Monastery chief

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Fireback with coat of arms of Philip de la NEUFORGE, Abbot in Echternach (1667-1684)

The monastery or monastery chief is the superior ( superior ) of a monastery or monastery . In a secular pen ( Frauenstift , Kollegiatstift ) the designation is mostly abbess or provost . Otherwise the title differs according to church , order , congregation , region, branch and time.

Roman Catholic Church

In the Roman Catholic Church , the orders use the following names:

medal Monastery chief Head of the monastery comment
Antonite Order prior -
Augustinian Canons / Choir Women Abbot , prior Abbess , Prioress The former title in Romansh , the latter in German-speaking countries
Augustinian Hermits / -Innen Prior, superior of the house prioress the former title at Konvent , the latter at Haus
Benedictine / -Innen Abbot, prior Abbess, master, prioress Titling Prior in the case of lower rank settlements
Dominican / -Innen Prior, superior prioress the former title at Konvent, the latter at Haus
Franciscan Guardian , Preses - the former title at the convent, the latter at the residence
Order of the Holy Spirit prior -
Jesuit Local superior -
Capuchin -Innen / Guardian, Preses ? the former title at the convent, the latter at the residence
Carmelites / -Innen Prior, Vicar , Superior Prioress with the rank of major superior male title depending on the number of religious and the importance of the house
Chartreux / -Innen prior prioress
Poor Clares - abbess
Paulaner / -Innen proofreader ?
Prämonstratenser / -Innen Abbot, provost Abbess, master, provess the latter title in Zirkarie Sachsen
Order of knights Commander , prior - the latter title with subordinate priory
Trappist / -Innen Abbot, prior Abbess, Prioress Titling Prior / -in in the case of lower-ranking settlement
Cistercian / -Innen Abbot, prior Abbess, Prioress Titling Prior in the case of lower rank settlements

Orthodox Church

In the Orthodox and Catholic Eastern Churches , the monastery chief is called Archimandrite or Hegumen .

Protestant church

The monastery heads of the rather rare Protestant communities have mostly retained the (honor) title of the superiors of former Catholic monasteries, e.g. B. Abbot of Loccum , formerly OCist Abbey.


Individual evidence

  1. Barbara Henze: Ladies' pen . In: Lexicon for Theology and Church (LexThK). 2nd volume. Barclay to Damodos . Special edition of the 3rd edition, Verlag Herder, Freiburg im Breisgau 2006, ISBN 978-3-451-22012-8 , Sp. 1387.
  2. ^ Hans-Joachim Schmidt: Monasteries, monasteries and orders in the Mark Brandenburg . In: Heinz-Dieter Heimann , Klaus Neitmann , Winfried Schich and others (eds.): Brandenburgisches Klosterbuch. Handbook of the monasteries, pens and commander by the mid-16th century. Volume I (= Klaus Neitmann on behalf of the Brandenburg Historical Commission and in connection with the Brandenburg State Main Archive [Hrsg.]: Brandenburg Historical Studies . Volume 14). 2 volumes, Be.Bra Wissenschaft Verlag, Berlin 2007, ISBN 978-3-937233-26-0 , V. Catching up a deficit with new orders: Cistercians and Premonstratensians, pp. 24-28, Premonstratensians: pp. 26-28.