Klaus Pohl (actor)

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Klaus Pohl (born November 1, 1883 in Vienna , † November 28, 1958 in Garsten ) was an Austrian actor .


The son of a businessman attended secondary school and graduated from high school. He studied in Vienna first at the Technical University , then painting at the Art Academy .

In 1907 he decided to act, from 1908 he was on stage and in 1909 he started his first engagement at the Stadttheater von Landshut , where he also acted as secretary. He then worked in Munich , Salzburg and Berlin, among others , occasionally as a theater director . In Berlin, Pohl was seen at the Berlin Theater and the Deutsches Theater, among others.

After he had already appeared in numerous silent films , he was employed even more in the sound film since the early 1930s as a supporting actor . The rather skinny and inconspicuous actor embodied all kinds of marginal characters in German films of the time, such as the postman in Auf Wiedersehn, Franziska , bookseller in Achtung! Enemy hears with! and a gnome in The Three Codonas . He played his undoubtedly most important film role in 1929 as the rocket designer Prof. Manfeldt in Fritz Lang's future drama Woman in the Moon .


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