ISO 3166-2: DZ
The list of ISO-3166-2 codes for Algeria contains the codes for the Wilayat .
The codes consist of two parts separated by a hyphen. The first part gives the country code according to ISO 3166-1 (for Algeria DZ
), the second the code for the Wilaya .
The current country code has not been updated since it was published in 1998.
The current codes are available on the ISO website under #iso: code: 3166: DZ .
In December 2019, ten new provinces were created - mainly in southern Algeria - for which no codes have yet been issued.
Wilaya | code |
Adrar | DZ-01 |
Ain Defla | DZ-44 |
Ain Temouchent | DZ-46 |
Algiers | DZ-16 |
Annaba | DZ-23 |
Batna | DZ-05 |
Bechar | DZ-08 |
Bejaia | DZ-06 |
Béni Abbès | |
Biskra | DZ-07 |
Blida | DZ-09 |
Bordj Badji Mokhtar | |
Bordj Bou Arreridj | DZ-34 |
Bouira | DZ-10 |
Boumerdes | DZ-35 |
Chlef | DZ-02 |
Constantine | DZ-25 |
Djanet | |
Djelfa | DZ-17 |
El Bayadh | DZ-32 |
El M'Ghair | |
El Meniaa | |
El Oued | DZ-39 |
El Tarf | DZ-36 |
Ghardaia | DZ-47 |
Guelma | DZ-24 |
Illizi | DZ-33 |
In Guezzam | |
In Salah | |
Jijel | DZ-18 |
Khenchela | DZ-40 |
Laghouat | DZ-03 |
Medea | DZ-26 |
Mila | DZ-43 |
Mostaganem | DZ-27 |
Muaskar | DZ-29 |
M'Sila | DZ-28 |
Naama | DZ-45 |
Oran | DZ-31 |
Ouargla | DZ-30 |
Ouled Djellal | |
Oum el Bouaghi | DZ-04 |
Relizane | DZ-48 |
Saida | DZ-20 |
Sétif | DZ-19 |
Skikda | DZ-21 |
Sidi Bel Abbès | DZ-22 |
Souk Ahras | DZ-41 |
Tamanrasset | DZ-11 |
Tebessa | DZ-12 |
Timimoun | |
Tlemcen | DZ-13 |
Tiaret | DZ-14 |
Tindouf | DZ-37 |
Tipaza | DZ-42 |
Tissemsilt | DZ-38 |
Tizi Ouzou | DZ-15 |
Touggourt |
Individual evidence
- ^ Journal Officiel de la Republique Algerienne Democratique et Populaire - Conventions et Accords Internationaux - Lois et Decrets Arretes, Decisions, Avis, Communications et Annonces (Traduction Française) No. 78 of the 58th volume of December 18, 2019 (PDF) ; accessed on March 15, 2020
- ↑ Algeria Press Service of November 27, 2019: Ten administrative districts promoted into provinces with full prerogatives ; accessed on March 15, 2020
See also
- ISO 3166-2 , country code reference table.
- ISO 3166-1 , reference table of country codes as used in domain names.