden 17 (6) / 1968: 1727–1740.
  4. Hinrich Nitsche: Contributions to the anatomy and development history of the phylactolämen freshwater cryozoa, especially from Alcyonella fungosa Pall. Sp. Inaugural dissertation. Phil. Faculty, University of Berlin 1868.
  5. ^ Hinrich Nitsche: Contributions to the knowledge of the bryozoa. 3: On the anatomy and history of development of Flustra membranacea. In: Zeitschr Wiss Zoologie 21 (4) / 1871: 416-470.
  6. Rudolf Leuckart, Hinrich Nitsche: Explanations to the zoological wall panels: panels I - III. Theodor Fischer, Cassel 1877.
  7. ^ Helmut Zacharias: Sensuousness in science: The Wandtafel company of Rudolf Leuckart. In: Carlo Alberto Redi, Silvia Garagna, Maurizio Zuccotti, Ernesto Capanna, Helmut Zacharias: Viusal Zoology: The Pavia collection of Leuckart's zoological wall charts (1877). Ibis, Como 2002. Table 5. ISBN 88-7164-130-2
  8. Rudolf Leuckart, Hinrich Nitsche (Hg): Explanations to the zoological wall panels. Theodor Fischer, Cassel 1892.
  9. ^ Rudolf Leuckart: Systematic directory of the completely published zoological wall panels of invertebrates, No. 1 - 100. Theodor Fischer, Cassel 1894.
  10. Hinrich Nitsche: Blackboard for lessons in the artificial breeding of trout. Theodor Fischer, Kassel, Berlin 1883.