Jochen-Hilmar von Wuthenau

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Jochen Hilmar von Wuthenau (born February 10, 1887 on Gut Poledno near Schwetz an der Weichsel , Schwetz district ; † January 12, 1965 in Diepholz ) was a German administrative lawyer in Prussia.


Wuthenau, son of a manor owner , studied law at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg . With Kurt von Kamphoevener he became active in the Corps Saxo-Borussia Heidelberg in 1906 . He moved to the Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität , where he was reciprocated in the Corps Borussia Bonn . As an inactive , he moved to the Albertus University of Königsberg and the Friedrichs University of Halle . As a first lieutenant in the reserve , he went to the First World War . Wounded in the Battle of the Marne (1914) , he came to the Ober Ost .

From April 1918, he took over the position of District Administrator William Louis Eduard Quassowski, who was deputy to Berlin, in the Diepholz district . In 1922 he was appointed district administrator of the Diepholz district. During his term of office, in addition to the massive expansion of the transport infrastructure (district and municipal roads), the regulation of the rivers Aue, Hunte, Omptedakanal, Graftkanal, Dadau and Moorkanal also fell. Moor colonization and settlement construction were of particular concern to him. Among other things, Wuthenau initiated the establishment of the Düversbruch settlement in the southern Diepholz district , whose first houses were occupied in October 1932. A total of four closed settlements with 46 locations and around 30 individual settlements were created under his administration. In addition, the advanced school, the district hospital and the infant home in Diepholz were re-established during this time. After differences with the NSDAP, he was recalled in April 1934 - against the protests of numerous residents - and put into temporary retirement in May.

From 1935 to 1945 he was the district administrator of the Netzekreis based in Schönlanke. In 1939 he also worked as Land Commissioner in the district of Scharnikau (Wartheland) , Reichsgau Wartheland . From 1943 to 1945 he was also in charge of the Arnswalde district and the Friedeberg Nm district. When the Battle of East Pomerania began in February 1945 , he had to flee from the advancing Red Army . Most recently he was employed as deputy district administrator in the district of Melle and in the district of Wittlage .

After the invasion of the British Army in April 1945, he was automatically arrested . Dismissed in 1946, Wuthenau became a member of the newly founded Christian Democratic Union of Germany . For several years he was a member of the city council of Diepholz, the district committee and the district council, member of the refugee council and supervisory board of the district refugee and settlement society. Wuthenau was an honorary knight of the Order of St. John . He found his final resting place in an honorary grave in the cemetery in Düversbruch.


Individual evidence

  1. Wuthenau, Jochen von . In: Martin Schumacher (Ed.): MdB - The People's Representation 1946–1972. - [Waas bis Wynands] (=  KGParl online publications ). Commission for the History of Parliamentarism and Political Parties e. V., Berlin 2006, ISBN 978-3-00-020703-7 , pp. 1403 , urn : nbn: de: 101: 1-2014070812574 ( [PDF; 393 kB ; accessed on June 19, 2017]).
  2. Wilfried Gerke: Diepholz in old views. Volume 2, European Library, Zaltbommel / Netherlands 2001, ISBN 90-288-6504-7 , p. 4.
  3. a b Kösener Corpslisten 1960, 66/1189; 9/891.
  4. ^ The district administrator in Arnswalde, Wuthenau's Heidelberg corps brother Hans Ulrich von Borcke , had been on the field since 1942 and had been missing in Romania since 1944.