Johann Philipp Palthen

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Johann Philipp Palthen, engraving by Bernigeroth

Johann Philipp Palthen (born June 26, 1672 in Wolgast , † May 26, 1710 in Greifswald ) was a German historian and linguist .


The son of the court secretary Johann Palthen († 1708) and his wife Dorothea, daughter of the Wolgast councilor Michael Hoppe, attended the Greifswald city school and the University of Greifswald . After completing his studies, he was sponsored by the general superintendent of Swedish Pomerania , Johann Friedrich Mayer , for whom he worked as a private tutor and librarian in Hamburg and who took him on a trip to the Netherlands , Denmark and Sweden , and by Samuel von Pufendorf , whose wife Katharina Elisabeth († 1713) was related to the Palthen family. With his recommendation, Pufendorf was able to persuade the Governor General of Swedish Pomerania, Nils Bielke , to appoint the 22-year-old Palthen professor of mathematics and morals at the University of Greifswald in 1694.

From 1697 to 1698 he accompanied Bielke's sons on a trip to France and England. In Paris he dealt with the works of Jean Mabillon , Étienne Baluze , Jean Hardouin , Louis Du Four and Pierre Daniel Huet , some of whom he got to know personally. Perhaps Du Fours, Abbot of Longuerue, encouraged him to study Tatian .

In 1699 Palthen returned to Greifswald, where he received the professorship for history. After his sponsor Johann Friedrich Mayer, with whom he had been in continuous correspondence since 1694, had become general superintendent of Swedish Pomerania and full professor of the theological faculty in Greifswald in 1701, he was able to use its extensive library for his studies. In 1704, Palthen planned to found a learned society , but this did not materialize because of disputes between the representatives of Pietism and Lutheran Orthodoxy at the university. In 1708 he was rector of Greifswald University.

During his stay in Oxford in 1698 he had obtained a copy of the Tatian Gospel Harmony based on a manuscript of the Old High German translation by Franciscus Junius. He was able to win the government councilor Magnus von Lagerström for financial support for the printing of the font in Greifswald in 1706. In addition to his lectures, he devoted himself to historical studies, general and German history, natural and constitutional law and the writings of Hugo Grotius . Several documents and regesta books were the result of his studies in Pomeranian archives.

The lawyers Jakob and Samuel Palthen were his brothers.

Fonts (selection)

  • Historia ecclesiae collegiatae sancti Nicolai Gryphiswaldensis. Greifswald 1704.
  • Tatiani Alexandrini Harmoniae evangelicae antiquissima versio theotisca. Greifswald 1706.
  • Unpredictable thoughts of a Swedish subject about the recently published Danish Manifesto, so hiebey also printed. Greifswald 1710.

See also


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ FL Hoffmann: Hamburg Bibliophiles, Bibliographers and Litteraturhistorisker. In: Robert Naumann: Serapeum. TO Weigel, Leipzig 1865, p. 226.
  2. The Rectors of the University 1700-1799 ( Memento of the original dated December 8, 2015 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
predecessor Office successor
Eberhard Barnstorff Rector of the University of Greifswald
Brandanus Heinrich Gebhardi