Alfred Piper

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Alfred Piper

Alfred Friedrich Ludwig Albert Piper (born January 20, 1814 in Damgarten , † October 18, 1892 in Rostock ) was a Prussian politician .


Alfred Piper was born as the son of the theologian (Karl Friedrich) Colestinus Piper, who later worked as a Protestant pastor in Lüdershagen, and his wife Albertine, née. Wagner.

Piper was Senior President in Magdeburg and was elected Lord Mayor of Frankfurt (Oder) in 1852 . At the same time he was a member of the Prussian manor house (1854–1864). As early as 1850 he was a member of the Volkshaus of the Erfurt Union Parliament . During his tenure, Messe Frankfurt (Oder) flourished and gas lighting was introduced in the city in 1855.

In 1864 Piper was appointed lecturer and appointed governor to the Prussian Ministry of the Interior in Berlin. There he oversaw the department of monastery affairs and initiated the establishment of the "school and educational institution" for girls with an attached boarding school in Keppel Abbey under the patronage of the Prussian Queen Elisabeth . He succeeded in winning over the dreary teacher, Nanny von Monbart, as a canon superior. His eldest daughter also became a boarding school student and later a teacher in Keppel Abbey. In 1875 Piper said goodbye.

In the same year, Piper acquired the Wettinshöhe in Zitzschewig , now part of Radebeul, and in 1879/1880 had the Ziller brothers expand the building into what he called the Wettinhöhe Castle . The building burned down around 1890 and was rebuilt. Piper died on October 18, 1892 in Rostock .


  • Wilhelm Hartnack (arrangement), Juliane Freiin von Bredow (arrangement): Keppel Abbey in Siegerlande 1239 to 1971 . Volume II: History of the school and boarding school : Keppel Abbey, 1971.
  • Jochen Lengemann : The German Parliament (Erfurt Union Parliament) from 1850. A manual: Members, officials, life data, parliamentary groups (= publications of the Historical Commission for Thuringia. Large series, Vol. 6). Urban & Fischer, Munich 2000, ISBN 3-437-31128-X , pp. 238-239.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wettinhöhe Castle