In the valley of wild roses: heart in the wind

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Original title Heart in the wind
Country of production Germany
original language German
Publishing year 2007
length 90 minutes
Director Oliver Dommenget
script Barbara Engelke
production Henrik Meyer ,
Frank Huwe ,
Winka Wulff
music Hans Günter Wagener
camera Georgy Pestov
cut Ursula Höf

Herz im Wind is a German romantic film drama by Oliver Dommenget from 2007. The film is part of a ZDF film series that operates under the title In the Valley of the Wild Roses and focuses on women who were involved in the pioneering days of the 19th century. Century ventured into new territory and built a new life against all odds. It is the fourth film in the series, the leading roles of which are played by Denise Zich and Erol Sander as well as Christine Reinhart , Daniele Legler , Kyra Mladeck and Oliver Clemens .

In the opening credits to the film, Gerlinde Locker speaks the following text to introduce the story: “The valley of wild roses. Our valley, our world, in which we lived and worked as settlers. We looked after our animals, tilled our fields, drove herds of cattle across the country and prepared for the harsh winters. It was not an easy life and yet the women in the valley knew what it means to love and how high the price is that you sometimes have to pay for it. "


Foreword: “Actually, Melissa Ridings only wanted to spend the summer in our valley, but there are people who change entire lives by simply appearing. And just as the first ray of sunshine turns a dull morning into a glorious day, Melissa should bring laughter and love back to the ranch. But if she had known how thorny the way there would be, who knows whether she would have got off the train. "

Melissa Ridings has accepted a job as a socialite with the grandmother of the Cross family. Jake Cross picks them up from the train and Walter Cross, the father of the family, picks them up at the ranch. Subtext: "Loneliness was a familiar feeling for Jake, but since Melissa's arrival at the farm something else, completely alien, has been stirring in his heart." Jake asks Melissa when his grandmother is lying down for an afternoon nap if she would like to ride with him. When he tries to shoot a wild horse, which he believes has broken a leg, Melissa intervenes. In fact, it's just a sprain, and Jake is speechless at how gentle the animal reacts to Melissa.

Melissa learns from Grace Ridings that it was ten years ago that her daughter-in-law died today and that she left three very lonely men behind. Walter Cross talks to the vet Shirley, who is a special friend to him, about the death of his wife. At the time, Jake drove the horse-drawn cart in which the accident happened. Anyone would probably have coped better than Jake of all people, Walter muses. He adored his mother. Subtext: “At the ranch, Jake's secret weighed heavily on him and made him closed and aloof. Out here in nature he was free from it, he was cheerful and lovingly worried about Melissa, and she got an idea of ​​the man he had once been. "

Melissa accompanies Jake, who wants to get a water pump. She tells him about the death of her parents, who were killed in a fire. Jake tells her about his mother, but you can tell how hard he is still bearing the loss. When the two of them have made their night camp in nature, Jake kisses Melissa. After they are on their way again, he shows her the place where the fatal accident happened. He blames himself for his mother's death.

Subtext: "Shirley had seen through the unequal brothers, the disaster they were heading for, but could not foresee or prevent it either." Tom Cross plays the card against his brother that he knows is drawing. Because of him he had to grow up without a mother, so Jake owed him something. He should leave Melissa, whom he was going to marry, alone in the future. Jake throws his letter to Melissa into the fire, but does not notice that it ends up next to the open hearth where Gladys Cross finds it the other day.

A conversation between her son Walter and Melissa, overheard by Gladys, in which Melissa asks that she be released from her position because she is between the brothers, the old lady uses a ruse to prevent Melissa from doing the Leaving family. Since Melissa sees through them quickly, Gladys asks the young woman, not because of her, but because of Jake to stay, because he needs help to become the person he was before his mother's death.

Tom did not come home after a violent physical argument between the brothers. Jake and his father search for him without any results. After a short break, he and Melissa start looking again. Dakota, an Indian and friend of Walter's, has since found Tom, he is badly injured. Jake brings him home. Melissa tries to stand by Jake, and he confesses to her that he has fallen in love with her, but at the same time lets her know that they have no future and he asks her not to be there when he comes back. Melissa then decides to study with Shirley, as it has always been her wish to become a veterinarian.

Tom is now on the mend. There was a discussion between the brothers; they find a solution that both can live with. Walter Cross is so happy about this development that he proposes marriage to Shirley because his sons have finally grown up. With his statement that the accident could have happened to anyone - including himself, and that he was not to blame for the death of his mother, Walter took some of the burden off his son's shoulders. Jake tells Melissa a little later, after the pump has finally raised water on his property and Walter, with the help of Dakota, discovered a water source on another part of the property, the whole drama. His mother was in a very upset state when she drove the carriage because she had met her great love again and wanted to leave his father. This is how the accident happened. With her last breath she asked him to keep quiet about what she had told him. Melissa admits to Jake that she knew she was with him from the start when he thanked her for bringing him back to life.

“Tom's Spring Water actually became a best seller for the Canadian Pacific Railway . And the first mare from Jake's new breed won all prizes, not least thanks to Melissa's sensitive training. And Walter was filled with pride in his successful sons. "

Production notes, publication

The film was produced by Videoscope Fernseh-Film GmbH. The filming took place from July 24th to August 21st, 2006 in Alberta , Canada . The idea behind the new film series is Claus Beling , head of the main entertainment / word department at ZDF . The topic has haunted his head for a long time, said Beling, so that he then presented his vision to the author Barbara Engelke and the then Polyphon boss Matthias Esche. They then shot three films "en block", which was a cost-cutting measure. Most of the costumes were brought from Germany. The locations included Bow River , Moraine Lake and Stoney Valley, the landscape in which the literary film Legends of Passion starring Brad Pitt was shot. Claus Beling emphasized that there was a lot to tell from the time in which the Canadian west was settled, which is why a film series was planned from the beginning. However, the favor of the audience decides whether there will be further sequels. One is hoping for six million viewers. The first episode Was the Heart Command had a quota of 7.29 million viewers.

The film was first broadcast by ZDF on January 28, 2007 as part of the “Great ZDF Sunday Film”. In Italy it was released on July 19, 2009.

Films 4 to 7 in the series were released on DVD on May 7, 2007, published by Universum Film GmbH.

criticism wrote: "As the subtitle says so beautifully: 'Great feelings in a wide country', in this case Canada."

TV Spielfilm was only able to gain something from this film in the series and came to the conclusion: "Landscape and horses tear it out."

The criticism on TV Today read similarly , where it was said: "TV costume monzets - it is pilchert and lindström now in Canada in the late 19th century."

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. In the valley of wild roses: Heart in the wind at crew united
  2. New ZDF series originated in Canada see page
  3. “In the Valley of the Wild Roses” with the films: “Heart in the Wind - Triumph of Love - In the Heart of Truth - Legacy of Love”
    see Fig. DVD cover ZDF
  4. In the Valley of the Wild Roses: Heart in the Wind, see page (including a photo series with 13 film images). Retrieved September 28, 2019.
  5. In the Valley of the Wild Roses: Heart in the Wind see page (including picture series with 26 film images). Retrieved September 28, 2019.
  6. In the valley of the wild roses: Heart in the wind see page (including photo series). Retrieved September 28, 2019.