Johann Baptist Höcht

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Johann Baptist Höcht (born September 11, 1870 in Krummennaab ; † December 4, 1950 in Regensburg ) was auxiliary bishop in Regensburg .


After completing his studies, Höcht was ordained a priest on October 28, 1898 . After years of chaplaincy in Burglengenfeld , he became episcopal house chaplain of Bishop Ignatius of Senestrey in 1902 . In 1904 he became Subregens and in 1908 Regens at the Regensburg seminary . The doctorate in theology in 1922 canon at last, by Bishop Michael Buchberger for vicar general appointed.

After he was already one of the candidates nominated by the Vatican when the Bishop of Eichstätt was appointed, he was accepted by Pope Pius XI. on March 14, 1936 appointed titular bishop of Miletopolis and auxiliary bishop in Regensburg. The episcopal ordination received Höcht on 3 May of the same year by Bishop Michael Buchberger.

Auxiliary Bishop Höcht died in 1950 at the age of 80. He was buried in his hometown Krummennaab.


M. Bresky: Johann Baptist Höcht (1870-1950). Auxiliary Bishop in Regensburg , Contributions to the History of the Diocese of Regensburg, vol. 23/24 T. II, Regensburg 1990 Josef Eimer: Auxiliary Bishop Johann Baptist Höcht died 50 years ago in: What Us the Homeland Tells (Local History Supplement of the Oberpfälzer Nachrichten), No. 5, Weiden 2000, pp. 1f

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Individual evidence

  1. cf. Hubert Wolff: Pope & Devil: the archives of the Vatican and the Third Reich , CH Beck, Munich 2008, p. 66