Irene Abendroth

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Irene Abendroth
Grave site in Weidling

Irene Abendroth (born July 14, 1872 in Lemberg , Austria-Hungary , † September 1, 1932 in Weidling near Vienna ) was an Austrian singer with a coloratura soprano voice . Her lesser-known sister Mira Abendroth was also an opera singer .


Irene Abendroth was born as the daughter of a family of drapers from Silesia in the capital of the Crown Land of Galicia . Very talented, she appeared in a concert for the first time at the age of 8. She received her training from Francesco Lamperti and Cleofonte Campanini in Milan and from Emma Mampe-Babnigg and Aurelia Jäger-Wilczek in Vienna. In 1888 she made her debut in Karlsbad and on February 15, 1889 at the Court Opera in Vienna as Amina in Bellini's La sonnambula . Engagements at the Riga Opera House (1890/91) and at the Kgl followed. Court and National Theater in Munich (1891–1894), where she sang Alice Ford on March 2, 1894 in the first performance of Verdi's Falstaff . From 1894–1899 she was back at the Vienna Court Opera, where she took part in the world premiere of Goldmark's opera Das Heimchen am Herd (March 21, 1896). After disagreements with the opera director Gustav Mahler , she left Vienna in 1899 and went to the Royal Court Theater in Dresden, where she was permanently engaged until 1909 and her career culminated in 1905 when she was awarded the title of Royal Saxon Chamber Singer . In Dresden she sang the title role in the German premiere of Puccini's Tosca in 1902 - also to the satisfaction of the composer, on October 30, 1903 she took part in the premiere of Bungert's Odysseus' Death in the role of Despoina. In addition, she made several guest appearances between 1905 and 1907 at the Berlin court opera Unter den Linden and had other invitations to the Kgl. Hofoper Stuttgart, the Frankfurt Opera (1907) and the Leipzig Opera as well as to the German Theater in Prague (1907).

After she left the stage, she performed more often in concerts as an oratorio and lieder singer, and from 1910 she devoted herself to her work as a singing teacher in Vienna. As a further distinction for her work, she was awarded the Austrian Golden Cross of Merit with the Crown .

Since 1900 she was married to the Austrian railway director Thomas Joseph Taller Edlem von Draga. In the inflation after the First World War she lost almost all of her fortune and lived in modest circumstances in Weidling. Her grave in the Weidlinger Friedhof is near that of the poet Nikolaus Lenau .

Abendroth is considered to be one of the most successful coloratura singers of her time with a virtuoso and at the same time dramatic voice. Her extensive repertoire included around 70 major roles.

Repertoire (selection)

Discography (selection)

  • Johannes Brahms : Vergebliches Sändchen (1902): In: The First Opera Recordings 1895–1902 . CD, Symposium Records, 2003, SYM 1318, UPC Code: 760411318025
  • Ambroise Thomas : Mignon (Mignon) Je suis Titania (Thomas) on Marston Records
  • The Harold Wayne Collection Vol. 6, Symposium Records, 2002
  • Yale Collection of Historical Sound Recordings, on Symposium Records, 2002
Further references in: Lotz-Verlag: Discography of German Operatic and Lieder


Web links

Commons : Irene Abendroth  - Collection of images, videos and audio files


  1. Munich reception history of the Falstaff opera
  2. Your address in Dresden: Reichenbachstrasse 29
  3. Your address in Weidling: Löblichgasse 5
  4. ^ Lotz-Verlag
  5. a b c Berlin State Library