Kallenbach (Lahn)

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The upper valley of the Kallenbach, photographed from the west near Arborn.

The upper valley of the Kallenbach, photographed from the west near Arborn.

Water code DE : 25858
location Westerwald

Giessen-Koblenz Lahntal


River system Rhine
Drain over Lahn  → Rhine  → North Sea
origin northwest of Greifenstein - Arborn
50 ° 35 ′ 37 ″  N , 8 ° 10 ′ 2 ″  E
Source height approx.  551  m above sea level NHN
muzzle North-east of Löhnberg in the Lahn coordinates: 50 ° 31 '12 "  N , 8 ° 16' 38"  E 50 ° 31 '12 "  N , 8 ° 16' 38"  E
Mouth height approx.  136  m above sea level NHN
Height difference approx. 415 m
Bottom slope approx. 28 ‰
length 14.6 km
Catchment area 84.88 km²
A Eo : 84.88 km²
at the mouth
69 l / s
942 l / s
11.1 l / (s km²)

The Kallenbach is an approximately 14.6 kilometers long right and western tributary of the Lahn in the eastern Westerwald .




The Kallenbach rises in the Oberwesterwälder Kuppenland on the southeast slope of the node at an altitude of about 551  m above sea level. NHN in a mixed forest northwest of Greifenstein - Arborn in the Lahn-Dill district . It first flows about three hundred meters south through forest, then enters the open corridor and then runs along the eastern edge of Arborn. On his way to the Lahn he is accompanied by the Kallenbach cycle path from Arborn to Löhnberg . The Kallenbach now changes its direction to the southeast and flows around the southern edge of Arborn. He then moves in the designated nature reserve Kallenbachtal near Arborn and Nenderoth, accompanied by a broad border of alders , ash trees , as well as hedges and field trees, through extensively used oat meadows , grass lawns and tall herbaceous meadows . Its valley is bounded there by the open valley slopes of the Oberwesterwald . Shortly after entering the nature reserve, he is fed on his left by the Münchborn . The Kallenbach now flows along the northern edge of the Köhlerwald about three hundred meters south of Nenderoth and is then strengthened from the left by the Leyenbach . At the Sauerbornmühle he leaves the nature reserve, crosses the district boundary and enters the Löhnberg district in the Limburg-Weilburg district . Shortly before the Köttinger Mühle , the Höllbach flows towards him on his left . The Kallenbach now flows southeast through grassland past the Wurmberg and now flows southwards through the Löhnberg district of Obershausen . At the end of the village, the Hardt raft strengthens him again on his left . A little down the stream , a mill ditch splits off, which once operated the Eiselsmühle . The Kallenbach now flows southeast through fields and meadows west of the Schölzenberg and then flows south through Niedershausen , also a district of Löhnberg. A little later it is fed by the Faulbach on its right side . He now walks past the Niederhäuser mill and then past the Wasenberg . At the Löhnberger Hut , the Vöhlerbach flows towards it from the right . The Kallenbach now changes to the east, flows north along the village of Löhnberg, crosses under the E 44 and finally flows northeast of Löhnberg at an altitude of about 136  m above sea level. NHN from the right into the Lahn .

RiverIcon-Spring.svg  0.0 km: Rises on the southeast slope of the node at an altitude of about 551  m above sea level. NHN northwest of Greifenstein - ArbornMountain Icon.svg
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Flows south through forest terrain
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.3 km: Enter the open corridor in theLegenda rezerwat faunistyczny.svgbird sanctuary Hoher Westerwald
RiverIcon-Bridge.svg  1.0 km: Crosses the L 3046
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  1.0 km: Flows on the western edge of ArbornPlace.svg
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  1.4 km: Passes the southern tip of Arborn in a south-easterly direction
RiverIcon-AffluentR.svg  1.5 km: Isfedby a small stream [GKZ 25858112] (0.8 km)on the right
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Runs on the northern slope of heath headalongMountain Icon.svg
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  1.6 km: enter the Legenda rezerwat roslinny.svgnature reserve Kallenbachtal near Arborn and Nenderoth
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Flows through grassland towards the southeast
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  1.9 km: changes its course to the east
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  2.2 km: Reinforced to the left of Münchborn [GKZ 25858114] (1.0 km)
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  2.4 km: Receives further inflow [GKZ 25858116] (1.4 km) from the left
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Flows eastwards on the northern edge of theKoehler Forest
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  3.2 km: Runs about 300 meters south of NenderothPlace.svg
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  3.6 km: Inflow of the Leyenbach [GKZ 258582] (3.6 km) from the left
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Nowruns alongthe southern slope of theHardtMountain Icon.svg
RiverIcon-DrainRStart.svg  4.4 km: A mill ditch splits off on the right
RiverIcon-DrainRAffluent.svg  4.5 km: Inflow [GKZ 2585831122] (1.0 km) from the right into the Mühlgraben
RiverIcon-DrainR.svg  4.7 km: Leaves the nature reserve
RiverIcon-MillR.svg  4.8 km: Sauerborn mill
RiverIcon-DrainREnd.svg  4.9 km: End of the Mühlgraben
RiverIcon-borderB.svg  5.0 km: Changes from the Lahn-Dill district to the Limburg-Weilburg district
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Flows through grassland accompanied by a fringe of bushes and trees towards the east-southeast
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  5.3 km: takes on a small stream [GKZ 258583114] (0.7 km) onits left
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Runs about 400 meters south of the 1591 by CountJohann VI of Nassau-DillenburgbuiltHof JohannesburgpastBurg.svg
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  5.6 km: Isfedon the left by the Höllbach [GKZ 258583116] (1.6 km)
RiverIcon-MillL.svg  6.1 km: Köttingermühle , formerly Schlicht mill called
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  6.4 km: Changes direction to the southeast
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: flowing southwest atWurmbergpastMountain Icon.svg
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  6.5 km: At the Sauerbrunnen on its left side takes on another small stream [GKZ 258583118] (1.4 km)
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  7.0 km: Shortly before he reaches Obershausen, a brook feeds him on his left side [GKZ 258583192] , (0.9 km)
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  7.0 km: He enters ObershausenPlace.svg
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: flows south through the village
RiverIcon-Bridge.svg  7.1 km: Crosses under the L 3044 , herecalled main road
RiverIcon-AffluentR.svg  7.5 km: Around the center of the village, a small stream [GKZ 258583912] (0.8 km)flows into it from the right
RiverIcon-Bridge.svg  8.1 km: Cross the L 3044 again
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  8.2 km: He leavesOrtende.svgObershausen
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  8.3 km: Isfedon the left by the Hardtfloß [GKZ 258583914] (1.6 km)
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  8.4 km: takes up a branch of the Hardt raft there
RiverIcon-AffluentR.svg  0.0 km: Immediately thereafter, another small stream[GKZ 258583916](0.6 km)flows into it on the other side
RiverIcon-DrainLStart.svg  8.5 km: A mill ditch splits off to the left
RiverIcon-AffluentRDrainL.svg  8.7 km: Takes up a forest stream on its right side [GKZ 258583918] (0.8 km)
RiverIcon-MillL.svg  9.0 km: Eiselsmühle
RiverIcon-DrainLEnd.svg  9.1 km: End of the Mühlgraben
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Flows southeast through farmland
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  9.4 km: Runs on the western slope of the Schölzenberges alongMountain Icon.svg
RiverIcon-AffluentL.svg  9.8 km: Here a small stream [GKZ 258583994] flows towards him on his left
RiverIcon-AffluentR.svg  9.8 km: takes up a small stream [GKZ 258583996] on its right side
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: flows past the Grebehof
RiverIcon-Normal.svg 10.2 km: Reaches the northern edge of NiedershausenPlace.svg
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: flows south through the village
RiverIcon-Normal.svg 11.5 km: He leavesOrtende.svgNiedershausen
RiverIcon-Normal.svg  0.0 km: Now runs through grassland
RiverIcon-AffluentR.svg 11.7 km: It isfedby the Faulbach [GKZ 258584]on the right
RiverIcon-MillR.svg 12.4 km: Niederhäuser Mühle
RiverIcon-Normal.svg 12.8 km: flowing east on Wasenberg pastMountain Icon.svg
RiverIcon-Mouth.svg 14.6 km: flows northeast of Löhnberg at an altitude of about 136  m above sea level. NHN from the right into the Lahn

Catchment area

The 84.88 km² catchment area of ​​the Kallenbach lies in the Oberwesterwald and the Weilburger Lahn valley . It is drained via the Lahn and the Rhine to the North Sea.

It borders

  • in the north and east to the Ulmbach tributary to the Lahn
  • in the south to that of the Kerkerbach , also a tributary of the Lahn
  • and in the west to that of the Lasterbach , which flows into the Lahn tributary Elbbach .

The highest point is the 605.4  m above sea level. NHN high nodes in the northwest of the catchment area.

A large part of the catchment area is forested and grassland dominates the floodplains.


  • Münchborn [GKZ 25858114] ( left ), 1.1 km
  • Leyenbach ( left ), 3.6 km, 3.84 km²
  • Flutgraben [GKZ 258583114] ( left ), 0.7 km
  • Höllbach ( left ), 1.6 km
  • Hardt raft ( left ), 1.7 km
  • Eimesfloß [GKZ 258583996] ( right ), 1.5 km
  • Faulbach ( right ), 8.9 km, 22.59 km², 235.1 l / s
  • Vöhlerbach ( Seebach ) ( right ), 14.3 km, 29.85 km², 210.9 l / s

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. a b GoogleEarth
  2. Water map service of the Hessian Ministry for the Environment, Climate Protection, Agriculture and Consumer Protection ( information )
  3. See retention cadastre
  4. see water profile
  5. a b Kallenbachtal between Arborn and Obershausen  ( page no longer available , search in web archivesInfo: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.@1@ 2Template: Toter Link / www2.hmuelv.hessen.de  
  6. Hoher Westerwald ( Memento of the original from August 30, 2010 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / natura2000-verordnung.hessen.de
  7. Johannisburg farm
  8. Köttinger Mill
  9. Eiselsmühle ( Memento of the original from November 29, 2014 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was automatically inserted and not yet checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot / denkxweb.denkmalpflege-hessen.de
  10. a b Designation according to the property map
  11. Designation after the field name Eimesfloß on the property map
  12. [upper course]