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KFNB series IX
number design type Construction year kkStB series Notes (← Origin)
901 A1 n2t 1880 kkStB 3,002 Elbel type, ← Kremsier Railway
902 B n2t 1880 kkStB 85 .10 Kremsier Railway
903 B n2t 1881 - Kremsier Railway
904-906 C n2t 1881-1883 kkStB 93 .11-12 " Kremsier Railway
904 ", 920 C n2t 1895 kkStB 162 .41–42 Stramberg – Wernsdorf local railway
907-908 C2 n2t 1888 kkStB 191 Bielitz – Kalwarya local railway
909-911 C n2vt 1897 kkStB 564 Local railway Saitz – Czeicz – Göding
912-913 C n2t 1900 kkStB 197
914-915 B n2t 1894 - Auspitzer Local Railway
916-919 C n2t 1899-1901 kkStB 197
921-957 C n2t 1888-1905 kkStB 197

The series IX of the kk priv. Kaiser Ferdinands-Nordbahn (KFNB) consisted of tank locomotives of different designs . An overview can be found in the table.


The number 901 was an Elbel type luggage railcar , was built by the Floridsdorf locomotive factory , was originally called "FÜRSTENBERG" and was retired in 1912 .

Number 902 was built by the Wiener Neustädter Lokomotivfabrik , was originally "KROMERIZ" and was only taken out of service by ČSD , to which it came after 1918.

Number 903 ( Lokomotivfabrik Floridsdorf ), originally "FREIBERG", was taken out of stock in 1908 .

The numbers 904–906 also come from Floridsdorf , were similar to the ÖLEG F series and were originally called ZBOROWITZ , HOLEŠOV and BISTRITZ a. H. The 904 was retired in 1895 , 905 came to ČSD as the 300.101 and was withdrawn in 1926, 906 finally came to PKP , from which it was retired before 1925.

The second occupied number 904 " and the 920 were built by Krauss in Linz . They were originally called" WILHELM "and" CARL ", came to the ČSD , which classified them as 313.430–431 , and were not retired until 1939 by the Deutsche Reichsbahn .

no picture available
Technical specifications
design type Bn2t
Cylinder Ø 265 mm
Piston stroke 400 mm
Wheel Ø 798 mm
wheelbase 1800 mm
Heating fl. d. Tube 32.5 m²
Heating fl. d. Fire box 3.5 m²
Grate 0.90 m²
Vapor pressure 12
Weight (empty) 12 t
Weight (equipped) 16 t
length 6.535 m
height 3,990 m
water 2.4 m³
coal 1.0 m³
KFNB IX 914-915
no picture available
Technical specifications
design type Bn2t
Cylinder Ø 260 mm
Piston stroke 400 mm
Wheel Ø 800 mm
wheelbase 1800 mm
Heating fl. d. Tube 32.5 m²
Heating fl. d. Fire box 2.5 m²
Grate 0.53 m²
Vapor pressure 12
Weight (empty) 12.5 t
Weight (equipped) 16.5 t
length 5.947 m
height 3.745 m
water 2.5 m³
coal 1.0 m³

Numbers 907–908 were built by the Wiener Neustädter Lokomotivfabrik , were originally called “ALEXANDERFELD” and “ALTSTADT”, came to ČSD as 300.001–002 and were withdrawn in 1926 and 1929 respectively .

Numbers 909–911 were built by Krauss in Linz , were called “PAWLOWITZ”, “CZEICZ” and “MUTENITZ”, came to ČSD as 313.501–503 and were retired by 1936 .

Numbers 914 and 915 were built by Krauss in Linz for the Auspitzer local railway and were originally called "AUSPITZ" and "THERESE". Since the KFNB only ran operations there for a short time, the two machines were withdrawn from the stock in 1909 . The Auspitzer Lokalbahn also bought a third locomotive ("THERESE II") from the Wiener Neustadt locomotive factory , which was similar to the SB 3a southern line . The machines did not come to the kkStB , but the ex 914 and "THERESE II" came to ČSD , where they were given the numbers 200.002–003 . The former came as a works locomotive to the Berndorfer Metallwarenfabrik , the latter even as 98 8001 to the DR , from there to the BBÖ , in November 1948 back to the ČSD , which decommissioned it.

Numbers 916–957 were built by the Wiener Neustädter Lokomotivfabrik and formed the bulk of the KFNB IX series . The first machines with the numbers 921-937 had the following names: "ANDRYCHAU", "BABITZ", "BARWALD", "BATZDORF", "BIERAU", "BILAN", "DOLLOPLASS", "KURZWALD", "SPILLERN", " STAATZ "," STORNAU "," STEINABRUNN "," STETTEN "," STOCKSTALL "," STOPFENREITH "," STREBETITZ "and" STRIPFING ". Most of the machines came to ČSD and were classified there as 310.1 . The DR gave the remaining locomotives the number 98 7711-31 . The last machines in this series were sold to Böhler - Kapfenberg as factory locomotives in 1944 .

More detailed data on the locomotives that came to the kkStB can be found under the descriptions of the corresponding kkStB series.


  • Helmut Griebl: ČSD steam locomotives, part 1 and 2. Slezak publishing house, 1969
  • Alfred Horn: The Kaiser-Ferdinand-Nordbahn. The Austrian-Hungarian Railways, Volume 2, Bohmann Verlag, 1970