Katavi (region)

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About this picture
Basic data
Country Tanzania
Capital Mpanda
surface 47,527 km²
Residents 564,604 (2012)
density 12 inhabitants per km²
ISO 3166-2 TZ-28

Coordinates: 6 ° 21 ′  S , 31 ° 4 ′  E

Katavi is one of the 31 regions in Tanzania . The capital is Mpanda . Katavi is bordered by the Kigoma region to the northwest and north, the Tabora region to the northeast, the Mbeya region to the southeast, the Rukwa region to the southwest and the Democratic Republic of the Congo to the west .

Katavi, climatic zones
Lake Tanganyika, to the east lies the Katavi region, north of Lake Rukwa
Karema on Lake Tanganyika


The region has a size of 47,527 square kilometers and around 565,000 inhabitants (as of 2012). It is between 1000 and 2500 meters above sea level. In the cooler months of June and July, the temperature is between 13 and 16 degrees Celsius, only to rise to 26 to 30 degrees in the months of September to November. In the rainy season between November and April it rains 700 to 1300 millimeters. Katavi is climatically divided into four zones:

  • Basin of the Rukwasee : It comprises the central and southern part of the region and is located at an altitude of 800 meters on the lake up to 1100 meters in the north. In the south it rains around 1250 millimeters annually, in the north from 840 to 970 millimeters.
  • Katumba-Inyonga plain: This plain in the east of the region is traversed by the Katumba river and is between 1000 and 1500 meters high. The precipitation is between 920 and 1000 millimeters per year.
  • Mwese Mountains: The height of this mountain region in the northwest ranges from 1100 to 2500 meters. The precipitation varies from 100 to 1,100 millimeters annually.
  • Tanganyika basin with the Karema valley in the southwest: The zone is located at an altitude of 770 meters to 1300 meters above sea level. The average annual rainfall is between 950 and 1200 millimeters.

Since the climate in Katavi is tropical, Aw according to the effective climate classification .

Climate table Mpanda
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Max. Temperature ( ° C ) 29.9 30.2 30.1 30th 29.9 30th 29.7 30.5 31.6 32.2 31.2 29.9 O 30.4
Min. Temperature (° C) 19.9 19.7 19.5 19.5 18.5 16.2 15.7 17.4 19.1 20.3 20.2 19.9 O 18.8
Temperature (° C) 24.9 24.9 24.8 24.7 24.2 23.1 22.7 23.9 25.3 26.2 25.7 24.9 O 24.6
Precipitation ( mm ) 179 168 187 163 25th 0 0 0 5 31 150 231 Σ 1,139
Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
  Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec
Source: climate-data.org
The Rukwasee from the north


In 1964, when the United Republic of Tanzania was founded, the region consisted of the three districts of Kasulu, Kibondo and Kigoma. At that time Europeans, Indians, Arabs and Africans lived in this area. The Katavi region in its current form was founded on March 1, 2012 together with the Njombe , Simiyu and Geita regions .

Administrative division

The region is divided into three districts. In the 2016/2017 financial year, the former Mlele district was divided into the two districts of Nsimbo and Mpimbwe:

District Residents




Mpanda 166,544 282.036
Mpimbwe 243.908 103.165
Nsimbo 179,403


In 2012, almost fifty percent of the population was under 15 years old and less than four percent were over 60. The literacy rate was 60 percent for men and 52 percent for women, the percentage in urban areas at 71 percent was well above 51 percent of rural areas (as of 2012).

Facilities and services

  • Education: 22 percent of the over-five-year-olds attended school, eleven percent had dropped out of school without a degree. 28.5 percent had finished school and 38.5 percent had never attended school.
  • Health: There was one hospital and thirteen health centers in the region (as of 2016). The number of pharmacies increased from 59 in 2012 to 69 in 2016. The malaria rate was reduced from ten percent in 2012 to six percent in 2015.
  • Water: In 2018, 50.2% of the rural population in the Katavi region had access to clean water.

Economy and Infrastructure

71 percent of those over ten were employed in the district, eleven percent worked in the household (cooking, hygiene, care), thirteen percent in training, two percent unemployed and three percent unable to work. Of the employees, 82 percent worked in agriculture (as of 2012).


Corn and cassava are grown in almost all parts of the country, in the Katumba plain also tobacco, beans, peanuts, sunflowers and sugar cane, in the Mwese Mountains also beans, bananas, coffee and potatoes. Rice is also harvested in the basin of Lake Rukwa and Lake Tanganyika. Livestock farming also plays an important role in the region, both for its own nutrition and as an additional income from the sale of the animals and the products made from them. They are also used as draft animals. As of 2018 there were 501,203 cattle, 147,173 goats, 45,414 sheep, 14,813 pigs and 630,057 chickens in the region.

Katavi National Park from the air


The main attraction of the region is the Katavi National Park . The number of visitors rose from 2,854 in 2012 to 3,837 in 2016. Next to the national park are the Rukwa and Luafi hunting reserves, and the Nkondwe waterfall on the Nugufu River is well worth seeing.


The Katavi region has mineral resources such as iron, nickel, cobalt, copper and gold, as well as precious stones such as green tourmaline and rose quartz . The mining is carried out by small, private mining companies.


  • Roads: There are three main roads in the region, all of which start from the capital Mpanda: to the north to the neighboring region of Kigoma, to the south to Sumbawanga and on to Zambia and to the east to the neighboring region of Tabora.
  • Railway: From the capital, the Mpanda railway line runs 210 kilometers north to Kaliua , where it meets the Tanganyika railway .

Nature reserves, sights

Buffalo in Katavi National Park
  • Katavi National Park: The national park was established in 1974. With 4471 square kilometers it is the third largest national park in Tanzania and is home to large herds of buffalo of up to 1000 animals. 3000 elephants, antelopes, zebras, wildebeest and the big cats cheetah, serval, leopard and lion also live in the park.
  • Nkondwe Waterfall: Waterfall of the Lugufu River.

Web links

Katavi Regional Website

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d Katavi Regional Website, About Us, History. Retrieved November 4, 2019 .
  2. Map 500k - xb36-3. Russian Army Maps, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  3. Climate Date Mpanda. Retrieved November 4, 2019 .
  4. 50 years of the declaration of independence in Tanzania. (pdf) The United Republic of Tanzania, pp. 5–6 , accessed on November 5, 2019 (Swahili).
  5. ^ Tanzania Regional Profiles, 23 Katavi Regional Profiles. (pdf) The United Republic of Tanzania, March 2016, p. 15 , accessed on November 4, 2019 .
  6. Mpimbwe District Council, Strategic Plan 2016 / 2017–2020 / 2021. (PDF) June 2016, p. 1 , accessed on February 22, 2020 .
  7. ^ Tanzania Regional Profiles, 23 Katavi Regional Profiles. (pdf) The United Republic of Tanzania, March 2016, pp. 18, 60–61 , accessed on November 5, 2019 .
  8. ^ Tanzania Regional Profiles, 23 Katavi Regional Profiles. (pdf) The United Republic of Tanzania, March 2016, p. 71 , accessed on November 5, 2019 .
  9. ^ Katavi Regional Website, Administration, Departments, Healthy. The United Republic of Tanzania, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  10. ^ Katavi Regional Website, Administration, Departments, Water. The United Republic of Tanzania, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  11. ^ Tanzania Regional Profiles, 23 Katavi Regional Profiles. (pdf) The United Republic of Tanzania, March 2016, pp. 82, 89 , accessed on November 5, 2019 .
  12. a b Katavi Regional Website, Tourism, Katavi National Park. The United Republic of Tanzania, accessed November 5, 2019 (Swahili).
  13. a b Katavi Regional Website, Tourism, Nkondwe Waterfalls. The United Republic of Tanzania, accessed November 5, 2019 .
  14. ^ Katavi Regional Website, Investment Opportunities, Minerals. Retrieved November 5, 2019 .
  15. ^ Trunk Roads Network. Retrieved November 5, 2019 .
  16. ^ Modal Choice between Rail and Road Transportation, Evidence from Tanzania. (pdf) World Bank Group, August 2017, p. 8 , accessed on November 5, 2019 .
  17. Katavi National Park. Retrieved November 5, 2019 .