Schwerte correctional facility

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Schwerte correctional facility
Information about the institution
Surname Schwerte correctional facility
Reference year 1971
Detention places 351
Institution management Gabriele Harms (RD)

The prison sword is a correctional facility (JVA) in Swords District Ergste .


The institution was completed in 1971 after three years of construction. During an expansion and renovation started in 2004, six new departments with 82 additional detention places, eight factory halls and a sports hall have been created. There is also a social therapy department with 15 places.


The JVA Schwerte is responsible for adult men in closed prison . Imprisonment sentences of three months up to and including two years are carried out in the first and regular execution. According to the result of the admission procedure, prisoners in Schwerte also serve longer sentences. 15 places in social therapy are available.

The competences of the penal institutions in North Rhine-Westphalia are regulated in the enforcement plan of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia (AV d. JM of September 16, 2003 - 4431 - IV B. 28 -).

Web links

Commons : Schwerte correctional facility  - collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  2. Prison in North Rhine-Westphalia, publisher: Justizministerium NRW, 2008, p. 58
  3. Zweck ( Memento from July 28, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
  4. ^ Enforcement plan for the state of North Rhine-Westphalia, (AV d. JM of September 16, 2003 - 4431 - IV B. 28 -). (PDF 1,2MB) Ministry of Justice of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia, April 1, 2010, accessed on March 7, 2016 .

Coordinates: 51 ° 24 ′ 36.5 ″  N , 7 ° 34 ′ 20.9 ″  E