Kaspar Koegler

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Relief by Frieda Köper-Anton with a portrait of Kögler on his former home in Wiesbaden

Kaspar Kögler (born February 12, 1838 in Molsberg ; † April 1, 1923 in Wiesbaden ) was a well-known Wiesbaden painter ( portraits , landscapes , genre pictures , still lifes , drawings , illustrations ) and writers .


Kaspar Kögler was born as the third of seven children in a farming family in the Westerwald . The family, who at that time still wrote Kegeler or Kegler, lived in the shadow of Molsberg Castle. As the oldest son, Kögler was supposed to support his father in his work. But his artistic talent, which was recognized and promoted at an early stage, brought him onto a career as a painter.

Kögler was stuck with his art of tradition. In conservative Wiesbaden, between 1867 and the beginning of the First World War in 1914, it was a good thing to have Kögler portray you. His genre paintings, landscapes and still lifes were popular with the bourgeoisie and were already considered poetic back then. His patrons in Wiesbaden included the industrialist family Dyckerhoff and Baron Julius von Knoop . He moved into his first apartment at Dotzheimer Strasse 6. From there he moved to Adelheidstrasse 32 in 1876, from where he moved to Dotzheimer Strasse 28 in 1880 , Emser Strasse 49 in 1886 and finally in 1891 to Adolfsallee 7, where he moved up to lived after his death in 1923.

Kögler was married to Ida Bogler (1853-1931), a cousin of the Wiesbaden architect Wilhelm Bogler . Kögler lived and worked with Bogler for many years. Bogler, in turn, was married to Anna Maria, one of Kögler's sister. Kögler's two children died early without offspring: Anna, the older daughter, was only 15 years old, Carl, who was an engineer, died at the age of 30 in Arosa during a spa stay. Kögler's nephew Friedrich Wolf was the city pastor of Wiesbaden from 1931 to 1954 and an apostolic protonotary until 1962 .


Hermit in a cave, charcoal drawing, undated

The artistic beginnings

Kögler's artistic career, which was promoted by the Counts of Walderdorff , began with lessons from the painter Leonhard Diefenbach at Molsberg Castle and at the trade school in Hadamar . From 1856 to 1861 he lived in Munich and from 1857 was taught by Moritz von Schwind and Josef Bernhardt at the Munich Academy , among others .

On the move

After a few years he broke off his studies and left Munich in 1861. He then lived primarily in Feldkirch, Austria, and worked as a traveling church painter in Vorarlberg , Liechtenstein and Graubünden .

Success in Wiesbaden

When Kögler came to the up-and-coming spa town of Wiesbaden in 1867 , he made a career for himself. Although he did not lack private commissions for portraits and other paintings, he ran a "painting and drawing school" at Schützenhofstrasse 3. One of his most successful students was Heinrich Schlitt . Another student of his is known, namely the Wiesbaden-Biebrich- born painter Wilhelm Weimar (1859–1914).

The Gazebo (1876) 473

Draftsman, illustrator and author

As a diverse artist, he became known to a wider audience through his contributions to the major family magazines of his time, such as Über Land und Meer , Fliegende Blätter , Vom Fels zum Meer and Die Gartenlaube, as well as Hebel's Rhineland friend . Kögler illustrated numerous books, including Johann Peter Hebel's Alemannische Gedichte , Georg Scherer's Deutscher Dichterwald , the Goethe edition of the Stuttgart publishing house from 1882 and the first ball by Johannes Trojans . In Wiesbaden he also spoke up again and again with time-critical poems and prose texts. He also used pseudonyms such as Karl Kurzum and others

Honorable orders

The spa town commissioned him to paint the Ratskeller in the New Town Hall in 1890. With the help of his pupil Weimar , Kögler decorated the "Weinkeller" and the "Ratsstübchen" with paintings and provided his paintings with funny texts. His former student Schlitt - now 41 years old and meanwhile successfully working in Munich - was involved in the painting of the Wiesbaden Ratskeller. He designed the "beer cellar" with humorous scenes and sayings. A particularly honorable assignment was awarded to Kögler when he was entrusted with the painting of the State Theater in 1894 , for which he was awarded the 4th Class Red Eagle Order by Kaiser Wilhelm II . Kögler was the honorary chairman of the Nassau Art Association and artistic advisor to the city for the construction of the new Kurhaus and the museum .


Kögler left an extensive work of over 1,000 pictures. His written estate is kept in the main state archive in Wiesbaden . A collection of newspaper clippings on Kaspar Kögler as well as the original drawings for the frescoes in the Ratskeller, a sketchbook and a folder with 14 drawings are kept in the Wiesbaden City Archives (Best. NL 30). There are also two portrait photographs that show the artist shortly before his death. In the Wiesbaden Museum , 16 paintings by Kögler are stored in the magazine, including three self-portraits and pictures of the artist's family.

In honor of Kögler there is a memorial plaque above the entrance to the house Adolfsalle 7 in Wiesbaden, where Kögler lived for the last 32 years of his life. The relief was made by Frieda Köper-Anton and unveiled on February 13, 1938 on the occasion of the celebration of the artist's 100th birthday.

Since 1908 a forest path, the "Köglerweg" on the Neroberg between Idsteiner Weg and Rabengrund , has been named after him. The city council of Wiesbaden honored Kögler on his 70th birthday.

In 2004, the place around the fountain opposite in Adolfsalle was named "Kaspar-Kögler-Platz" by the Wiesbaden-Mitte local advisory board . In Molsberg there is a “Kaspar-Kögler-Strasse” not far from where the artist's birthplace (“Haus im Eck”) stood until the late 1990s.

His grave is in the Wiesbaden North Cemetery .


  • Kaspar Kögler, Heinrich Schlitt: The wall paintings in the Ratskeller in Wiesbaden: 124 illustrations based on the original hand drawings by Kaspar Kögler and Heinrich Schlitt with accompanying text. Petmecky Brothers, Wiesbaden undated (after 1895)
  • Woldemar Waldschmidt: Kaspar Kögler (1838–1926). In: Karl Wolf (Hrsg.): Nassauische Lebensbilder. Volume 3, Wiesbaden 1948, DNB 452737176 , pp. 237-242.
  • Stefan Thiersch: The portrait, Kaspar Kögler. In: Wiesbaden International. 2/1973, p. 36 ff.
  • Marianne Fischer-Dyck: Kaspar Kögler's paintings in the Wiesbaden Ratskeller, a former work - irretrievably lost. In: Wiesbaden life. Vol. 27, 4/1978, p. 11 ff.
  • Günther Kleineberg: Kaspar Kögler's graphic for the "Improvement Association Wiesbaden" from 1896. In: Wiesbadener Leben. Vol. 28, 10/1979, p. 8 ff.
  • Bernd Brauksiepe, Anton Neugebauer (Hrsg.): Artist Lexicon Rhineland-Palatinate. Painter and graphic artist from 1450 to 1950. Mainz 1986, DNB 890749639 .
  • Bertram Heide: Old-master painting technique in the Wiesbaden Ratskeller, Eberhard Münch reconstructed the paintings of the Wiesbaden painter-poet Caspar Kögler / Illusion painting lifted from oblivion. In: Wiesbadener Tagblatt. June 26, 1987.
  • Marianne Fischer-Dyck, Gretel Baumgart-Buttersack: Stories from the old Wiesbaden, Kaspar Kögler - 150 years, and not forgotten .... In: Wiesbadener Leben. 3/1988, p. 29.
  • Martin Hildebrand: embodiment of the inwardly good and the dignified with character, the painter and poet Kaspar Kögler can still be discovered as a reliable chronicler of his time. In: Wiesbaden life. Vol. 42, 2/1993, p. 6 f.
  • Günther Leicher: Kaspar Kögler. Life and work. Wiesbaden 1996, ISBN 3-928085-11-5 .
  • Hans Giersch - Museum of Regional Art (Hrsg.): Art landscape Rhein-Main. Painting in the 19th century. 1867-1918. Bonn 2001, ISBN 3-935283-02-4 .
  • Hans F. Schweers: Paintings in German museums, catalog of the exhibited and depot-stored works. Munich 2005, ISBN 3-598-24040-6 .

Web links

Commons : Kaspar Kögler  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. According to the German Documentation Center for Art History, Photo Archive Photo Marburg http://www.fotomarburg.de/, the Kögler relief was created by Frieda Köper-Anton.
  2. a b Munich City Archives, population register
  3. ^ Academy of Fine Arts, Munich, matriculation database http://matrikel.adbk.de/05older/mb_1841-1884/jahr_1857/matrikel-01414/
  4. ^ Stefan Thiersch: The portrait, Kaspar Kögler. In: Wiesbaden International. Journal of the state capital Wiesbaden. 2/1973, p. 36 ff.
  5. The woodcut by Kaspar Kögler is here erroneously attributed to W. Kögler. Apparently the signature was misread by the typesetter. The K. Kögler is very similar to a W. Kögler.
  6. ^ Günter Leicher: Kaspar Kögler, life and work. Wiesbaden 1996, p. 22.
  7. Nassauer Bote. Nassau State Newspaper, February 9, 1938.