Joseph von Joner-Tettenweiß

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Count Johann Nepomuk Joseph von Joner-Tettenweiß (born July 31, 1821 in Munich ; † January 27, 1898 ibid) was a Bavarian treasurer and officer , most recently major general .



He came from the old, originally Alsatian, noble family of the Joner on Tettenweiss . The family, which received the nobility from Emperor Sigismund in 1420 , was elevated to the rank of baron in 1789 and the rank of imperial count in 1790 .

Joseph's father Johann Nepomuk Anton Graf von Joner-Tettenweiß (1783-1856) was a Bavarian chamberlain and first master of ceremonies, commander and capitular lord of the Order of St. George and lord of the reign of Tettenweiss. In 1810 he married Countess Maria Anna von Toerring and Tengling, Baroness von Seefeld (1794–1874). The marriage resulted in three sons and a daughter. The firstborn son Maximilian (* 1813) died just two weeks after the birth. The second son Clemens (* 1814), Joseph's older brother, died in 1870 as a Bavarian treasurer, major general and city ​​commander of Nuremberg . The only daughter Antonia Wilhelmina Johanna Nepomucena (1823-1905) married the Austrian treasurer and major Maximilian Joseph Gustav Eugen Ludwig Graf von Frohberg called Montjoye in 1853 .

Military career

Joner-Tettenweiß was first educated in the pagerie in Munich and on August 21, 1839 was appointed Junker in the Infantry Body Regiment . In April 1840 he was promoted to sub-lieutenant , in August 1848 to first lieutenant , in April 1853 to captain II class , in June 1859 to captain I class and on May 20, 1866 to major. As such, he took part in the campaign against Prussia with his regiment in 1866 . For his behavior during the battle near Seybothenreuth on July 29, 1866, in which Joner-Tettenweiß led the 4th battalion of his regiment, he applied for admission to the Military Max Joseph Order . A chapter of the order held in Würzburg on February 28, 1867, chaired by Jakob von Hartmann , unanimously considered the request to be not justified by the order's statutes. However, the majority recognized that Joner-Tettenweiß had made himself worthy of another honorable award through his courageous behavior and the wound he suffered in the battle near Seybothenreuth. On May 23, 1867, he received the Knight's Cross 1st Class of the Military Merit Order .

In 1853 Joner-Tettenweiß was appointed Bavarian Chamberlain and a year later he was appointed Knight of the Order of Saint George. Further awards followed, such as the Austrian Order of the Iron Crown III on December 23, 1867 . Class and on April 12, 1868 the Commander's Cross II. Class of the Saxon Order of Albrecht .

Joner-Tettenweiß first experienced the campaign against France in 1870/71 in the Infantry Leib Regiment, but was promoted to lieutenant colonel in the 13th Infantry Regiment "Franz Joseph I" on September 18, 1870 . With army orders of September 29, 1870 he received commendations for his services in the battle of Wörth on August 6, 1870 and with army orders of November 1, 1870 for his services in the battle of Sedan on September 1, 1870, as well as the iron for Sedan Cross II class.

A chapter of the order held in zu Grosbois under the chairmanship of Lieutenant General Joseph Maximilian von Maillinger on February 7, 1871 unanimously recognized Joner-Tettenweiß, because of his brave behavior in the battle of Sedan as commander of the 3rd Battalion of the Infantry Leib Regiment, for admission to the Military Max Joseph Order. With the very highest signature of February 17, 1871, he was accepted as a knight in the Military Max Joseph Order.

On October 9, 1870 he was given command of the 10th Infantry Regiment “Prince Ludwig” , which he led until January 1, 1871. With this association , which belonged to the I. Army Corps , he fought on November 9, 1870 in the battle of Coulmiers , where he was wounded again in the arm. On January 27, 1871 he was transferred to the 11th Infantry Regiment "von der Tann" . In the army order of April 3, 1871, Joner-Tettenweiß was repeatedly praised for his brave efforts and outstanding achievements throughout the war.

On February 16, 1872 he was transferred to the 2nd Infantry Regiment "Crown Prince" and on May 1, 1873 he was promoted to colonel in the 8th Infantry Regiment "Pranckh" . After the Prussian on May 29, 1877 Order of the Crown had received II. Class, he was on 13 March 1878 Pension adopted and the permission of wearing the uniform, and on 26 April 1879 as Major General characterized .

Joseph Graf von Joner-Tettenweiß died on January 27, 1898 at the age of 77 in Munich. With his death, the Counts of Joner-Tettenweiß became extinct in the male line . His older brother, Clemens Graf von Joner-Tettenweiß, died in 1870. He left behind a daughter from his marriage to Ernestine Maria, née Countess von Kolowrat-Krakowsky .
