Jon classes

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Jon Klassen (2016)

Jon Klassen (born November 29, 1981 in Winnipeg , Manitoba , Canada ) is a Canadian-American animation artist, illustrator and writer. Among other things, he worked in various functions on three feature films, including Coraline (2009) and Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011), as well as on various short films. Klassen wrote and illustrated various picture books, including I Want My Hat Back (2011, where is my hat , 2012) and This Is Not My Hat (2012, is not my hat , 2013). He also illustrated books by other writers, including Sam and Dave Dig a Hole (2014). Further illustrations of classes have appeared in various anthologies. I Want My Hat Back , which the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung speaks of a “brilliant picture book”, was a New York Times best seller and was awarded the 2013 German Youth Literature Prize. Even This Is Not My Hat was a New York Times -Bestseller and was awarded the Caldecott Medal and the Kate Greenaway Medal awarded. Klassen lives in Los Angeles .

life and work


Klassen grew up with his two younger brothers in Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada . During his high school time there, he worked in his family's candle factory, among other things. He studied illustration at Sheridan College in Oakville, Ontario, near Toronto . After graduating from college in 2005, he went to Los Angeles, California , USA . From 2006 he worked there for various film and video productions. Among other things, he worked as an animator for the feature film Coraline (2009), as well as for the U2 music video I'll Go Crazy If I Don't Go Crazy Tonight (2009). In 2006, Klassen realized his short film An Eye For Annai . In 2014 he was a member of the jury for the award The Extraordinary Book of the children and youth program of the Berlin International Literature Festival . Klassen lives with his wife in Los Angeles.

Career as a book author and illustrator

Inspirations and style

Classes' favorite book when he was a child was Sam and the Firefly by Philip Dey Eastman. Other illustrators who appreciate classes are Leo Lionni and Wolf Erlbruch .

While Klassen initially worked more in the field of animated film, he later concentrated more on the illustration and writing of books. He justified the change as follows:

“What was appealing to me was that picture books have many of the strengths of film, but in a much more concentrated form. Turning a page is like cutting a film, the words next to the pictures represent the sound. It might sound too easy, but that's actually how I often think of it. I also enjoy the fact that this work is so much clearer and cleaner. Concept art for a film usually requires a lot of rendering. The representations look more like still images. The pictures I like to take are getting simpler and simpler. I have also always liked picture books. "

- Jon Klassen : Exciting Times , Interview by Kristina Bernd, in: JuLit 4/2013, p. 20

While Klassen created his first books exclusively digitally, he now works both traditionally with pens and with the computer:

“In animation, I always worked on the computer and that's why I made my first books. But if you only work digitally and then print the drawings, you suddenly recognize some hidden tricks and everything looks more angular. Now I use ink and pens to draw the figures and backgrounds on separate paper, because I'm not as good as I should be at drawing a whole picture. Then I assemble the pieces like a puzzle on the computer. "

- Jon Klassen : The Secret Behind the Pictures , interview with Klassen in Die Welt on February 19, 2014

For drawing books, Klassen prefers silver pencils from Progresso with a hardness of 9B.

Klassen prefers neither illustrating nor writing a picture book:

“I really enjoy illustrating texts by other authors. It's a lot more relaxed. While you're trying to find the best possible representation, you know there's a story behind it that works. When I write my own stories, I always fear that something might not work and I might be missing out on a great chance to make a good picture book. On the other hand, it is incomparable to realize your own idea and actually implement your own book from cover to cover. To cut a long story short: I like both. "

- Jon Klassen : Exciting Times , Interview by Kristina Bernd, in: JuLit 4/2013, p. 22

First successes

With I Want My Hat Back (2011, German Wo ist mein Hut, 2012) and This Is Not My Hat (2012, German That's not my hat , 2013), Klassen wrote and illustrated two picture books that are also available in German translation . Regarding the controversial ending of his book I Want My Hat Back , Klassen says:

"When the book was pitched to publishers, most of them wanted to change the ending. Candlewick was the only one that embraced the ending. Some people can't get around the idea that a kids' book should have a lesson that the characters themselves are aware of. Instead of eating him, they wanted the bear to say to the rabbit, 'And that's why you shouldn't steal hats!' I tell people who don't like the ending that the story does have a point: The bear might be thinking, just like we are, at the end that maybe this wasn't the best idea. Kids are aware when a story is good on its own outside of a moral. "

- Kids' book author Jon Klassen discusses' This is Not My Hat ' , in: Los Angeles Times, October 7, 2012

more books

In addition to I Want My Hat Back and This Is Not My Hat , Klassen also illustrated seven books by other authors: For Maryrose Woods The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place series, (as of 2012) consisting of the three books The Mysterious Howling (2010), The Hidden Gallery (2011) and The Unseen Guest (2012), Klassen contributed the illustrations. The series is also available in German translation under the title The Secret of Ashton Place , with the three volumes All Beginning Is Wild (2012), The Hunt Is Open (2012) and The Wolves Are Los (2013). Interestingly, in the German-language edition of the volumes, the illustrations of classes were dispensed with.

Other books by other authors that Klassen illustrated are Cats' Night Out by Carlyn Stutson (2010, not translated into German), House Held Up By Trees by Ted Kooser (2012, published in German translation in 2013 as Das Haus in den Trees ), Extra Yarn by Mac Barnett (2012, published in German translation in 2013 as Extra Garn ) and The Dark by Lemony Snicket (2013, published in German translation in 2014 as Dunkel ). On the genesis of The Dark Klassen says:

Lemony Snicket likes to start a new book with a visual idea. I sent him a drawing that shows a boy standing at the top of a staircase with a flashlight. At the bottom, at the end of the stairs, you can see a dark corridor, and the dark says: 'Down here.' Shortly afterwards, Snicket sent me a story back and that is the story in the book. "

- Jon Klassen : The Secret Behind the Pictures , interview with Klassen in Die Welt on February 19, 2014

In October 2014, Mac Barnett's Sam and Dave Dig a Hole (not published in German translation) is another picture book illustrated by Klassen. In this two boys are at the center of the plot. Sam and Dave dig holes in very different ways, hoping to find something special. For classes, Sam and Dave Dig a Hole is a book about "why digging a hole is a bad idea" (2014). In addition to illustrating Sam and Dave Dig a Hole , Klassen is currently working on another book, which he both writes and illustrates.

In addition to the publications mentioned, illustrations of classes have appeared in various anthologies.

Klassen illustrated the poster for the German Youth Literature Award 2014.

Artistic and commercial success

Klassen has received numerous awards for his artistic work, especially as an illustrator, but also as an author of picture books. The most important prizes include the Caldecott Medal (2013) for This Is Not My Hat and in the same year the Caldecott Medal-Honor for Extra Yarn - only one artist before him won both awards in the same year (1947). I Want My Hat Back also received the German Youth Literature Award in the picture book category in 2013 .

Extra Yarn and I Want My Hat Back were on the New York Times bestseller list in the picture book section , the latter 48 weeks. Even This Is Not My Hat stood up for 43 weeks on this best-seller list.

By April 2014, I Want My Hat Back and This Is Not My Hat had sold a total of one million copies worldwide. In addition, both books have been translated together into 22 languages.

Spotlight Stories

Klassen is involved as a production designer on the Spotlight Story project, which is experimenting with the possibilities of telling stories on digital receivers. In the context of this project, the screen of a mobile receiving device should not only be viewed as a small screen, but as a separate medium with specific possibilities. A special feature of the stories published as part of the Spotlight Story project is that they are based on what the viewer sees or where they move their smartphone. In October 2013 the interactive story Windy Day was published on the Motorola Moto X and in March 2014 the interactive story Buggy Night was published on the Moto X as well .

Press review

Artistic style

"Both [Jon Klassen and Oliver Jeffers] have in common the unmistakability of their respective drawing style, which uses old models without copying them, and the confident narrative attitude that suggests more than it expresses it."

- Andreas Platthaus : The perfect pet gives us a cough , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung of July 12, 2013

Cats' Night Out (2010)

"In Cats' Night Out , Jon Klassen's highly imaginative and clever illustrations, with their subdued, delicate colors and their minimal movement, mysteriously transform a smoky New York night into a grooving and pulsating background for his cool dancing cats."

- Governor General's Literary Awards Jury : Past Finalist: Children's Illustration , at:

“In Cats' Night Out , Jon Klassen creatively arranges pulsating patterns, lines and shapes to express a fantasy mood. He uses different tones and textures to contrast the mysterious night scene with the many vivid dancing cats. The illustrations match the content perfectly. "

- Governor General's Literary Awards jury : Governor Generals Literary Awards finalists announced , on: on October 13, 2010

I Want My Hat Back (2011) / Where's My Hat (2012)

" I Want My Hat Back is a marvelous book in the true dictionary sense of marvel : it is a wonderful and astonishing thing, the kind of book that makes child laugh and adult chuckle, and both smile in appreciation. [...] This is a charmingly wicked little book and the debut of a promising writer-illustrator talent. "

- Pamela Paul : Not Just Another Bear Story , in: The New York Times of October 12, 2011

"The joy of this book lies in figuring out the explicit plot from the implicit details in the pictures, especially a few wordless ones."

- Mary Harris Russell : 'I Want My Hat Back' by Jon Klassen , in: Chicago Tribune , 2013

“What do you do with a book like this? The publisher of the German-language edition recommends it for four-year-olds, and that seems appropriate because of the clear language and the manageable illustrations. The lines are precisely executed, the background reduced to the bare minimum, the figures - apart from a few mannerisms - designed to be recognized, and all of this promises a plot without great puzzles. The fact that one is in the most beautiful way deceived is what defines the quality of this book, and because Jon Klassen knows of course that where image and text are on the same wavelength, great boredom is not far away, he ignites with his innocent dialogues against the background of more divergent ones Take pictures one by one. [...] Those who are strong know how to get their rights. Those who are weak are left alone with their inconsequential lament. By designing such a far-reaching system of references with his simple book, Jon Klassen is adjusting to the horizon of his target group and enlarging it considerably. Parents will love him for it. "

- Tilman Spreckelsen : The Litany of Never Again , in: FAZ of November 23, 2012

"A quirky, unique and fantastically funny book, there is so much humor to be found in the illustrations. A lesson in visual literacy, character emotions are expressed brilliantly and the clever use of the color is inspired. "

- Kate Greenaway Medal Jury : The Kate Greenaway Medal - Current Shortlist , at:

“As on the play rail of a hand puppet theater, a maximum of two characters act on the book pages. And the viewer sometimes has a better overview of what is happening than the main character apparently does. After all, the bear turns out to be far less harmless than it initially seemed - just like the traditional carnival bunny, it also has an abysmal side. In the end the hat is on the right head, but where has the rabbit gone? Jon Klassen first draws the outlines of the figures on Chinese paper in ink, in order to put everything together on the computer and to add colors and other details. The typography is not only a feast for the eyes, but also semantically charged. "

- Jury of the German Youth Literature Prize : Where is my hat , at:

Where is my hat is one of those classic picture books that tell a story with economical, expressive illustration that children can think along with and be happy that they are smarter than the bear. On the Internet, however, the book became a success among adults. […] Are the questions he [Jon Klassen] asks serious enough to keep people over five years busy: What is law? What is wrong What is property and what is theft? How far can vigilante justice go? Klassen [...] turns it into philosophy with a pencil, lovingly and hauntingly. "

- Sebastian Hammelehle : picture book as an internet hit: small fish, big philosophy , on: Spiegel Online from October 28, 2013

This Is Not My Hat (2012) / This is not my hat (2013)

"In this darkly humorous tale, a tiny fish knows it's wrong to steal a hat. It fits him just right. But the big fish wants his hat back. Klassen's controlled palette, opposing narratives and subtle cues compel readers to follow the fish and imagine the consequence. "With minute changes in eyes and the slightest displacement of seagrass, Klassen's masterful illustrations tell the story the narrator doesn't know," Caldecott Chair Sandra Imdieke said. "

- Caldecott Medal Jury : 2013 Medal Winner , at:

"As was true with I Want My Hat Back , in which a rabbit and a bear provide the dialectic, the ethical position in This Is Not My Hat is complicated. Don't steal, obviously. But given that children's literature champions the small and the weak, there is also this: Don't get caught. Depending on where you are on the political spectrum, This Is Not My Hat could be a cautionary tale of either righteous class struggle or uppity proletarians. "

- Roger Sutton : Swimmies , in: The New York Times, November 9, 2012

“After Wo ist mein Hut (winner of the German Youth Literature Prize 2013), the American picture bookmaker Jon Klassen has again created an ingenious little total work of art. From a brisk idea, a very short, pointed text and many equally curious and impressive pictures, a subtle picture book has emerged that occupies the head and goes to the heart. The underwater views are great, the black sea with the fish and plants in typical class colors: subdued and yet slightly luminous, delicate and strong at the same time. "

- Sylvia Schwab : Of hats and thieves , on: from September 9, 2013

It's not my hat tells a similar story to its predecessor. Now from the thief's point of view: a small fish. He took the headgear off a large fish when it was sleeping. The reader follows the thief's monologue, a prime example of self-justification, self-reassurance and self-deception in a plausible, sympathetic form […]. [...] Throughout the history of mankind, small and large crimes have been glossed over in one way or another. [...] This is not my hat has the dynamics of a classic gangster film - and not only toddlers will feverish with the little fish that made it into a thicket of aquatic plants, believing itself to be safe: 'Nobody will find me here.' In this great picture book, as in its predecessor, it is not only about the big questions of legal philosophy - but also about the one crucial question of existential importance: Who will survive? Big fish are stronger than small fish, after all, and death has swallowed everyone - we adults think. Children sometimes have their own point of view. "

- Sebastian Hammelehle : picture book as an internet hit: small fish, big philosophy , on: Spiegel Online from October 28, 2013

"The format and layout work perfectly to convey the underwater location with the movement of the action flowing with the water from left to right. The color palette and matte texture is not one which you would normally associate with underwater and yet conveys it beautifully. The juxtaposition of text and image works with perfect comic timing. Amazing expression is conveyed by the eyes and dramatic tension by little bubbles. "

- Kate Greenaway Medal Jury : The Kate Greenaway Medal - Current Shortlist , on: from March 18, 2014

Extra Yarn (2012) / Extra Yarn (2013)

“Klassen's illustrations are the most absorbing part of this tale, wrapping Annabelle's sooty, snowy town in mottled color and texture as her knitting progresses. Klassen is known for his concept art for the animated movie Coraline , and he carries a bit of that film's otherworldliness into his work here. "

- Rachael Brown : Creative Spirits , in: The New York Times, February 10, 2012

"Klassen's brown ink and digitally created illustrations pair nicely with the translucent, lightly inked knitwear. His pacing, especially the mostly wordless sequence when the box floats back to Annabelle on a triangle of an iceberg, is impeccable. The final spread, all light and yarn-covered tree limbs, brings Barnett's clever, quiet yarn full circle, to a little girl and a town, now colorful and happy. "

- Robin Smith : Picture Book Reviews of 2012 Boston Globe – Horn Book Award Winner and Honor Books - Picture Book Winner , in: The Horn Book Magazine, June 7, 2012

"Mac Barnett's sparse text tells a simple but touching tale about the positive power of small deeds. Jon Klassen's ink and gouache illustrations are at first dominated by black and white. Step by step, however, Annabel's fabulous knitwear adds sparkling stitches to the pictures as well as to the lives of the townspeople; and it puts a happy smile on their faces. "

- White Raven 2013 jury of the International Youth Library : Extra yarn , on:, 2013

The Dark (2013) / Dark (2014)

"With his command of language, tone, and pacing, Snicket creates the perfect antidote to a universal fear. Klassen's spare gouache and digital illustrations in a quiet black, brown, and white palette […] are well suited for a book about the unseen. Using simple black lines and color contrasts to provide atmosphere and depth, classes captures the essence of Snicket's story. "

- Cynthia K. Ritter : Review of "The Dark" , on: from April 24, 2013

“A picture book event becomes dark through the pictures of Jon Klassen. They are flat, restrained in terms of colors and linear shapes. Clearly structured stairs or floorboards. The light-dark contrasts are great and decisive. [...] An impressive story in clear pictures and soft tones. "

- Sylvia Schwab : When darkness speaks , on: from March 4, 2014

“Jon Klassen is a star in the international picture book business. With Dunkel he once again proves his exceptional talent. […] Both together [Jon Klassen and Daniel Handler ] have created a masterpiece. "

- Andreas Platthaus : Because what you have white on black , in: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung No. 57 of March 8, 2014, p. L13

“A terrific Film Noire atmosphere is evoked throughout with a clever choice of font and limited color palette to create a retro adventure feel. Interesting use of perspective and angles to reflect Lazlo's anxiety and the use of abstract shapes actively guides your eye through the story. Wonderful use of light to give a sense of the passage of time and very creative use of dark space in the same way that one would more traditionally use white space. "

- Kate Greenaway Medal Jury : The Kate Greenaway Medal - Current Shortlist , on: from March 18, 2014



Original English language edition German-language first edition Remarks
2007: The Rabbit Mayor - A Mayan Folk Tale , in: Flight , Kazu Kibuishi (editor), Villard (New York), ISBN 978-0-345-49040-7 Short story

Flight contains 25 illustrated short stories by various authors and illustrators, including the short story by Jon Klassen

not published in German translation

2008: Great Great Grand Show , Israel Sanchez, Jon Klassen, Scott Campbell, Graham Annable , Nucleus Studios (Alhambra, California), ISBN 978-0-9796118-2-7 Exhibition catalog

not published in German translation

2009: The Legend of Alexandra & Rose , in: Half-Minute Horrors , Susan Rich (Editor), Harper (New York), ISBN 978-0-06-183379-3 2011: The legend of Alexandra & Rose , in: My little horror trip - The shortest shock stories of all time , Karsten Siegelmann (translation from the American), Beltz & Gelberg (Weinheim), ISBN 978-3-407-81091-5 Short story

Half-Minute Horrors or My Little Horror Trip - The Shortest Shock Stories of All Time contains short stories by various authors and illustrators, including the short story by Jon Klassen

2010: The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place - Book 1 - The Mysterious Howling , Maryrose Wood (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Balzer + Bray (New York), ISBN 978-0-06-179105-5 2012: The secret of Ashton Place - Volume 1 - Every beginning is wild , Eva Plorin (translation from the American), Thienemann (Stuttgart), ISBN 978-3-522-18296-6 Novel with illustrations

German translation of the book was published without the illustrations by Jon Klassen

2010: Moonshine - Dreamworks Artists… After Dark! , Chris Appelhans, Max Boas, Jason Brubaker, Devine Crane, Sylvain Deboissy, Paul Duncan, Nathan Fowkes, Goro Fujita, Todd Gibbs, Alex Hagelis, Tianyi Han, Kory Heinzen, Tang Kheng Heng, Leighton Hickman, Ruben Hickman, Michael Isaak, Shannon Jeffries, Bill Kaufmann, Kristen Kawamura, Jon Klassen, Chin Ko, Ronald Kurniawan, Paul Lasaine, Bryan Gregg LaShelle, Christophe Lautrette, luri Lioi, Dominique Louis, Nicolas Marlet, Patrick Mate, Marco Mateu-Mestre, Samuel Michlap, Emil Mitev , Takao Noguchi, Lindsey Olivares, Sunil Pant, Ruben Perez, Shane Prigmore, Alex Puvilland, Simon Rodgers, Ritchie Sacilioc, Griselda Sastrawinata, Jason William Scheier, Christian Schellewald, Shannon Tindle, Pierre-Olivier Vincent, ZhaoPing Wei, Nicolas Weis, Nate Wragg and Felix Yoon (illustrations), Design Studio Press (Culver City, California), ISBN 978-1-933492-94-0 contains illustrations by various Dreamworks artists, including Jon Klassen

not published in German translation

2010: Cats' Night Out , Carolyn Stutson (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Simon & Schuster (New York), ISBN 978-1-4169-4005-0 Picture book

not published in German translation

2011: I Want My Hat Back , Jon Klassen (text and illustration), Candlewick Press (Somerville, Massachusetts), ISBN 978-0-7636-5598-3 2012: Where is my hat , Thomas Bodmer (translation from English), NordSüd (Zurich), ISBN 978-3-314-10117-5 Picture book
2011: The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place - Book 2 - The Hidden Gallery , Maryrose Wood (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Balzer + Bray (New York), ISBN 978-0-06-179112-3 2012: The secret of Ashton Place - Volume 2 - The hunt is on , Eva Plorin (translation from the American), Thienemann (Stuttgart), ISBN 978-3-522-18324-6 Novel with illustrations

German translation of the book was published without the illustrations by Jon Klassen

2012: This Is Not My Hat , Jon Klassen (text and illustration), Candlewick Press (Somerville, Massachusetts), ISBN 978-0-7636-5599-0 2013: That's not my hat , Thomas Bodmer (translation from English), NordSüd (Zurich), ISBN 978-3-314-10170-0 Picture book
2012: House Held Up By Trees , Ted Kooser (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Candlewick Press (Somerville, Massachusetts), ISBN 978-0-7636-5107-7 2013: The house in the trees , Thomas Bodmer (translation from English), NordSüd Verlag (Zurich), ISBN 978-3-314-10130-4 Picture book
2012: The Incorrigible Children of Ashton Place - Book 3 - The Unseen Guest , Maryrose Wood (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Balzer + Bray (New York), ISBN 978-0-06-179118-5 2013: The Secret of Ashton Place - Volume 3 - The wolves are loose , Eva Plorin (translation from the American), Thienemann (Stuttgart), ISBN 978-3-522-18354-3 Novel with illustrations

German translation of the book was published without the illustrations by Jon Klassen

2012: Extra Yarn , Mac Barnett (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Balzer + Bray (New York), ISBN 978-0-06-195338-5 2013: Extra Garn , Susanne Lin (translation from English), Free Spiritual Life (Stuttgart), ISBN 978-3-7725-2688-6 Picture book
2013: The Dark , Lemony Snicket (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Little, Brown (New York), ISBN 978-0-316-18748-0 2014: Dunkel , Thomas Bodmer (translation from English), NordSüd Verlag (Zurich), ISBN 978-3-314-10211-0 Picture book
2014: Duck , in: What´s Your Favorite Animal? , Eric Carle , Nick Bruel, Lucy Cousins, Susan Jeffers, Steven Kellogg, Jon Klassen, Tom Lichtenheld, Peter McCarty, Chris Raschka, Peter Sís , Lane Smith , Erin Stead, Rosemary Wells and Mo Willems (texts and illustrations), Henry Holt (New York), ISBN 978-0-8050-9641-5 Single illustration

Picture book contains illustrations by various artists, including classes

not published in German translation

2014: Sam and Dave Dig a Hole , Mac Barnett (text), Jon Klassen (illustration), Candlewick Press (Somerville, Massachusetts), ISBN 978-0-7636-6229-5 Picture book

was released on October 14, 2014 in the USA

Published in 2015 by NordSüd Verlag in German translation (Sam and Dave dig a hole)


year Movie Remarks
2006 An Eye for Annai Short film

Klassen appears as Jonathan Klassen in the credits of the film

Function of classes: idea, script, direction and animation

can be viewed online

2008 City of Ember - Escape from the Dark Feature film

Klassen appears as Jonathan Klassen in the credits of the film

Function of classes: Concept Artist

2009 Coraline Feature film

Klassen appears as Jonathan Klassen in the credits of the film

Function of classes: Illustrator

2009 Kung Fu Panda - Secrets of the Furious Five / The Secret of the Furious Five TV short film

Klassen appears in the credits as Jonathan Klassen

Function of classes: Background Artist

2009 I´ll Go Crazy If I Don´t Go Crazy Tonight Music video from U2

Role of classes: Art Director

can be viewed online

2010 Black Lake Short film

Function of classes: participation

can be viewed online

2010 Kung Fu Panda Holiday / Kung Fu Panda - A quick-witted winter festival TV short film

Klassen appears as Jonathan Klassen in the credits of the film

Function of classes: Visual Development Artist

2010 The BBC Winter Olympics Title Sequence Commercial

Function of classes: co-designer

can be viewed online

2011 Kung Fu Panda 2 Feature film

Klassen appears as Jonathan Klassen in the credits of the film

Function of classes: Visual Development

2013 I want my hat back Short film

Function of classes: author, illustrator, actor

2013 Adventure Time With Finn & Jake / Adventure Time With Finn and Jake , Season 5, Episode 15: A Glitch is a Glitch Television series

Function of classes: Color Stylist

Nominations and Awards

year book Nomination / award
2010 Cat's Night Out Governor General´s Literary Award in the category English-language Children´s Literature - Illustration
2011 I Want My Hat Back / Where's my hat In the New York Times list of Best Illustrated Children's Books of 2011
2012 Extra Yarn / Extra Yarn Boston Globe – Horn Book Award - Picture Book Winner
2012 I Want My Hat Back / Where's my hat Picture book of the month October from the German Academy for Children's and Young Adult Literature
2012 This Is Not My Hat / This is not my hat Inclusion in the list Notable Children's Books of 2012 the New York Times
2012 This Is Not My Hat / This is not my hat Honor Book at the Theodor Seuss Geisel Award
2012 House Held Up By Trees / The house in the trees Listing New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Books of 2012
October 2, 2012 House Held Up By Trees / The house in the trees English-language finalist of the Governor General's Literary Awards of the Canada Council for the Arts in the Children's Literature - Illustration category
2013 I Want My Hat Back / Where's my hat German youth literature award in the picture book category
2013 I Want My Hat Back / Where's my hat Shortlisted the Kate Greenaway Medal
2013 This Is Not My Hat / This is not my hat Caldecott Medal
2013 Extra Yarn / Extra Yarn Book of Honor of the Caldecott Medal
2013 The Dark / Dark Listing New York Times Best Illustrated Children's Books of 2013
2013 The Dark / Dark In the New York Times list of Notable Children's Books of 2013 in the Picture Book category
2013 Extra Yarn / Extra Yarn White Raven of the International Youth Library
2nd October 2013 The Dark / Dark English-language finalist of the Governor General's Literary Awards of the Canada Council for the Arts in the Children's Literature - Illustration category
March 1, 2014 The Dark / Dark The best 7 books for young readers in March by Deutschlandfunk
March 18, 2014 The Dark / Dark Shortlisted the Kate Greenaway Medal
March 18, 2014 This Is Not My Hat / This is not my hat Shortlisted the Kate Greenaway Medal
April 9, 2014 The Dark / Dark Lynx of the month April 2014 from ZEIT and Radio Bremen
May 14, 2014 The Dark / Dark Book of the month June 2014 from the German Academy for Children's and Young Adult Literature
5th June 2014 The Dark / Dark Voted one of the most beautiful German books 2014 by the Stiftung Buchkunst
June 23, 2014 This Is Not My Hat / This is not my hat Kate Greenaway Medal

Festival participation

date festival
April 2014 Festival of Books (Los Angeles)
September 2014 Children's and youth program at the 14th Berlin International Literature Festival (first appearance in Germany)

Web links

Commons : Jon Klassen  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Tilman Spreckelsen: The picture book "Where is my hat". The litany of never seeing you again . In: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung . November 23, 2012 ( online ).
  3. ^ "Exciting times", Interview by Kristina Bernd with Jon Klassen, in: JuLit 4/2013, p. 20
  4. “Exciting Times”, Interview by Kristina Bernd with Jon Klassen, in: JuLit 4/2013, p. 23
  6. a b Sonja Gillert: The secret behind the pictures. In: . February 19, 2014, accessed October 7, 2018 .
  13. a b c Sally Lodge: Klassen's 'Hat' Books Hit One-Million Mark. In: Publishers Weekly . April 10, 2014, accessed on August 21, 2019 .
  14. Andreas Platthaus: The perfect pet gives us a cough. In: . July 12, 2013, accessed October 13, 2018 .
  15. Past Finalist: Children's Illustration ( Memento from October 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  16. Governor Generals Literary Awards finalists announced ( Memento from October 2, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  19. a b c d e f The Kate Greenaway Medal - Current Shortlist ( Memento from March 15, 2013 in the Internet Archive )
  21. ^ A b Sebastian Hammelehle: picture book as an internet hit: small fish, big philosophy. In: Spiegel Online . October 28, 2013, accessed June 10, 2018 .
  26. -honor-books /
  30. Andreas Platthaus: Because what you have white on black. In: . March 8, 2014, accessed October 13, 2018 ( Paywall ).
  31. Winners of 2010 Governor Generals Literary Awards announced ( October 2, 2013 memento on the Internet Archive ) Canada Council. November 16, 2010
  33. -honor-books /
  37. Read ggreat books: Canada Council for the Arts announces the 2012 Governor General's Literary Award finalists. ( Memento of January 4, 2014 on the Internet Archive ) Canada Council. October 2, 2012
  44. Get ready to read the Great books of 2013. ( Memento from January 4, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Canada Council for the Arts. October 2, 2013
  47. ^ Stiftung Buchkunst: “The most beautiful books 2014” have been determined