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Vayshev ( Biblical Hebrew וַיֵּשֶׁב 'And he = Jacob lived' ) denotes a reading section (called Parascha or Sidra) of the Torah and includes the text Genesis / Bereschit 37–40 (37 BHS , 38 BHS , 39 BHS , 40 BHS ).

It is the cider of the 3rd or 4th Shabbat in the month of Kislev .

Essential content

  • Joseph , preferred by his father Israel , dreams that the sheaves of his brothers as well as the sun, moon and stars bow down before him.
  • Angry about his (actual or supposed) arrogance, the brothers decide to kill him.
  • Ruben suggests throwing him into a pit without harming him.
  • But Judah arranged for him to sell twenty pieces of silver to Ishmaelite merchants and then separated from the brothers.
  • After the death of his eldest son he marries the brother Onan the sister Tamar .
  • When, after Onan's death, Shela , the third brother, refuses to enter into the levirate marriage , she offers herself immoderately to Judah and later gives birth to the twin pair Perez (ancestral father of David ) and Serach.
  • Joseph comes to Egypt in the house of Potiphar , a court official of the Pharaoh .
  • Falsely accused of attempted rape by his wife, who wants to seduce him, he arrives in jail and interprets their dreams there to the bartender and the king's chief baker.
  • After three days, his predictions come true.


The associated Haftara is Amos 2.6-3.8 (2.6-16 BHS , 3.1-8 BHS ).


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hanna Liss: Tanach - Textbook of the Jewish Bible . 3. Edition. Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-8253-5904-1 , p. 52 (414 pp.).