Bemidbar (Sidra)

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Counting the Israelites (engraving by Henri Félix Emmanuel Philippoteaux)

Bemidbar or Bamidbar ( Biblical Hebrew בְּמִדְבַּר 'In the desert' ) refers to a reading section (called Parascha or Sidra) of the Torah and includes the text Numbers / Bemidbar 1,1–4,20 (1 BHS , 2 BHS , 3 BHS , 4,1–20 BHS ). Bemidbar denotes both the Sidra and the entire Book of Numbers in Hebrew.

It is the cider of the 5th Shabbat in the month of Ijjar or the 1st Shabbat in the month of Sivan .

Essential content

  • Appointment of the twelve tribal chiefs
  • Counting of men from 20 years upwards in the individual tribes
  • Allocation of storage locations for the logs
  • Counting of the Levites , separated according to the families Gerson , Kehat and Merari . Their installation in place of the firstborn as servants at the sanctuary
  • Assignment of the parts and implements of the sanctuary to these three Levite families
  • Appointment of their rulers, counting of the firstborn and collection of the ransom from the superior number of the firstborn over the Levites for Aaron and his sons
  • Counting of the men of the Kehat family from 30 to 50 years


The associated Haftara is Hosea 2,1–22  BHS .


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Hanna Liss: Tanach - Textbook of the Jewish Bible . 3. Edition. Universitätsverlag Winter GmbH, Heidelberg 2011, ISBN 978-3-8253-5904-1 , p. 136 (414 pp.).