Lech Lecha

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Lech Lecha ( Biblical Hebrew לֶךְ-לְךָ 'Get away!' ) denotes a reading section ( Parascha or Sidra) of the Torah and includes the text Genesis / Bereschit 12.1–17.27 (12 BHS , 13 BHS , 14 BHS , 15 BHS , 16 BHS , 17 BHS ).

It is the Sidra of the 2nd Shabbat in the month of Marcheschwan .

Essential content

  • God's command to Abram to leave the home, which is why the father Terah with his family from Ur Kasdim emigrates
  • Because of the famine Abram moves from Canaan to Egypt , where he gives his wife Sarai as his sister, because as her husband he has to fear death
  • Sarai is desired by the Pharaoh , but finally released
  • After quarrels between the shepherds of Abram and Lot, the two separated; Lot moves to Sodom
  • Promise of numerous descendants to Abram
  • War between four kings of the east led by Amrafel and five kings of Canaan, including the king of Sodom
  • With the latter, Lot is taken prisoner and is freed by Abram, who does not accept any of the booty but gives tithing to the priest of Salem, Melchizedek
  • Sarai, who has remained childless, wishes that Abram should take Hagar, the maid , and have a child with her
  • When she becomes pregnant, the mistress is jealous and Hagar is driven away
  • Birth of Ishmael
  • Name change from Abram to Abraham = "father of many"
  • Establishment of circumcision as a federal symbol
  • Name change from Sarai ("My Princess") to Sara ("Princess")
  • Promise of a son of Sarah to be called Isaac (“man laughs”) because Abraham laughed at the promise because of his 100 years and Sara's 90 years
  • Circumcision of Abraham, Ishmael and the slaves in the house of Abraham


The associated Haftara is Isaiah 40.27-41.16 (40.27-31 BHS , 41.1-16 BHS ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hanna Liss: Tanach - Textbook of the Jewish Bible . 3. Edition. Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-8253-5904-1 , p. 33 (414 pp.).