Jakob von Hartmann

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General von Hartmann, 1870
The proclamation of the German Empire (January 18, 1871) , oil painting by Anton von Werner , second version from 1882 for the Hall of Fame in the Berlin Armory . In the center of the picture, Jakob von Hartmann and the Prussian General Leonhard von Blumenthal are shaking hands.

Jakob Michael Karl Hartmann , from 1843 Knight von Hartmann and from 1871 Baron von Hartmann , (born February 4, 1795 in Maikammer , † February 23, 1873 in Würzburg ) was an officer , most recently a general of the infantry of the Bavarian Army .


Jakob was born the son of the winemaker Georg Hartmann and his wife Barbara, née Geither. His maternal uncle, the French General Michael Geither , prepared him for a military career. As a result, he joined the French 15th Light Infantry Regiment on October 23, 1804 as an infantryman. Transferred to the 1st Infantry Regiment of the Grand Duke von Berg on October 15, 1806, he graduated from the French military schools in Bonn and Saint-Cyr until 1811 , so that on July 20, 1811 he was promoted to Sous-lieutenant in the infantry regiment, in which he was already promoted to lieutenant on December 17, 1811 , could begin his service. After the troops of the Rhenish Confederation were disarmed , he was transferred to the French 27th e régiment d'infanterie . After the fighting in 1814 and 1815, he was proposed for the Legion of Honor .

On February 20, 1816, Hartmann was dismissed from the French service at his own request. On July 13, 1816, he was taken over as first lieutenant in the Bavarian 10th Line Infantry Regiment "Junker" and in 1818 transferred to the topographic office . Hartmann took over the pioneer company, newly established on June 1, 1822, which was subordinate to the general quartermaster staff. He was transferred to the quartermaster staff on May 27, 1827. On April 1, 1827, Hartmann was posted to the Royal War Ministry and on May 21, 1829 was promoted to captain , on November 29, 1838 to major .

On October 6, 1842, he was appointed adjutant to Crown Prince Maximilian of Bavaria . On December 18, 1843, he was entered in the knight class of the Bavarian nobility register and promoted to lieutenant colonel on October 18, 1844 . In 1846 he was also awarded the Knight's Cross of the French Legion of Honor. After King Maximilian II Joseph ascended to the throne on March 31, 1848, Hartmann was appointed wing adjutant and promoted to colonel . From June 19, 1849 promoted to major general, he was a brigadier in the 2nd Infantry Division . On March 19, 1852 he was again a wing adjutant of the king, according to the king's signature, on November 3, 1854, he was sent to the French camp near Boulogne-sur-Mer , where shortly afterwards he received the Grand Officer's Cross of the Imperial French Legia of Honor. After the regrouping of the Bavarian Army on September 1, 1855, he retained command of the 3rd Infantry Brigade of the 2nd Army Division and in September 1858 gained experience in combined arms combat during major exercises with mixed branches of arms .

On February 23, 1861 Hartmann was promoted to lieutenant general and appointed general commander of Würzburg . In the war of 1866 he was in command of the 4th Infantry Division , with which he independently carried out the battle near Roßdorf on July 4, 1866 against the Prussian troops of General Karl Freiherr von Wrangel , whose outcome was not very happy for him. On July 27, Hartmann was involved in the bombardment of Würzburg and delivered a cavalry battle the day before at the Hettstadter Heights . In the battle near Roßdorf he was nevertheless characterized by cleverness, courage and determination to take advantage of his own troops, so that, following a unanimous decision by the chapter of the order, he received the Knight's Cross of the Military Max Joseph Order by army order of August 20, 1866 . On April 28, 1867 he was appointed owner of the 14th Infantry Regiment (previously "vacant Zandt"). On January 8, 1869, he was promoted to general of the infantry .

During the Franco-German War , Hartmann led the II. Kgl. Bay. Army Corps . On August 4, 1870, he stormed Weißenburg and, two days later, with his energetic action on the right wing, initiated the battle at Wörth, which the high command had only intended for the next day . On August 14, Hartmann forced the Marsal fortress to surrender. For his military services in the battles near Weißenburg and Wörth, he was awarded the Commander's Cross of the Military Max Joseph Order in accordance with the army order of October 11, 1870 . He played an important part in the Battle of Sedan on September 1st. Between September 16 and 19, he achieved his first successes in front of Paris at the battles of Corbeil , Bourg-la-Reine and Petit-Bicètre . He then conquered the Moulin de la Tour ( Chatillon ) plateau defended by General Ducrot .

On October 18, 1870, he received the Iron Cross First Class for his dashing behavior to relieve the 18th Prussian Infantry Brigade at Plessis-Piquet and Moulin-de-la-Tour (September 19, 1870) . With an army order of December 22, 1870, he was finally rewarded with the Grand Cross of the Military Max Joseph Order for the battles at Plessis-Piquet and Moulin-de-la-Tour near Paris . After he was raised to the hereditary baron status on July 5, 1871 (enrollment in the baron class of the Bavarian nobility matriculation on August 10, 1871), on July 16, 1871 he took part in the ceremonial entry of the victorious Bavarian troops into Munich. Hartmann, now commanding general of the II Army Corps in Würzburg after the army reform , received the Pour le Mérite on March 1, 1872 .


He married Rosalie Sophie von Kraft on June 28, 1824 in Munich (* April 18, 1805, † January 10, 1867). The couple had several children:

  • Hermann (* July 5, 1838; † September 9, 1912), Bavarian Major General ⚭ 1879 Marie Magdalena Hermine Edmunde von Nimptsch (* July 19, 1851), stepdaughter of the Prussian Field Marshal Walter von Loë
  • Henriette (April 18, 1825 - January 10, 1878) ⚭ 1845 (divorce) Count Hippolyt von Bothmer (July 1, 1812 - June 5, 1891), imperial consul in Sarajevo
  • Caroline (March 8, 1828 - October 26, 1864) ⚭ 1856 Camil von und zu Egloffstein († November 27, 1868), Colonel a. D.
  • Marie (* May 12, 1831 † June 14, 1864) ⚭ Wilhelm Volrath August von Treuenfels (1821–1900), Lord of Möllenbeck


Bronze statue in the Maikammer


Web links

Commons : Jakob von Hartmann  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. Gothaisches genealogical pocket book of baronial houses , 1821, p. 348 .
  2. Register entry on German biography .
  3. Erik Schlicht: Zellerau street names of military origin. In: Friedrich-Koenig-Gymnasium Würzburg. Annual report 1978/79. Würzburg 1979, pp. 125–127 (from the material appendix to the specialist work The decisive years of German history 1866 and 1870/71 as reflected in the history of the Ninth Infantry Regiment in Würzburg ), here: p. 126.