Johann Christoph von Kuenburg

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Johann Christoph von Kuenburg (born October 29, 1697 in Graz ; † August 18, 1756 in Vienna ) was canon and auxiliary bishop in Passau .


Johann Christoph Rudolf Ludwig, Imperial Count of Kuenburg, usually called Kienburg in the Lower Austrian sources, probably came from the Styrian line of the family and was possibly a grandson or great-grandson of the Styrian Landscape President Sigmund Ludwig Graf von Kuenburg. The Lavant Prince-Bishop Johann Sigmund von Kuenburg (1659–1711) would have been his uncle or great-uncle.

In 1724 he received a canon post in Passau and became a member of the clergy. On October 13, 1726, he was ordained a priest in Rome, where he must have also studied. After the resignation of Auxiliary Bishop Anton Josef von Lamberg , he was appointed Auxiliary Bishop in Passau and Pastor of Tulln , the benefice of the Passau Auxiliary Bishops, on July 3, 1747 , and on July 30, 1747 in the Passau Cathedral of St. Stephan by Prince-Bishop Joseph Dominikus von Lamberg the Bishop of Abdera consecrated.

As such he had to participate in the active pastoral work of the archbishop in his diocese, to undertake long visitation and confirmation trips and also to take over the visitations of the bishop, which he had to break off due to illness. He also had to ordain candidates for priests on the usual quarterly dates (mostly in Tulln) and provide the prince-bishop with precise reports on his activities.

As pastor of Tulln, Count Kuenburg did not exercise any pastoral functions, but was represented by a vicar. In 1750 he approved the demolition of the dilapidated branch church in Langenrohr and replacing it with a new one. The most drastic event, however, was the city fire of March 21, 1752, in which not only the church, but also the beneficiary houses, the parsonage and the manor's office burned down completely. Since his apartment was no longer habitable, Auxiliary Bishop Kuenburg was given permission to live in his courtyard in Passau when he was not traveling.

Since the end of 1750, Count Kuenburg's health seems to have been so impaired that he was no longer able to perform his episcopal functions in full and was relieved of foreign bishops, v. a. Giovanni Paolo Maricone , Bishop of Hippos, and the Viennese Auxiliary Bishop Franz Anton Marxer . In 1755 he no longer appears at all among the consecrating bishops and in the year of his death in 1756 only once in the summer.

He died on August 18, 1756 in Vienna and was buried in the Maria Stiegen church in Passau . His estate was auctioned.


  • Walpurga Oppeker: "" Our Bishop of Thulln "- The Bishop's Court of Tulln and His Lords", in: Heidemarie Bachhofer (Ed.): New research on the history of the Tulln-St. Stephan. St. Pölten 2014, pp. 355–362
  • August Leidl : "Kuenburg, Johannes Christoph Ludwig Reichsgraf von (1697-1756)", in: Erwin Gatz : The Bishops of the Holy Roman Empire 1648-1803. Berlin: Duncker and Humblot, 1990, p. 245 (wrong year of death 1776)
  • August Leidl: The Diocese of Passau between the Vienna Concordat (1448) and the present: short portraits of the Passau bishops, auxiliary bishops, officials (vicars general) of this epoch. Passavia, 1993
  • Rudolf Weiss: The Diocese of Passau under Cardinal Joseph Dominikus von Lamberg (1723–1761). EOS, St. Ottilien 1979

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