Hunting lodge

A hunting lodge is a palace in a zoo or a hunting area (forest, field or lake), which was mainly used to accommodate the ruler and court when hunting in the region. But there are also smaller facilities, also called hunting lodges, which can only offer a few people temporary accommodation, even if they were built in a feudal setting.
The banquet that ended the hunt was usually celebrated in the hunting lodge , sometimes it was also used for parties and similar events.
The name is often equated with the pleasure palace - especially since the hunt among the feudal aristocrats was not primarily a source of food, but primarily a leisure activity - but the pleasure palace and hunting palace differ both in function and architecture. Pleasure castles are free in their equipment program, but they can also be used for hunting (such as the Amalienburg in the Nymphenburg Palace Park , Falkenlust in the Brühl Palace Park or Clemenswerth ), but they don't have to, while hunting castles are always related to the hunt: this can be done through antlers and other trophies happen, through hunting paintings, but also through the conscious display of wood or natural materials; Incidentally, hunting locks can be sumptuously furnished.
A distinction must also be made between small, intimate hunting castles for private use and the large courtly ones, which were used to hold court hunts lasting several days and to accommodate a large retinue of guests and staff, such as the hunting castles of Augustusburg , Moritzburg and Hubertusburg in Saxony . In contrast to pleasure castles, half-timbered buildings or log cabins were not uncommon for intimate hunting castles, but what have been preserved are the stone buildings that today determine the understanding of the hunting lodge.
Many medieval royal palaces were already related to hunting due to their proximity to imperial forests , which, as royal property, were banned forests ; admittedly, they also served as (temporary) residences, for holding court and imperial diets and as places of jurisdiction. The castles of Emperor Frederick II in Castel del Monte and Gravina di Puglia were probably purely hunting castles . The Hunting Lodge of Henry VIII at Epping Forest from 1542 is a preserved half-timbered building from the Renaissance period .
The hunting lodge almost always includes stables and utility buildings to accommodate hunting gear , carriages and entourage . While larger hunting lodges can form self-sufficient ensembles, smaller complexes called hunting lodges are often built in palace parks and gardens, or at least within reach of the residence of the respective prince .
List of well-known hunting locks
- Amalienburg in the Nymphenburg Palace Park
- Augustusburg in Saxony
- Blutenburg Castle on the outskirts of Munich
- Börln Castle near Leipzig
- Chatelherault Hunting Lodge , Scotland
- Clemenswerth Castle near Sögel
- Fontainebleau Castle near Paris
- Engers hunting lodge
- Falkenlust in Augustusburg Park in Brühl
- Fasanerie hunting lodge near Wiesbaden
- Friedrichsmoor hunting lodge , Mecklenburg
- Friedrichsthal Hunting Lodge , Mecklenburg
- Gelbensande hunting lodge , Mecklenburg
- Glienicke Hunting Lodge , Berlin-Wannsee
- Göhrde hunting lodge, Hanoverian Wendland
- Granitz hunting lodge on Rügen
- Grünau hunting lodge near Neuburg an der Donau
- Grunewald Hunting Lodge in Berlin
- Gunzenhausen hunting lodge
- Haideburg hunting lodge in Dessau-Rosslau
- Hubertusburg hunting lodge near Leipzig
- Hubertusstock hunting lodge , Schorfheide
- Köpenicker hunting lodge
- Kranichstein hunting lodge near Darmstadt
- Louisburg Griesheim Hunting Lodge , Darmstadt ( dismissed )
- Letzlingen hunting lodge
- Moritzburg hunting lodge in Saxony
- Neuhaus Hunting Lodge (Solling)
- Former prince-bishop's hunting lodge , Paderborn
- Jagdschloss Platte near Wiesbaden
- Hunting lodge Possen near Sondershausen
- Quitzin Hunting Lodge in Western Pomerania
- Jagdschloss (Bad Rodach)
- Hunting lodge Rominten
- Jachthuis Sint Hubertus , Netherlands
- Hunting lodge Springe
- Stern hunting lodge in Potsdam
- Stupinigi Hunting Lodge
- Waldsee hunting lodge in the Feldberg lake landscape
- Weißwasser hunting lodge (†) owned by the Muskau rulers , including Prince Hermann von Pückler-Muskau
- Hunting lodge Windenhütte
- Waldeck's hunting lodge
- Wolfsgarten hunting lodge in Langen
- Monique Chatenet (Ed.): Maisons des champs dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Actes des premières Rencontres d'architecture européenne, Château de Maisons, 10-13 June 2003 . Picard, Paris 2006, ISBN 2-7084-0737-6 , ( De Architectura 11).
- Claude d'Anthenaise (ed.): Chasses princières dans l'Europe de la Renaissance. Actes du colloque de Chambord (1st and 2nd October 2004) . Fondation de la Maison de la Chasse et de la Nature. Actes Sud, Arles 2007, ISBN 978-2-7427-6643-7 .
- Heiko Laß: Hunting and pleasure castles. Art and culture of two sovereign building tasks; depicted on Thuringian buildings from the 17th and 18th centuries . Imhof, Petersberg 2006, ISBN 3-86568-092-5 .
- Michael Petzet (Hrsg.): Hunting castles of Balthasar Neumann in the Schönbornlanden. Exhibition in the Martin von Wagner Museum of the University of Würzburg (= workbooks of the Bavarian State Office for Monument Preservation 68). Munich 1994.
- The hunter's in the 18th century. Colloquium of the department of the 18th century, Bergische University, Wuppertal University, Pommersfelden from May 29 to June 1, 1988 . Heidelberg 1991.
See also
- Restaurant Jagdschloss
- List of castles and palaces
- Hunting pavilion
- Jagdschlösschen
- Hunting lodge (radar)
- Hunting lodge
- Jagdhof
- Aßmannshausen – Jagdschloss railway line
- For the hunting lodge
- New hunting lodge