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"... you should not harvest the field to the very edge." ( Lev 19.9  EU )

Kedoshim ( Biblical Hebrew קְדֹשִׁים “Saints” ) denotes a reading section (called Parascha or Sidra) of the Torah and includes the text Leviticus / Wajikra 19–20 (19 BHS , 20 BHS ).

It is the cider of the 4th Shabbat in the month of Nissan or the 1st Shabbat in the month of Ijjar or, if connected with Achare Mot , of the 2nd Shabbat in the month of Ijjar.

Essential content

  • Various moral laws and ritual regulations
  • Commandment of reverence for parents, observance of Shabbat, not to eat peace offerings for longer than two days
  • Commandment of the arable corner (Pea), prohibition of gleanings
  • Prohibition of theft, of lying, of false swearing, of withholding wages
  • Forbidden to curse the deaf, to put an obstacle in the way of the blind, the preferential treatment of the wealthy in court, the slander, the failure to help the neighbor
  • Commandment of charity
  • Prohibition of mixing different animal species, cultivating the fields with different seeds, of mixed fabrics (Kilajim)
  • Guilt sacrifice for intercourse with a married slave girl
  • Ban on eating fruits from newly planted trees in the first few years
  • Prohibition of blood spells, fortune telling and necromancy
  • Prohibition of rounding the skull, the destruction of the corners of the beard, incisions and tattoos, the seduction of the daughter into fornication
  • Commandment of reverence for old people, love of foreigners, the right weight and measure
  • Prohibition of Moloch service
  • Death and other penalties for sexual offenses


The associated Haftarah after Ashkenazic rite Amos 9.7 to 15  BHS , according sephardischem rite Ezekiel 20.2 to 20  BHS .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hanna Liss: Tanach - Textbook of the Jewish Bible . 3. Edition. Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-8253-5904-1 , p. 123 (414 pp.).