Hugo Kinne

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Hugo Kinne (born July 30, 1882 in Genthin , † November 15, 1948 in Magdeburg ; full name: Gustav Adolf Hugo Max Kinne ) was a German lawyer and attorney and Lord Mayor of the city of Frankfurt (Oder) (1925-1933).

After attending school, Kinne studied political science and law . After completing his studies and completing his doctorate , he worked in Berlin-Schöneberg and Halle until he was elected mayor of Frankfurt (Oder) in 1919 . On October 7, 1925, he was elected Lord Mayor of the city. During his tenure, among other things, the Hindenburg School (1925-1927) and the Ostmark Stadium were built. Furthermore, the higher technical institute for civil engineering (opened in 1931) and a girls' and vocational school (opened in 1932) were built.

Kinne joined the NSDAP during his tenure as mayor on May 1, 1933, along with the city's magistrate (with the exception of one DNVP member and the SPD members who were not confirmed anyway) .

He was given leave of absence in October 1933 and retired on June 1, 1934. Kinne worked for the next few years as a lawyer and notary in Genthin.


  • Economic and cultural federation for the border district Frankfurt Oder (Hrsg.): Zerrissenes Land. 1927.
  • Magistrate of the City of Frankfurt (Oder) (Ed.): Housing construction and housing shortage in Frankfurt (Oder). Frankfurt (Oder) 1929.

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Individual evidence

  1. Stephan A. Glienke: The Nazi past of a later member of the Lower Saxony state parliament . Final report on a project of the Historical Commission for Lower Saxony and Bremen on behalf of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Published by the President of the Lower Saxony State Parliament. Revised reprint of the first edition. Hannover 2012, p. 43 ( online as PDF) ; Bjoern Weigel: “'March fallen' and admission freeze in spring 1933. A study on opportunism”, in: Wolfgang Benz (ed.): How did one become a party member? The NSDAP and its members . S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 2009, p. 98.