Shemot (Sidra)

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Pharaoh's daughter finds Moses in the river (painting by Edwin Long, 1886)

Shemot ( Biblical Hebrew שְׁמוֹת , Name ' ) denotes a reading section ( Parascha or cider called) of the Tora and includes the text of Exodus / Shmos 1.1 to 6.1 (1 BHS , 2 BHS , 3 BHS , 4 BHS , 5 BHS , 6.1 BHS ) . “Shemot” refers to both the Sidra and the entire book of Exodus in Hebrew.

It is the cider of the 3rd or 4th Shabbat in the month of Tevet .

Essential content

  • List of the sons of Jacob who came into Egypt
  • Reference to Joseph's death
  • Description of the enslavement of the Israelites during the construction of the cities of Pithom and Ramses
  • Order to kill the Hebrew boys
  • Birth of Moses , his abandonment in the Nile and discovery by the daughter of Pharaoh , education by his mother, then at the court of the Pharaoh
  • Moses flees to Midian for killing an Egyptian overseer, marries Zippora , daughter of the priest Reguel ; Birth of Gerschom
  • On Mount Horeb , God appears to Moses in a burning but not burning bush and instructs him to free Israel from the hands of the Egyptians
  • After Moses repeatedly refused and various miracle signs, Moses returns to Egypt with his wife and children, is in mortal danger on the way, proclaims the divine message of liberation to the people and, together with his brother Aaron , demands the release of Israel while demonstrating various miracles
  • Exacerbation of the oppression, accusations of the people towards Moses, God's promise that the Pharaoh would be forcibly released Israel into freedom


The associated Haftara is according to the Ashkenazi rite Isaiah 27.6–28.13 (27.6–13 BHS , 28.1–13 BHS ) and 29.22–23 BHS , according to the Sephardic rite Jeremiah 1.1–2.3 ( 1 BBB , 2.1-3 BBB ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hanna Liss: Tanach - Textbook of the Jewish Bible . 3. Edition. Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-8253-5904-1 , p. 62 (414 pp.).