Cabinet Motzfeldt III

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Cabinet Motzfeldt III
3. Naalakkersuisut
Jonathan Motzfeldt
prime minister Jonathan Motzfeldt
choice 1984
Legislative period 3.
education June 18, 1984
The End May 26, 1987
Duration 2 years and 342 days
predecessor Cabinet Motzfeldt II
successor Cabinet Motzfeldt IV
Party (s) Siumut , Inuit Ataqatigiit
minister 7th

The Motzfeldt III cabinet was the third government in Greenland . It was formed after the 1984 election to the Inatsisartut .


Just one year after the Inatsisartut election in 1983, Aqqaluk Lynge refused to support the Siumut in March 1984 as party leader of the Inuit Ataqatigiit due to political differences in fisheries matters with the European Community . As a year before, Siumut and Atassut won the same number of seats in the June election, but each one less than in 1983, while the IA now had three seats. This time, in contrast to the previous year, it was again the Siumut that received the most votes. All three coalition options were able to achieve a majority and the Inuit Ataqatigiit did not rule out a conservative-left coalition with the Atassut either. On June 17th, Jonathan Motzfeldt announced that all previous Siumut ministers would remain in office and that two new ministries would go to the Inuit Ataqatigiit.


minister Ministry annotation
Jonathan Motzfeldt ( Siumut ) prime minister
Stephen Heilmann ( Siumut ) Culture, church and education
Lars Emil Johansen ( Siumut ) Fishing and industry until February 1986
Aqqaluk Lynge ( Inuit Ataqatigiit ) Social and Housing
Josef Motzfeldt ( Inuit Ataqatigiit ) Trade and training
Hendrik Nielsen ( Siumut ) Settlements, Labor Market and Youth
Moses Olsen ( Siumut ) economy until February 1986
Fishing and industry from February 1986
Hans Pavia Rosing ( Siumut ) economy from February 1986


Individual evidence

  1. Landsstyret bør udskrive valg! in the Atuagagdliutit of March 7, 1984
  2. Siumut og Atassut - he landsstyre et stort tilbageskridt in Atuagagdliutit from June 13, 1984
  3. Siumut og IA har i søndags dannet landsstyre together in the Atuagagdliutit of June 20, 1984