Jakow Leontjewitsch Polujektow

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Jakow Leontjewitsch Polujektow ( Russian Яков Леонтьевич Полуектов ; * around 1630 , † after 1679 ) was a Russian shipbuilding entrepreneur .


Polujektow came from an old Moscow noble family . His father Leonti Jakowlewitsch Polujektow was second Djak 1632–1635 with the voivode prince Andrei Andrejewitsch Golitsyn in Tobolsk and 1637–1638 with the voivode boyar Ivan Vasilyevich Morozov in Kazan .

In 1658 Polujektov took part in the meeting with the Tsar of Kakheti Teimuras I, who asked Moscow for military aid against Persia . In 1663 Polujektow was the supervisor of the Indian Shah's merchant .

Oryol (Post of the USSR , 1971)

With ukase from June 19th jul. / June 29,  1667 greg. Alexei I ordered the construction of the first Russian warship Oryol ( Adler ) and other ships on the banks of the Oka near Alexei's village of Dedinowo ( Luchowizy Rajon ) for trade and protection on the Caspian Sea . The Dutch Polkownik Cornelius van Bockhoiven with his assistants Stark and Lambert Gelt was commissioned with the construction . Foreign specialists were recruited, including Carsten Brandt , under whose leadership Russian carpenters worked. The overall management of the project was given to Polujektow. The project was supervised by the Novgorod financial supervisor Boyar Afanassi Lavrentjewitsch Ordin-Naschtschokin . The keel of the Oryol was laid in November 1667.

After the Oryol had been inspected by experts, the ship went with the captain David Butler and a foreign crew to Nizhny Novgorod in May 1669 , where it was equipped with artillery and Brandt became the assistant to the ship's gunner with 10 rubles per month in allowance. In June 1669 the ship continued to Astrakhan . When Stenka Razin occupied Astrakhan with rebellious Cossacks in 1670 , Butler drove the Oryol, whose artillery had previously been given to the Astrakhan Kremlin , into the Kutum branch of the Volga , set it aground and fled to Persia by boat , as Alexander Vasilyevich Wiskowatow found out . The ship then fell into disrepair. Brandt fled to Moscow in 1670.

In 1672 Polujektow stationed 60 struggles in Lebedjan on Don not far from Voronezh for use on the Turkish Black Sea coast and the Crimean coast . Under the leadership of the commandant Grigory Ivanovich Kosagov , this flotilla succeeded in 1674 in passing the Turkish fortress of Azov into the Sea of ​​Azov .

For building the many ships, Polujektow was rewarded with large estates. He owned two mansions in what would later become Ujesd Vjasniki . He remained childless, so that his property was inherited by the children of his brother Ivan Leontjewitsch Polujektow.

Individual evidence

  1. a b Nikolai Vasilyevich Voronkov: Полуектов, Яков Леонтьевич . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 14 , 1910, pp. 452 ( Wikisource [accessed March 27, 2019]).
  2. Руммель, Витольд Владиславович: Полуектовы . In: Brockhaus-Efron . tape XXIV , 1898, p. 383 ( Wikisource [accessed March 27, 2019]).
  3. Nikolai Wassiljewitsch Voronkov: Полуектов, Леонтий Яковлевич . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 14 , 1910, pp. 452 ( Wikisource [accessed March 27, 2019]).
  4. a b Solovyov SM : История России с древнейших времен. В 29 томах. Книга третья. Том XI-XV. Т.  12 . Товарищество "Общественная польза", St. Petersburg 1879, p. 562-564 ( runivers.ru [accessed March 27, 2019]).
  5. Кузнецов Н. А., Соломонов Б. В .: Золотарев А. Н. Фрегат « Орёл » . In: 100 великих кораблей . Вече, Moscow 2012, ISBN 978-5-9533-3751-9 ( litmir.me [accessed March 24, 2019]).
  6. Sagorowski WP : Изюмская черта . Издательство Воронежского университета, Moscow 1980, p. 82 ( docme.ru [accessed March 27, 2019]).
  7. Nikolai Vasilyevich Voronkov: Полуектов, Иван Леонтьевич . In: Русский биографический словарь А. А. Половцова . tape 14 , 1910, pp. 451-452 ( Wikisource [accessed March 27, 2019]).