ISO 3166-2: BJ

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Benin departments

The list of ISO 3166-2 codes for Benin contains the codes for the twelve departments.

The codes consist of two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part gives the country code according to ISO 3166-1 (for Benin BJ), the second the code for the department.

The current country code was last updated in the second newsletter on May 21, 2002 ( PDF ).

The current codes are available on the ISO website under #iso: code: 3166: BJ . With the change in the second newsletter (ISO 3166-2: 2002-05-21), six new departments were added to the six existing ones: Alibori , Collines , Donga , Couffo , Littoral and Plateau .

department code
Alibori BJ-AL
Atakora BJ-AK
Atlantique BJ-AQ
Borgou BJ-BO
Collines BJ-CO
Couffo BJ-KO
Donga BJ-DO
Littoral BJ-LI
Mono BJ-MO
Ouémé BJ-OU
plateau BJ-PL

See also

  • ISO 3166-2 , country code reference table.
  • ISO 3166-1 , reference table of country codes as used in domain names.