Cardinal Innitzer Prize for Theology

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The Kardinal Innitzer Prize for Theology is a science prize awarded by the Archdiocese of Vienna . The award is named after Cardinal Theodor Innitzer .

The Cardinal Innitzer Study Fund

The Kardinal-Innitzer-Förderungspreis für Theologie is endowed by the Kardinal-Innitzer-Studienfonds , an institution for the promotion of science . Every year it awards prizes to outstanding young Austrian scientists in various scientific disciplines.

Scientific papers are eligible for the award if their scientific significance is equivalent to a habilitation thesis . Applicants should be Austrian citizens. The work of foreign citizens will be accepted if they work permanently in Austria at a scientific institution. The applications are assessed by the study fund, whereby external experts are also commissioned.

Award ceremony

The award ceremony is held by the Archbishop of Vienna, currently Cardinal Christoph Schönborn , at a festive award meeting in December of each calendar year.

Holder of the Cardinal Innitzer Prize for Theology

See also

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