Joel Krosnick

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Joel Krosnick (* 1941 ) is an American cellist , chamber musician and music teacher.

Krosnick grew up in a family of music amateurs and, as a child, played the classical chamber music literature with his mother (piano) and father (violin), and later with his brother, the violinist Aaron Krosnick . While studying at Columbia College , he also learned about contemporary music and was a founding member of the Group for Contemporary Music . He was a professor at the University of Iowa and the University of Massachusetts and artist in residence at the California Institute of the Arts . Since 1974 he has been teaching at the Juilliard School of Music , where he has headed the cello department since 1994. His students include Zuill Bailey , Alisa Weilerstein , Clancy Newman , Ross Gasworth , Antoaneta Emanuilova , Kenneth Olsen , Adriana Contino , Anna Burden , Jun Jensen , Hai-Ye Ni , Darrett Adkins , Fabio Presgrave , Inbal Segev , Annie Camp , Amir Eldan , Sæunn Thorsteinsdóttir , Lawrence Zoernig , Nina Lee , Amy Sue Barston and Mark Kosower .

As a fan of contemporary music, Krosnick played works by Roger Sessions , Elliott Carter , Charles Wuorinen , Ralph Shapey , Richard Wernick , Stefan Wolpe , Perry Goldstein , Milton Babbitt , Paul Martin Zonn , Donald Martino , Stanley Walden , Donald Francis Tovey and Morton Subotnick , including the world premieres of Martino's Cello Concerto in Cincinnati and New York, Shape's Double Concerto for Violin, Cello and Orchestra (with Robert Mann ) and his Double Concerto for Cello, Piano, and Double String Orchestra (with Gilbert Kalish ), Wernick's Cello Concert No. 2 (1999) and Tovey's Cello Concerto (2001).

With his longstanding musical partner Gilbert Kalish , he recorded all of the cello sonatas and variations by Ludwig van Beethoven and the sonatas by Brahms , as well as works by Francis Poulenc , Sergei Prokofjew , Elliott Carter , Paul Hindemith , Claude Debussy , Leoš Janáček and Henry Cowell . They dedicated one album to the works of Ralph Shapeys, and another with compositions by Ernst Bacon , Hall Overton , Ben Weber and Otto Luening was released under the title Forgotten Americans . With the albums In the Shadow of World War II and In the Shadow of World War I they won indie awards in 1997 and 1999 . As a member of the Juilliard String Quartet , Krosnick has twice received a Grammy .


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