Joachim Wohlgemuth

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Joachim Wohlgemuth (born June 27, 1932 in Prenzlau ; † October 9, 1996 in Mirow ) was a German writer .


Joachim Wohlgemuth was the son of a carpenter and a seamstress . He attended school until 1947 and then was an errand boy for an agricultural buying and selling cooperative for two years and a construction worker and pioneer manager for a year . From 1950 to 1953 he attended the workers and farmers faculty in Potsdam ; This was followed by a study of philosophy at the University of Leipzig , which he graduated in 1958 with the degree of a diploma philosopher . He studied with Uwe Johnson . Then he was a cultural functionary, he was an employee of the council of the district of Waren (Müritz) and worked on the youth project " Friedländer Große Wiese ". From 1959 he lived as a freelance writer in Neustrelitz , Mecklenburg , most recently in Mirow.

Joachim Wohlgemuth was the author of short stories , novels , radio plays and television scripts . His works depict rural life in the GDR in a realistic way . Wohlgemuth achieved his greatest success with the youth novel Egon and the eighth wonder of the world , which is included in the so-called " arrival literature" and whose total circulation was more than 500,000 copies. He also wrote the script for the film adaptation of the novel . After the reunification in the GDR he published a number of detective novels .

In 1984 the film was made The Doll's House in Pinnow .

Joachim Wohlgemuth had been a member of the GDR Writers' Association since 1962 ; from 1987 he headed the district association Neubrandenburg .

When working through the history of the Neubrandenburg Literature Center, it emerged that Wohlgemuth was cooperating with the Stasi. According to a study by the Berlin Germanist Christiane Baumann, he worked as an unofficial employee of "Paul" or "Paul Fiedler" for the MfS .

Joachim Wohlgemuth's grave is in the Carlshöhe forest cemetery in Neubrandenburg .


  • Egon and the eighth wonder of the world , Berlin 1962
  • Experiences of a curious person , Berlin 1962
  • Engagement in Hullerbusch , Berlin 1969
  • I am the father , Berlin 1977
  • The doll house in Pinnow , Berlin 1983
  • Bloody gravel , Berlin 1993
  • The Jesewitz Affair , Neustrelitz 1995
  • Halfway to happiness , Berlin 1996
  • Brandzone , Berlin 1996


Radio plays


Notes / individual evidence

  1. a b c Joachim Wohlgemuth. In: Every book is an adventure. An almanac, 40 years - Verlag Neues Leben. Editor Heiner Wolf. New Life Publishing House, Berlin (East) 1986, page 235.
  2. ^ Joachim Wohlgemuth: Lecture hall 40, old university. (Memories of the Leipzig student days). In: Carsten Gansel (Ed.): At least live in knowledge - Notes on the work of Uwe Johnson. Federlese Verlag, Neubrandenburg 1991, pp. 103–117
  3. Jump up ↑ On the Stasi's lead tape ( memento from October 15, 2007 in the Internet Archive )


  • Erika Becker: “With us, life is everywhere. And I write about it ” . Neubrandenburg 1988.
  • Christiane Baumann: Literature Center Neubrandenburg 1971–2005. Robert Havemann Archive, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-938857-03-X .

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