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Althöllersberg ( village )
Althöllersberg (Austria)
Red pog.svg
Basic data
Pole. District , state Braunau am Inn  (BR), Upper Austria
Pole. local community Munderfing   ( KG  Munderfing )
Coordinates 48 ° 5 '13 "  N , 13 ° 9' 28"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 5 '13 "  N , 13 ° 9' 28"  Ef1
height 456  m above sea level A.
Residents of the village 160 (January 1, 2020)
Post Code 5222f1
Statistical identification
Locality code 04572
Counting district / district Munderfing-Bradim (40 426 000)
Source: STAT : index of places ; BEV : GEONAM ; DORIS


Althöllersberg , formerly Hörleinsberg or Höllersberg , is a village in the municipality of Munderfing in Upper Austria ( Braunau am Inn district ). The village has 160 inhabitants (as of January 1, 2020).


Althöllersberg is located in the north of the municipality of Munderfing and in the north of the cadastral municipality of the same name. The village can be reached from the center of the community via the main road leading north and the north industrial area. Neighboring villages are Kuglberg ( Pfaffstätt municipality ) in the west, Höllersberg in the southeast, Wiesing and Weinberg in the east and northeast ( Schalchen municipality ) and Mattighofen in the north.

In 2001 a total of 40 buildings were counted for Althöllersberg, 34 buildings having a main residence and 48 apartments or 44 households. There were also five agricultural and forestry facilities and one workplace.

History and population

The village of Althöllersberg is first documented as Heldolfperg in 1256 and is derived from the personal name Heldorf or Heldolt . From around 1530 the village was called Herleinsberg, later Höllersberg. Höllersberg was finally renamed Althöllerberg on October 17, 1995. In the 18th century the village consisted of only three buildings, the Mayrsölden (Althöllersberg 15), the Sephenhäusl or Rothkopfhäusl (Althöllersberg 17) and the Liechtenauerhäusl (Althöllersberg 37). In addition, the Heiligenkreuz Church, which was mentioned in 1580 as Heilig Creitz , existed in the village until 1791 . Because of the church, the village was sometimes also called Heiligenkreuz. Today the dormouse chapel is believed to be on the former site of the church.

In 1869, only 12 people lived in three houses in Althöllersberg. By 1910, the population increased, with 27 residents in six houses that year. All residents of the village were of the Catholic faith.

Individual evidence

  1. Classification according to Statistics Austria
  2. Statistics Austria: Population on January 1st, 2020 by locality (area status on January 1st, 2020) , ( CSV )
  3. ^ Statistics Austria (ed.): Ortverzeichnis 2001. Oberösterreich. Vienna 2005, p. 71
  4. cf. Digital Upper Austrian room information system , farm names and house history
  5. ^ Kk statistical Central Commission (ed.): Orts-Repertorium des Erzherzogthumes Oesterreich ob der Enns. Based on the census of December 31, 1869 Linz 1871, p. 9
  6. kk Central Statistical Commission (Ed.): Spezialortsrepertorium von Oberösterreich. Edited on the basis of the results of December 31, 1910. Vienna 1916, p. 10


  • Waltraud Berghammer, Anton Moser, Erwin Moser, Roswitha Probst, Johann Wiener: Munderfing am Kobernaußerwald. The new home book. Ried 2005, ISBN 3-902121-63-7 .